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Brainless and deaf settlers... Red Rocket Station <-> Sanctuary Hills


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Yeah, I'm pretty certain you can't recruit Codsworth until after you've helped Preston and returned to Sanctuary Hills. However, you CAN turn Sanctuary into a settlement straight away. I started a new playthrough yesterday, left Vault 111, and had access to Sanctuary the moment I opened up the workstation. I remember doing something similar on previous playthroughs - and I'm pretty certain it's part of the vanilla game. But like I said, Codsworth won't be a companion and won't leave Sanctuary until after your return from Concord.

No, you can recruit him without getting Preston and friends. All you need to do is, after first talking to him, and he suggests checking out Concord, go to Concord (get the mapmarker if you haven't already) and look at the raiders, you don't even need to kill any of them, then return to Codsworth. He'll ask about Concord and you can just say, "I only found some raiders." Then he'll ask if he can join you. That's how I do it all the time, now. If I want to take him. I never bother with Preston anymore as I'm usually doing Institute playthroughs and have no interest in most surface-dwellers :smile:

Edited by star-mystyk
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Here's my Codsworth :laugh:


He shrinks himself when at counters and scavenging bushes. (Mod is Housekeeping - Scavenging Deluxe) His real size is the same as a robobrain.


Although, only recently he's been dropping his assignments. He auto-assigns to that bush, the Clinic or a random mutfruit plant (only 1) but in workshop mode is still listed as unassigned. I assign him to something and the next time I come back he's unassigned and hanging out at that little red bush. It could be a mod messing with him, even Automatron, but it doesn't really bother me. He defends the settlement just fine and always looks busy so I don't mind, really :)

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