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i am making a ninja mod...


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i am making a ninja mod...


i have some experience with TES as it was for morrowind, i recently got oblivion [bit late eh] so i wanted to make a ninja mod for it. i got it so i can jump ‘50’ i.e. up onto buildings hight, and that i can run faster, but i am wondering if i can scale walls ~ like run up them as you see in films like ‘hidden tiger...’?


any ideas?




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Well Id say itd be a custom effect, animation,skill,ability. Id say u should use something like a grapple hook sort of thing if I am understanding your idea of scaling. you place a grapple hook and it works like a ladder, and youd have to make many links and other crap very laggy.

Id say you stick with the basics of the jumping, running. warning IDEA! you could make it so youd be invisible when sneaking? that would make it very easy to sneak around. ID also say ninja stars are cool a ninja star weapon (you look like you arnt carrying a weapon just walking like ur holstered with fists) and u equip ninja stars (like arrows) and they appear as a pouch at ur waist. then u click and they throw at the max force of a arrow from a bow. this allso with kuni (whatever I enver really got into japanese things really.)

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