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follower bug


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my followers are experincing a very weird bug. when im running they run behind me and keep up.... but 3 seconds into me running, they walk casually as if we are in no rush to get where we are going lol

I'm not sure whats wrong but this suddenly started happening. I've tried uninstalling mods I got around the time it happened and apparently that wasn't the issue....its annoying cuz I have to stop and wait for them to walk to me every 3 to 6 seconds to catch up. if anyone has a solution I would greatly appreciate it and my followers would too lol thx

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1. Are you using mods? If so, what organizer for your mods are you using? NMM? MO?

2. If you are using mods, are you using LOOT to help sort them? If so, go into your LOOT program and find the 3 dots in the top right and inside that menu is a "Copy Load Order". Click that and post your load order here.

3. Be advised, whenever you move/alter/delete a mod, you can screw up your active saved game. Skyrim bakes information into your save, so make sure you are loading an earlier save from when you started deleting mods and make sure they are still there for skyrim when it goes looking for those scripts. If you do want to move/alter/delete a mod, consider starting a new game or using a script cleaner program for skyrim.

4. If you are on Vanilla skyrim, I'd suggest a clean install: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/

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1. Are you using mods? If so, what organizer for your mods are you using? NMM? MO?

2. If you are using mods, are you using LOOT to help sort them? If so, go into your LOOT program and find the 3 dots in the top right and inside that menu is a "Copy Load Order". Click that and post your load order here.

3. Be advised, whenever you move/alter/delete a mod, you can screw up your active saved game. Skyrim bakes information into your save, so make sure you are loading an earlier save from when you started deleting mods and make sure they are still there for skyrim when it goes looking for those scripts. If you do want to move/alter/delete a mod, consider starting a new game or using a script cleaner program for skyrim.

4. If you are on Vanilla skyrim, I'd suggest a clean install: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/


thank you for your reply!!!! and yes I'm using mods, I'm using NMM and I use the savegame script cleaner. here is my load order



