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Full Dialogue Interface Troubleshooting (Very Minor Spoiler)


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I've used the Full Dialogue Interface mod for a long time. I've never had any problems until I entered Vault 88. When I speak to Overseer Barstow, I get the summarized dialogue choices instead of the full dialogue.


Is this a known issue? If not, what is the easiest way to test if the mod has stopped working completely, or if it's just something wonky when talking to that one NPC?



Here's the full mod name:


String (EN) Full Dialogue Interface or New Dialog - Far Harbor - Full Dialogue Interface or New Dialog - (En) Far Harbor User Interface 8/14/2016 4:34:15 PM 8/14/2016 4:23:15 PM 54359 1 / 1 DeimosMoons



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The mod you mention is just the strings for the Far Harbor DLC, it doesn't cover the Vault Tec or Nuka World DLCs. It's an addon for the original Full Dialogue Interface mod created by someone other than the original FDI mod. My guess is that the original FDI mod author was slow in releasing support for Far Harbor so DeimosMoons added it separately. However the original FDI mod author has updated their mod with support for all the DLC. Try using an updated version of this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1235/?

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Thanks for the link. I'd forgotten that deimosmoons file was a strings file for use with the Full Dialogue Interface mod, and not the mod itself. I had Full Dialogue Interface installed, but not the latest version. I also didn't realize that Vault 88 was added with one of the DLCs. I just updated from Beta 11 to Beta 12 and hopefully that will take care of my issue. In other words: user error.

Edited by burritonator
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