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Mod Request: Immersive Item Size/Container Relationship


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"There I was when I came across a handyman's (somehow, still intact after 200 years of post-apocalypse acid rain) bright red toolbox. I look inside and Lo! a brand new assault rifle. Wait, how did they even get it in there?" - Sole Survivor probably


Is it possible to relate items' sizes to the containers they are found in? (i.e. Only small items would be found in small containers, huge items such as mini-guns would not be found in explosives crates, etc.)


If that is possible, would it not follow that an Immersive Load Bearing Equipment/Backpack mod with various pocket sizes might also be? (All you're carrying is a pillow case, where are you keeping those 17 ARs?)


While I'm shooting for the moon, how about some sort of paper doll set up so pockets and pouches could be set up according to a players tastes (e.g. A MOLLE rig). (Dare I dream, magazine pouches?)


I saw the mod where someone finally separated pants from shirts and foot wear, so I realize this may just be beyond the current capacity, but is it possible?


Is anyone working on anything like this?


Thanks in advance.



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