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How to DDS?


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Could not find what I am looking for - they only explain how to make textures . . . not the dds file and how to properly save it.


For example - in skyrim you have the shrubs, but they dnt really use a mesh - they use the dds file . . . now how do I create that dds file?


Say that I have my texture/picture that I want in psd form and I want it to replace one of those shrubs . . . or even a newly created one

How do I go about it?

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Could not find what I am looking for - they only explain how to make textures . . . not the dds file and how to properly save it.


For example - in skyrim you have the shrubs, but they dnt really use a mesh - they use the dds file . . . now how do I create that dds file?


Say that I have my texture/picture that I want in psd form and I want it to replace one of those shrubs . . . or even a newly created one

How do I go about it?



Try GIMP 2.6, with the GIMP .DDS PLUGIN added. Open your file in GIMP, select "Save As", and browse the extensions available under the drop-down "Select File Type (By Extension)" option on the little "Save Image" pop-up panel which appears. If you have downloaded & installed the plugin, it should appear there.


See if this works. :thumbsup:

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Wish it was that simple . . . . but i am missing a step (or few) that will actually make the file save and usuable.


Like I said - I know how to retexture an existing dds file, but dnt know how to create a complete new one.


Open the DDS file for the texture you want to replace. Change the image size to a higher resolution. Create a new layer over the old texture. Then, using the old texture as a guide, paint over it on the new layer. When you're done, delete the old layer and save with just the new higher resolution layer you've created. You could add in new photographic imagery but it would have to follow the same layout as the old texture.


You will also need to create new normal maps, but you can't paint these. I'd suggest painting your new texture and then come back here and ask for advice on how to do the normal.

Edited by CampanaAliquanta
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There is also some great tutorial videos on Youtube about using Gimp and adding the specular/alpha (mask) layers and improving/enhancing normal maps.


Any texture files and normal maps {filename_n.dds} use DXT5 compression, standalone textures (those without normal maps) you can safely use DXT1 compression, oh, and make sure to tick "generate mips"

And (despite what some modders on here seem to think) you don't have to make every texture the size of Venus! Grass won't really look any better at 4096 x 4096 than it would at 512 x 512

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Like I said - I know how to retexture an existing dds file, but dnt know how to create a complete new one.

A .dds is simply a file format. If you want to learn how to texture, then that is a different question. Otherwise you save your texture as a .dds and use the right format. Which one that is depends on the goal of the texture, the quality and the map itself.


It's really hard to help when I got no idea what you ask. How to make a .dds? You don't make .dds, you save a file as one by using a plugin inside GIMP/Photoshop.

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I know all about normal maps (nvidia tools)


Here is my thing and i am not actaully talking about Retexturing anything here - I keep saying I know how to do that.


I like to retexture shrubs, but there is a mod called Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt - very good mod - (But I download other mods aswell and I compare in photoshop what I want to use of each mod) when I opened fallforestshrub01.dds I was shocked to find that he didnt just changed the texture but the plant shape aswell . . . he didnt change any meshes (you can actually see that the shrub doesnt even have a proper mesh)


I want to know how this is done ( I dnt have unlimited cap or else I would have watched youtube vids till i am blue )


I did asked Vurt how he did it, very nicely . . . He didnt get back to me yet or isnt planning to.

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I know all about normal maps (nvidia tools)


Here is my thing and i am not actaully talking about Retexturing anything here - I keep saying I know how to do that.


I like to retexture shrubs, but there is a mod called Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt - very good mod - (But I download other mods aswell and I compare in photoshop what I want to use of each mod) when I opened fallforestshrub01.dds I was shocked to find that he didnt just changed the texture but the plant shape aswell . . . he didnt change any meshes (you can actually see that the shrub doesnt even have a proper mesh)


I want to know how this is done ( I dnt have unlimited cap or else I would have watched youtube vids till i am blue )


I did asked Vurt how he did it, very nicely . . . He didnt get back to me yet or isnt planning to.


I havent looked at the mod (nor do I plan to), but it sounds like he used the alpha channel mask to make parts of the texture transparent, which would result in the object in game looking like it had a mesh edit. Thats the only way you can make an object appear to have had a minor/slight mesh edit without actually editing the mesh.

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