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Here's to Lydia


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This might be against everyone's good will and gaming morals but why don't you just press the "~" key and click on her, type "resurrect" and bring her back to life?


I mean, I know necromancy is illegal but you're kinda of a gawd.

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Guys we take lydia for granted too much.

True, sometimes she blocks the passageway we have to go through, sometimes she gets in the way so we attack her instead of our enemies, and sure we all had our moments when she went off on her own to fight a mob of giants and dragons, but we-


you know what I think i'm going to kill my lydia as soon as I can.

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Guys we take lydia for granted too much.

True, sometimes she blocks the passageway we have to go through, sometimes she gets in the way so we attack her instead of our enemies, and sure we all had our moments when she went off on her own to fight a mob of giants and dragons, but we-


you know what I think i'm going to kill my lydia as soon as I can.


No, dude, please don't do that! Save her for Boethiah shrine!

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R.I.P Lydia.

May you find a suitable chair in the otherworld.



That cracked me up so much. :laugh:



Personally, i feel mgordon's not telling us the full story and that she actually died of high cholesterol from sitting in your bedroom eating 50 loaves of bread a day. Then you dragged her into some smelly tomb to dramatize the ordeal.

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I hate to burst your bubble but eventually she will respawn and return to the house in Whiterun to haunt and pester you again. I have had Lydia die before and left her where she died only to find her back in my home in Whiterun respawned after several hours of play.
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My Lydia died in solitude. Bandits killed her.


part of my charecter's backstory is that his parents were killed by bandits. Now Lydia is killed by bandits? Gabriel is pissed maaan... lol


I hate to burst your bubble but eventually she will respawn and return to the house in Whiterun to haunt and pester you again. I have had Lydia die before and left her where she died only to find her back in my home in Whiterun respawned after several hours of play.


Really? never happened to me! Maybe its just you..?


actually come to think of it, when i put Lydia's corpse somewhre in solitude (Which was suitable enougth for a coffin/grave), her corpse disapeared after several hours of gameplay. Maybe she respawned somewhere o_O

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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1. ¬

2. Click on underwear

3. Resurrect

4. Welcome back Lydia!!


I tried that, and now I have a pair of animate red panties running around my house.



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AH Lydia <sigh>

Even using console commands to make her a better wife and useful follower, eventually you have to let go an trade her in for a 'hawter' model ... but


I warn you



Off Topic slightly, though in response to certain posts above:

I've heard, though not seen it for myself, that there is actually a secret room in Skyrim that "poar wittle wost" followers and NPC's get teleported to if they get somewhere they shouldn't or get separated from you, then zones them back to you normally after 2? or 3? days.


Now here is the really, really creepy part, apparently DEAD followers and plot required NPC's get sent there as well {eeewww, they say the place is littered with corpses and zombies} Supposedly this is how the "A Corpse at the Wedding" glitch happens and also how Skjor seems able to reappear even after the (you know what) quest line ... Apparently it's so that game will load that character regardless of where you or they are and so it doesn't 'forget' them ?!?!?.


So yes kids, apparently it IS possible for Lydia to come home after being goosed by a Giant or used as a chew toy by a Dragon.


Rumor has it, this is also one of the reasons why your savegame gets so large, the Dead Vault is populated by 1374 dead npc's !

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