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Some Loose Textures Replacers aren't working, while others do.


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I'm not understanding this: some HD textures are working correcty, others don't.

This mod works: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2187/?

My Vault Suit looks cool as this mod does.

This other isn't working at all: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2066/?

Combat armor and underarmor are still vanilla, it's like the textures aren't even there.

All my HD textures for weapons are working fine.

Why is this happening? Any help, please?

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Are you using open beta NMM? Cause it has issues installing mods, especially texture mods correctly. If you check out the open beta NMM forums you can find some suggestions but they don't work in every instance and you may need to install manually.

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No I'm not. Also I install my mods manually, except if they have choice to be selected with NMM, then I use it to install.

Another thing: I can't figure out how to open that mod textures: I tried paint.net (the programm I usually use to open dds files) and photoshop, nothing. Photoshop shows me just a black page. I can open all other textures in my fallout 4 folder.

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Ah, that is a very different issue then and I hadn't clicked on the mod link before replying earlier because I assumed it was the same open beta NMM issue that I see 5-10 new threads on every week. >.< Actually modding textures isn't something I've learned to do yet so I'm not much help on that front. :(

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Just downloaded the Brotherhood of Steel 4k kit and had a peek inside the files; using PS CS6 I was able to load all of the individual textures in each of the armors and they show up correctly, so that seems to indicate that the problem is on your end regarding not being able to load them up in PS.

Do you have the Intel Texture Tool? If not, that'll be the reason why your are getting the black square.

I've no idea exactly why the mod isn't working for you, but it's possible that if you have any other mods that alter combat armor etc, they may be conflicting with this.

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Thanks, that explain a lot, I will try going to a friend of mine and see if on his pc he can open the textures, I don't have CS6 I'm afraid. If I manage to fix it I will post my solution here, for everyone.

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Gimp 2.0 will open the _n and _s files. Make The _d (diffuse texture) still uses the same DTX5 compression that was used for Skyrim, so Paint.net can happily open those. However for some reason Bugthesda derided to go with ATi 3DC BC5 compression for the _n and _s files, which Paint.net doesn't support.


The game however doesn't care if the files are saved in the DXT5 compression in with Paint.net.


Just to note:

The Normal map now has no use for the "Alpha Layer" that used to tell the game how "glossy" or "plastic-y" the texture should look, as that is now handled by the _s (Specular) file.

The Specular file now uses 2 channels (well technically 3 , but Bugthesda doesn't actually use one channel) The Red and Green channels. Red is for "reflectiveness" and Green is for the old "Glossyness".


If you prefer Paint.net you can open the file in Gimp, and the simply copy/paste the image into PDN, and save it in the standard DXT5 format, the game will still use them without issue.


The game also uses a "Palette" file for certain items/armors - this is a small file, that kinda works like a decal or "overlay" on the texture. So even if you make the diffuse bright pink, the "palette" will overlay it with whatever color is designated, and "wash out" the diffuse texture.

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