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CTD right after main menu flashes on


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Solved, I hope.
If you'd like to know how, go into NMM, Plugins, and search for red highlighted plugins, they have missing ESPs.
Stick around for a story.


I found out what it was, after restarting NMM and fooling around with the ENB, CrashFix etc.
I finally found what the problem was:



Apparently, NMM thought displaying a red text now was a good idea, instead of making it orange like everything else.
The ESP called for an Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp, which I have a legendary patch, not whatever this is.


Let me just remind you again:
The text wasn't red before, however, I dealt with this exact same problem before, so it is kind of an objective idea whether it was a stupid mistake of mine or not.



I use SexLab mods, and if you don't want any wanted sexual content, just don't search it up, and don't ask about it, I have my gameplay habits, you have yours. I just want to play my game, you just want to do "you", which I hope is helping me.



It won't load the menu really, just flicker after loading for about 10 seconds.


Load Order: Paste.ee

ENB: Tetrachromatic ENB


I use NMM, Loot and CBBE body, no HDT physics.

I sorted, ran as administrator etc.




I'd rather have some quick support so it isn't like some kind of 3 hour wait time between each message, which 90% of the time never ends up fixing it.

If you would like to use Skype, Discord, Steam etc. just ask, I'd be happy to give you contact info for it.

Edited by Xevionii
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Solved, I hope.

If you'd like to know how, go into NMM, Plugins, and search for red highlighted plugins, they have missing ESPs.

Stick around for a story.


I found out what it was, after restarting NMM and fooling around with the ENB, CrashFix etc.

I finally found what the problem was:



Apparently, NMM thought displaying a red text now was a good idea, instead of making it orange like everything else.

The ESP called for an Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp, which I have a legendary patch, not whatever this is.


Let me just remind you again:

The text wasn't red before, however, I dealt with this exact same problem before, so it is kind of an objective idea whether it was a stupid mistake of mine or not.

Edited by Xevionii
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