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Need Advive for texture creation, posibly enb settings


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Hay all


So im starting a project with a goal to make skyrim look as close to a watercolour/oil painting as possible

Inspired by this - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48480/?

Main difference is i want full detail up close, this will use texture replacements instead of a paint shader, as it allows better visual control


Now i can generally go round and make textures look hand panted just fine, im well adept in photoshop

Heres an example of iron armor - https://www.dropbox.com/s/441mlmbm5n3bc4z/Untitled-5.png?dl=0



What i thought id tackle first is grass, grass has a very specific look in a painting

Heres an example image - http://i.imgur.com/JjPQNaD.jpg


That image isnt actually a painting but a 3d model on the polycount site, It a great inspiration as its a 3d model showcasing the look im going for.


Now i have replaced grass ingame with a new model and texture - https://www.dropbox.com/s/67ip9ba9qk5pxh2/Untitled-6.png?dl=0

The model and texture are more placeholder, ill probably do an alpha plane version rather then an actual model and i need to make different grass blades different shades od green rather all one block colour


So what i need advice with is how to get the look right ingame as close as possible to that of the example image

This is what it currently looks like ingame with enb - https://www.dropbox.com/s/giy9pfbw9gtux9i/enb%202016_12_09%2019_39_11_78.bmp?dl=0

Here it is without enb - https://www.dropbox.com/s/339p1crbde4j4fg/enb%202016_12_09%2019_39_16_94.bmp?dl=0

(I think i have an esp that alters game lighting for enbs so this none enb version might look weird)


The major thing wrong here is the shadows/shading on the grass, in order to achieve the look im going for i really need to have shading and shadows disabled on the grass. I know you can disable grass shadows in the games ini but apparently enb need grass shadows enabled, I tried it with grass shadows disabled in the ini but had weird shadow errors/artefacts on the grass.


So I need specific advice about the grass shadows and what to do there, what settings i can tweak and play with.

Any tricks in nifskope i can use to make a mesh 'shadeless' (to not be self shaded by light)


For anyone interested heres how i would get this look in a 3d modelling program


The text was speaking to someone specific(who i made the image for lol)

This method achieves the look with textures alone using no rendering shaders


I do intend to have darker grass and tundra grass ect... for now im just replicating the example image as best i can


Anyway any advice anyone can give will be much appreciated thanks :smile:


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