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Oblivion Won't run, mods suspected culprit.


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Alright, I'm REALLY new to modding and I'm sure this question has been beaten to death before, but I've searched for an answer to no avail.


So, after installing a ton of mods in /Data, Oblivion refuses to start up at all. I'm not sure which mod causes it, and have no clue how I'd find out.


Vague, I know, but is there anyone who can help?

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Alright, I'm REALLY new to modding and I'm sure this question has been beaten to death before, but I've searched for an answer to no avail.


So, after installing a ton of mods in /Data, Oblivion refuses to start up at all. I'm not sure which mod causes it, and have no clue how I'd find out.


Vague, I know, but is there anyone who can help?


Translation: "I just ran full speed into a wall and it hurt. Can anyone tell me why?"


Don't do that, it hurts.


Very few mods are meant to be installed manually, examples being simple texture mods, and even those won't work if you don't have some form of .bsa redirection to tell Oblivion not to load the default textures, but to search for the new ones.


I have been workign on a Guide for installing/modding the Steam version of Oblivion which may help. Getting this game working properly takes time and understanding of the mods and their installation order, but I tried to explain what I learned as I went. You definitely can't just use the data folder as a file dump.

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Does the guide apply at all if I'm using the physical copy?


Of course. You can just ignore the extra curliques involved for Steam.


Anyway, your best bet at this point is to revert to a vanilla install, and then learn how to use Wrye Bash. An hour or two spent learning the program now will save you dozens of hours of headaches later.


Manual installation is never a good idea. Only a very, very few things can't be done with Wrye Bash.

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