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SKSE and PISE don't work together?


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This little tidbit from the very top of PISE's description page could be relevant as I believe it involves a file related to menus:

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: V. 0.70 is broken and causes CTDs! Can you fix it?

Answer: Make sure the "Strings" folder (located in the zip file) is in your "Data" folder, just like other files. Look at the ReadMe for more information.


It's odd that your game runs fine without SKSE though and if that FAQ answer doesn't fix your issue, verify that PISE is working in-game (actually go and test some of the installed functions you have) when you launch the game via the normal loader and let us know.

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Hmm, I dunno. I'm pretty sure I have everything. In the mod manager if I uncheck PISE.emp in the plugins and launch through SKSE it wont crash. If I have it checked and launch through SKSE it crashes, but launching through skyrim it runs fine. I'm confused lol.




Ok it might not be SKSE but PISE incorrectly installed. I'm trying to load PISE through the data files in the skyrim launcher and it still crashes. So maybe its a problem with that? I have PISE.esm in my data folder.

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What's included in the main PISE plugin is detailed on the description page of the mod (and I'd venture to say in the readme as well).
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What's included in the main PISE plugin is detailed on the description page of the mod (and I'd venture to say in the readme as well).



i just downloaded PISE 81, i do not use SKSE but im getting the same problem. the game just closes as soon as the logo loads. how do i fix this? i deleted the entire file and it still happens! i cant play til i fix this...

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