0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm

2 2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

3 3 Dawnguard.esm

4 4 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

5 5 HearthFires.esm

6 6 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

7 7 Dragonborn.esm

8 8 Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

9 9 RaceCompatibility.esm

10 a hdtHighHeel.esm

11 b SexLab.esm

12 c SexLabAroused.esm

13 d MagicDuelReborn.esm

14 e OSA.esm

15 f SGHairPackBase.esm

16 10 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm


17 11 notice board.esp

18 12 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm

19 13 ApachiiHair.esm

20 14 ApachiiHairMales.esm

21 15 HighResTexturePack01.esp

22 16 HighResTexturePack02.esp

23 17 HighResTexturePack03.esp

24 18 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

25 19 FNIS.esp

26 1a Dead Body Collision.esp

27 1b Immersive detection of NPC.esp

28 1c DineWithFollowers.esp

29 1d Breast Size Scaling for NPCs.esp

30 1e Fudou Myouou.esp

31 1f AncientTonguesSword.esp

32 20 AncientTonguesGreatSword.esp

33 21 EtherealEdge.esp

34 22 KCEScytheOfDeath.esp

35 23 Facelight.esp

36 24 RapidSlash.esp

37 25 KS Hairdo's.esp

38 26 Beards.esp

39 27 AlynShirArmor.esp



Black Rose.esp

40 28 SkyUI.esp

41 29 The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp

42 2a immersive roads.esp

43 2b Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp

44 2c Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp

45 2d DFB - Random Encounters.esp

46 2e WATER DG + DB.esp

47 2f SDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp

48 30 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp

49 31 Immersive Weapons.esp

50 32 Victoria Velina Revamped.esp


51 33 SMIM-Merged-All.esp

52 34 WetandCold.esp

53 35 AOS.esp

54 36 yongheng.esp

55 37 EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp

56 38 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp

57 39 MortalEnemiesv1.2.esp

58 3a azelfollower.esp

59 3b dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp

60 3c CharacterMakingExtender.esp

61 3d USKP Patcher for RaceCompatibility.esp

62 3e Serana.esp

63 3f Better Dynamic Snow.esp

64 40 Bijin Warmaidens.esp

65 41 Kate - AnimPack SeveNBase.esp

66 42 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp

67 43 Realistic crime report radius.esp


Gordanya Gayn.esp

69 45 SexLabDefeat.esp


70 46 Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage.esp

71 47 Ashbringer - Johnskyrim.esp

72 48 FS_Skycutter.esp

73 49 Insanity's Dragonbane.esp

74 4a Insanity's Sorrow.esp

75 4b dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

76 4c dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp

77 4d dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp

78 4e ERF - Succubus.esp

79 4f SpellChargingFramework.esp


80 50 MarblePhantasm.esp

81 51 Real Feeding V3.esp

82 52 WetandCold - Ashes.esp

83 53 AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp

84 54 xlian.esp

85 55 Animated Dragon Wings.esp

86 56 Elisif Makeover.esp

87 57 Naruto - Overhaul.esp

88 58 Purifier.esp

89 59 SPS - Sexlab Position Selector.esp

90 5a The Ordinary Women.esp

91 5b Moniko.esp

92 5c Bijin NPCs.esp

93 5d MyWarmaidens.esp

94 5e Luna_GoV.esp


95 5f SGHairPackAIO.esp

96 60 ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp

97 61 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp

98 62 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp

99 63 CoT-WeatherPatch.esp

100 64 CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp

101 65 CoT-WeatherPatch_Snow-10.esp

102 66 CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp

103 67 UIExtensions.esp

104 68 AddItemMenu2.esp

105 69 Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp

106 6a Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp

107 6b StormWrathLightning.esp

108 6c ChongJiaoTuanJG.esp

109 6d Diguojun.esp

110 6e Mortal Enemies - SIC.esp

111 6f Mortal Enemies - SIC DLC2.esp

112 70 MaleClericArmor.esp

113 71 Bijin Wives.esp

114 72 MaleClericArmorLight.esp

115 73 Valerica.esp

116 74 AOS2_EBT Patch.esp

117 75 AOS2_WetandCold Patch.esp

118 76 AOS2_CoTWP Patch.esp

119 77 TrueStorms.esp

120 78 TrueStorms-ClimatesOfTamriel.esp

121 79 Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp

122 7a CoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms.esp

123 7b AOS2_TrueStorms Patch.esp

124 7c AOS2_SupremeStorms_CoTWP Patch.esp

125 7d Poppy Companion.esp

126 7e Ravenlore.esp

127 7f SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp

