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Some doors are not working


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It's really weird, two doors in nipton have this issue, at the trading post and at the big building (mayors house or community hall?).


At the trading post I can walk right through the door.


Using the "activate" console commands does nothing.


Has anyone had this issue? I'd prefer to actually fix it, but working console commands will do too I guess.


Thanks for any help in advance.

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I have this problem too ,but only at the trading post in Nipton .First the door didn`t work at all,then i got the option open/close door ,like interior doors .


and now i have a second place where this occurs.


When entering Hidden valley BoS bunker ,the first door after walking down the stairs doesn`t activate at all ,(have to use console command "zap" ) .

When the second door has been activated (veronica speaks on the intercom) , i enter ,and about halfway in, - the game freezes (ctd) on the same spot .

Only way to get thru this,to actually be able to enter the "real"bunker at all is to use console command "tcl" . when leaving after given the quest "still in the dark" -same thing >toggle command" tcl" and the door that i zapped is back?



I believe some textures or/and meshes are corrupt . Did you have any mods that did a makeover on nipton?

i had bondsters nipton ,was to shiny so i removed it (still worked afterwards) this happended when returning to nipton for the quest "wheel of fortune" and has been ever since that (2 playthroughs)


Begin to think i have to Re-install FNV ? Perhaps to many CTDs :laugh:


The only other mod that changes the areas around Nipton and hidden valley (that i have) is world of pain (latest patch) but i dont think that causes it? .

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I have world of pain too, but really I don't think any of the mods I'm using even touch those areas.


After messing about with my mod list I seem to have gotten back access to the big hall building in nipton, I haven't tried the general store yet, but I'll test that and hidden valley to see if those broken doors remain.


When I tried this earlier, I was actually able to walk through the trading post door as if I had typed tcl into the console (into an empty textureless building frame), but the rest of the building was like normal (I couldn't walk through it).


I'll post back tomorrow though as I am going to sleep soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i managed to fix my problem , the door in the BoS bunker was apparently renamned to something else ,some mod does something to this area dont know which one ,haven`t checked yet ..anyway ,used the console command " setname door" and it worked , no ctds anymore . The nipton general store apparently works now hehe :dance: i also created a merged file in fnv edit to sort out faults and collisions . But i think the problem occurs due to a certain load order ,the main differance is that BOSS moved Project nevada and DEIMOS to the last ones amongst the ESMs .


looks like this but i could post my complete loadorder if you want to?



Project Nevada - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

all ESPs comes after

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