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[LE] How to bound music to vampire lord\werewolf form?


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I want to make this states use their own explore and combat music (which will abrupt\duck any other music immediately). But there is some issues with implementing that.

If tracks itself contains checking conditions of player being vampirebeastrace or werewolfbeastrace it can't give you immediate music changing after transforming, only NEXT track will be choosed properly.


Also, transformation to both this forms starts unmarked quest, and music can be bound to stages of this quest. As i understand, this kind of script is pretty safe to use and even can't break anything if plugin will be uninstalled during midgame, because script and quest itself runs only when you use talent to transform, so while player not in one of these forms, there is nothing to break.

Am i right?


Also, can sound itself duck\abrupt music in any circumstances? Sounds can be assigned to music category, but seems it means only that their volume can be changed in audio settings with a music volume slider, but in-game they still acts like a sounds.

Edited by orekhovoux
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would set up a track list (music type) with a high priority...like 2 or 3, something just under combat track priority...with a set of music tracks each with conditions for the player to be in werewolf/vampire form. Then, in the werewolf/vampire quest that handles transfprmation, attach a script to call the music type to start. When the music track is added, the higher priority music will override the previous music when it is added to the stack, just makensure you have abrupt transition checked. This is kinda how combat music works.


If you want to have a set of music for combat only, you will want to conditionalize the music tracks in the combat music type list in specific ways. Make all combat music in the combat track list to be "player not in form of werewolf/vampire" except for your added tracks which should have the opposite condition of player *is* in form. The game should handle the rest from there.


Just remember to remove your music track when you transform back to a human. I believe the script object is MusicType with the functions .add() and .remove()

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