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Making NPC Static?


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Hey everyone (Happy New Years/Eve by the way) I have an opportunity to make a really good picture... but the timing for it is extremely hard. A dragon is floating in the air attacking me, is there a way to make him, essentially, static? Static meaning he won't move he'll just sit there in mid air.



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Toggling collision on a flying dragon? That doesn't seem like an ideal solution.


I suggest disabling his AI.


1) Open console (~)


2) Click on the jerkwad who won't stop moving.


3) Type "tai" (without quotes, obviously)


He should freeze completely. I'm not 100% sure what this will do to a dragon in-flight, but I suspect he'll just hang in the air until you re-engage his AI. To do this, simply repeat the steps listed above (don't bother with step 2, though, as he'll already be selected).

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