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SKSE script tutorial


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all I want is a skyrim skse tutorial I have had an Irishman talking that fast it was impossible to follow next was an American with his friend playing a piano in the background this was really helpful he was as clear as mud next a lady I thought great this is the one wrong she was even worse than me kept pushing the wrong buttons saying I am not used to this WHAT good is that there must be a tutorial that explains it and not the line as you can see I have it already if I had it already why would I need the tutorial just someone who is doing it from scratch and talks you through it in plain language not speaking in abreviations

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Skse is an extention to papyrus. It adds new functions by adding them to vanilla papyrus objects and adds a few of its own. Just install skse and use the link to the api that is on the ck wiki to find what they have changed. Once you have skse installed it runs just like basic papyrus but with more functions
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