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"...from the dictionary."

Yeah, that means nothing. According to the dictionary a dog is, "a person that takes off and leaves you..." Now that's not right, is it? It came from a dictionary, so it must be true, though.

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direct from webster's unabridged dictionary (yes that HUGE tome of a book), 2006 (I admit to not buying 2008 edition but I may buy the 2010 one in two years).


which by the way has slang marked in it as well, with asteriks. I am not going to discuss Ebonics (referring to your term for "dog") here. The question has been answered, I hope Kungfubellydancer closes this thread now, before it turns into a flame fest over word meanings not even related to this topic.


(posts a sign: "Don't feed the Trolls")

(bows respectfully and walks away)


I will report your last post, belly, not out of a bad reason but just to bring it to the attenion of the mods that you wish it closed now, so do not feel shocked seeing "Reported".

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