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can someone make me a mod


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:ph34r: i think this would be a good idea for a mod. that can make it so if you steal some thing that you can run from a gaurd, turn a corner and put full armor on and the will not relize its you when he gets there.



i waz wondering if some could make that because im not good with the editor at all.



:ph34r: :D :ph34r:

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I think it could be done... there are ways to test if NPC's can 'see' the player. I'm not sure exactly how you'd do it though, and I probably wouldn't help out if I could. The reason being not that I'm unhelpful, but I'm strongly against the idea of further abusing the 'instant equip' that morrowind has :)


Although this idea does raise interesting questions... should all NPC's instantly recognise you even when you're wearing a closed helm? In some missions you diguise yourself this way, so it seems absurd that everyone can recongnise you no matter how you're dressed/equipped.


Have to have a think about that...

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I have downloaded an improved sneak mod that allows you to turn off candles and other light sources. It works like, when you walk in shadows, your sneak skill improves and you become more or less invisible to NPCs. Its a nice idea and works really well. I think you can find here:


The Werewolves mods they have in there also pretty incredible and well done, although, you need to download 2 files in order for the mod to work, and the second one is from FilePlanet and you need to subscribe to get it (pay of course). Screw that! :wacko:

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