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Nightingale Prime


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I was just going to make a thread for the same reason. I have no clue why it is not there, but I have the 1.1 version. Unfortunately I didn't download the latest 2.0 version with the leather design. I should of got it when I had the chance. Here's a link to the 1.1 version/


Hi there.


I am a massive elder scrolls fan and constant player, but what really pisses me off is that I cannot mod skyrim. this is a huge pain in the ass and one of the many reasons I loathe console gaming. I would really appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to upload a skyrim gamesave(PC version) with this mod included so that i may rehash and resign it with my xbox 360 save via Horizon. Preferably from the starting point of the game.



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Nightingale Prime was taken down off here.. Not sure as to the reason why.



I was one of the lucky ones who actually got the 2.0 version. He doesn't want it on the Nexus for some reason. We have to abide by that. Since it's his or her work. It still exists on the web somewhere. What is it that they say "Once it's on the Internet, it's there forever"

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