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Game seems to have a hard time loading the environment.


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I just recently got Skyrim, I haven't had any trouble playing games on my computer before. Could play WoW on "ultra" (not that its that hard to do) but could also play Bad Company 2 on high.


When I first open the game and it gets to the main menu ( where its the skyrim symbol and the fog and the Continue, new game, etc etc) Sometime it loads up right away but most the time it takes anywhere from 5-15min for the fog and continue-new game etc buttons to come up. Once I'm in game things run ok dungeons etc are no problem. When I'm on the world map running around it seems as the environment isn't loading fast enough or something, the graphics start to suffer and then things like trees, rocks the roads etc just stop appearing. If I save and reload where I'm at then it loads fine and I can be on my way for a little bit then it happens again down the road. Now when I installed the game ran its little "lets figure out how well your pc can run this game" test on my pc and it says I should be able to play on high settings. I mainly play in medium and I still have these problems. I also still have the problems if I play on low settings... I'm running a Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 drivers are all updated. Ive uninstalled and re installed twice now, with only a little progress before it just goes back to this. I do have the hard disc but it is running threw steam if that helps at all. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated! I'm not super awesome at messing with my computer, I've let myself get very rusty when it comes to getting to deep into it, but if its explained I'm sure I could navigate it. Thanks again and Happy New Year.

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