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Preston Garvey as a companion?


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Well, that actually sounds like a pretty good idea.


That said, though, I don't mind being a part of the action. I just feel like it's done better for the Nuka World raiders: let me send some guys to wait for me there, and take part in the attack. You know, make me feel like I'm actually commanding SOMETHING, instead of being the only grunt that does any work.


I mean, the scripting they had for the castle assault would be awesome to have for all MM missions, IMHO. Let me send some guys there, choose a basic tactic, stuff like that. Fell like an officer, really. Even if it's something like choose between "you guys charge first", "form a firing line and prepare to ambush" or "stay behind me and give me cover". It shouldn't be all that impossible to script.


Though I suppose you do get a flare gun, if you feel like you should command some guys to do the shooting for you.

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You guys should try the Ada2Human mod (if you haven't already) I used to use mainly Cait and/or Nick and sometimes Piper and/or Curie as well (mainly as walking mannequins for my mod testing though) But since installing A2H, she's become my constant companion now. She's always polite, never complains, and is always asking after my health when we finish a fight.

She retains all of her damage/resistance/speed, S.P.E.C.I.A.L levels and stats even when in human form, plus you can change her combat style and appearance at will from Sniper through to Melee. And "summon" her if she wanders of or gets stuck somewhere. I usually give her the "Synth Body" armor from the Fortazela Armor mod.

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I would prepare for an ambush, go in closer, set up some traps, sneak back out, then take some head shots at my enemy. Later on, I would go much further than that, like set up an ambush and drop artillery on the target area. And have every head shot the enemy, as they can. Going into a building? Have them cover the exits, then move in, bring a few, then move through, and shoot enemies on sight. Watching for traps, and having them, and me, disarm the traps as needed.

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Yes, well, I like my robots with 5 limbs and a jet engine, or as I call it, the "turbo-squid" configuration. Does more damage than a human.

Lol, I never thought of it like that.


I prefer the same. Plus with no humanoid voice. I like Bleep Dark. Though at Sanctuary I have one of each of the non-voiced. It's funny running through there and having all of them greet me in their different beeps and clicks :D

Then there's Ada. It's a pity I can't turn off her personality. She has an opinion about things that robots shouldn't.

I'm solo right now. I like the silence :)

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I'm on my second playthrough and I've never had Preston as a companion,he winds me up too much. Other than Cait, Curie, Piper and Dogmeat (with the Dogmeat as a human female mod), I've only recruited followers when I've had to for the sake of the story. I've used the "Ada as a human mod", but the problem is that she still talks like Ada and sounds like Ada when she walks, (mind you, the Dogmeat mod has it's problems, such as the dialogue options, "How you doing boy" and the one where you ask her to do some tricks, Ok I quite like the second one.) I also have the mod that classes Dogmeat as not a companion, so you can have Dogmeat and one of the other companions. If you give her good armour and weapons, she is quite formidable, as are Cait and the transformed Curie.

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Garvey, to me, is useless. If Col. Hollister, or whatever his name is, was still around, I would put a bullet in his brain pan, and then keep doing that, to vent my frustration at an idiot who wouldn't get his men, and civilians, out of someplace that was indefensible. I would have gotten the people out, leaving some stuff, but taking what I can as well (including power armor), and saving as many lives as possible. Rather than try to stand and fight overwhelming odds on such a wide front. And get rid of those damned laser muskets. They might be useful against humans, but anything else? Might as well throw rocks at them. Well, maybe not get rid of them, but stop using them if they don't work against anything other than humans.


I guess I'm having a bad day, immersion wise, into things. The thing is, it's the poor choices for dialogue, as well as the instant promotion to general that really shows really bad writing. That, and Garvey, in the middle of one mission, tells me I need to go to somewhere else, and help this other place out, that really irks me. I had it happen, in an early play through, before the mods that would shut him up about the stupid settler missions he wants me to take care of. I would rather either be alone, or have someone who could care less what I am picking up, and doesn't give me a stupid mission in the middle of another one. Maybe I'm a bit biased? I also like Piper, Cait, and Dogmeat. I've yet to run into Curie, either in her robot mode, or human one. I need to figure out that story thread, and get through it.


The other thing I hate about the game, and I said it before, and just reiterating it for now, is the extremely poor choices for dialogue. Bethesda screwed us when they made the dialogue fit to a controller, rather than the previous conversation method in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. At least those two I could pick and choose my responses, and if I had the right skills, etc., I could steer the conversation one way or another. This game, there is the occasional sarcastic comment, but other than that, it can get pretty dicey as to what you say, or don't say. I'd like to go back to the older method, have the checks, and be able to influence some people my way, without being sarcastic, or potentially shooting them in the face all the time.


One other thing that bothers me about the Garvey gang, is the Longs. I almost don't want to save Garvey when I first meet him because of them. They are about useless, and drag everyone down. If I could, I would encourage them to either try to have another kid, or take them out back behind the chemical shed, and quietly put bullets in the brain pans. I don't need whingers, Or give them some chems, and make them feel a little better, and keep them on the things, until either they have another kid, or they wonder off, somewhere. I need people who do their job, and may complain about the food, dirt, or something else, like the other settlers. Even Sturgess is helpful around the place. And Mama Murphy.

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I meant that he doesn't complain after you finish up helping around the settlement. He doesn't even speak to you for a very long time. Not even complains about a thing. Just does what he does. Mama Murphy, give her drugs, she may have something for you, or may not, but again, she doesn't complain a whole lot. Maybe how she is getting old, or something, but not the way the Longs do.

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Well, maybe if you move the weapons station away from where he's hammering, and/or don't put beds in the building it's near. Otherwise Sturges drove me loopy, just standing next to me, going:


"Can it wait?"

"I'm busy."

"Can't talk right now."

"I'm busy."

"Can it wait?"

"I'm busy."

"Can't talk right now."


... while I was trying to decide which weapon to pimp up with the little scrap I had. And I'm like, "Oh for the love of Loki, if you can't talk right now, the least you can do is SHUT UP."


And then he goes, "This place is really coming together huh? I can't take all the credit." And I'm like, "You mean you can't take ANY of the credit, right?"

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