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Crafting Sort Mod


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So I have no technical skills but a really curious inquiry. I want to a better way to sort all of my crafing windows.


I would like to make the crafting menu have some more sorting variability like the Sky UI


Id like to not only see the weight of the items I would make as well as the values and weapons.


Id also really like it to automatically sort the items I have the ability to craft with my available ingredients to the top, and maybe even a favorites menu that sorts items I make frequently to the top above the available items.


and then lastly if their was some way to reduce the number of prompts it requires to craft something. Removing the yes/no prompt is the one that would interest me the most.


I dunno which modders could do that, or if its even doable without the developer kit but if it is its a mod I would love to see.

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