128 80 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp

129 81 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp

130 82 XPMSE.esp

131 83 Quel'Delar - Johnskyrim.esp

132 84 Better Vampires.esp

133 85 HDT Havok Object.esp

134 86 KS Hairdos - HDT.esp

135 87 NPC Body Scale Randomizer.esp

136 88 Marriable Serana.esp

137 89 my claymore.esp

138 8a White River Cottage.esp

139 8b SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp

140 8c Merged Follower Pack 2.esp

141 8d Midas Magic Expanded.esp

142 8e spellpack1.esp

143 8f KNM_AcalyphaFollower.esp

144 90 S_mink.esp

145 91 WATER Plants.esp

SOS - Shop.esp

146 92 Kate.esp

147 93 jutsu.esp


148 94 MasterPsiblade.esp

149 95 Merged follower pack 1.esp

150 96 Geralt.esp

151 97 Follower Neisa.esp

152 98 Extended Encounters.esp

153 99 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

154 9a Godswords - Johnskyrim.esp

155 9b SexLab Eager NPCs.esp

156 9c Follower Yvonne .esp

157 9d Fjora.esp

158 9e Lynx.esp

159 9f Shyvana.esp

160 a0 _sunya.esp

161 a1 ZAIZAICassiopeia.esp

162 a2 DragonBoneBikini.esp

163 a3 My Home Is Your Home.esp

164 a4 Merged Armor Pack 1.esp

165 a5 Follower Onean.esp

166 a6 Sunsakuka Follower Pack.esp

167 a7 Brigitte Follower.esp

168 a8 Hermit.esp

169 a9 RustWereWolf.esp

170 aa Medusa and Drakul Armors.esp

171 ab Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp


172 ac Follower Athran.esp

173 ad LustmordVampireArmor.esp

174 ae Dodge Mod.esp

175 af GuildStarter.esp

176 b0 VR_Tannick.esp

177 b1 Nara.esp



178 b2 Basic Follower Pack.esp

179 b3 FeaFollower.esp

180 b4 Sabrina.esp

181 b5 EllaFollower.esp

182 b6 Frida.esp

183 b7 _SPjinglv1.esp

184 b8 Rowana Follower.esp

185 b9 HikariArmorPack.esp

186 ba Mehrune's Razor Remodeled.esp

187 bb Hell Sword.esp

188 bc YuiH's Screenshot Models - Freyane.esp

189 bd Khorah Orc Follower.esp

190 be BloodyFacials.esp

191 bf S'in Dunestride.esp

192 c0 Draven8.esp

Marriable Serana HF.esp

193 c1 Liz Follower.esp

194 c2 Hikari.esp

195 c3 FollowerSha.esp

196 c4 Margery Follower.esp

197 c5 AdenzFollower.esp


198 c6 DB Armor Mail.esp


199 c7 SenFollower001.esp


200 c8 adenz_BangTam.esp


201 c9 Toccata.esp

202 ca Seductress Elizabeth.esp

203 cb FNISspells.esp

204 cc Alforttes Elf Followers.esp

205 cd Ylfa_follower.esp

206 ce RRCAhriFollower.esp

207 cf Xanafollower.esp

208 d0 _clover.esp

Avelyn Follower.esp

209 d1 Olive.esp

210 d2 Pia.esp

211 d3 Licia.esp

212 d4 Masha.esp

213 d5 Giorgia.esp

214 d6 Irma.esp

215 d7 Roberta.esp

216 d8 Overknee_Kassia.esp

217 d9 Nylea.esp

218 da Luoyi.esp

219 db Oliver.esp

220 dc Tamaria.esp

221 dd Nel.esp

222 de NMD - Heather Standalone.esp

223 df Overknee_Alexander.esp

224 e0 RRCMiaFollower.esp

225 e1 AR_Neria_Follower.esp

226 e2 SLAnimLoader.esp

227 e3 SLAL_AnimationsByLeito.esp

228 e4 SLATE.esp

229 e5 Overknee_Nadia.esp

230 e6 AstridRenewal.esp

231 e7 Vivace.esp

232 e8 rtZuleikaFollower.esp

233 e9 ShandarStandaloneFollower.esp

234 ea Chaconne.esp

235 eb Overknee_Kali.esp

236 ec Shard Companion.esp

237 ed Apex Senior.esp

238 ee WWW.esp

239 ef lilithsharbinger.esp

240 f0 Halo's Poser.esp

241 f1 Warlock Gear.esp

242 f2 Notverigud Nordic Carved Bikini.esp

243 f3 Elvenia.esp

244 f4 Last Chaos Sorceress Armor.esp

245 f5 VayanArmor.esp

246 f6 Gigas Armor.esp

247 f7 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp

248 f8 Insanity's Dragon Katana.esp

249 f9 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp

250 fa RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp

251 fb Minerva.esp

252 fc DeadlyMutilation.esp

253 fd Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp




I was thinking maybe I have too many mods? I have merged packs too so I'm going over 255 esp limit. I also noticed whenever I clean my save, it seems to get orphaned scripts again as I continue to play without me altering any mods

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1. USKP is NOT compatible with AFT v1.3x -> v1.5
2. Make sure that none of your mods are:
- A mod that increases the number of NPC followers you can have
- A mod that specifically targets the 5 Horses that you can PURCHASE.
- A mod that improves the AI of NPCs when they are following you.

There are some outdated mods you are using. Some of them are considered "dangerous" but I wouldn't think they are causing your problems. I would guess it is the fact you are using USKP still and some of your many, many followers and AFT prefers USLEEP

Edited by snelss0
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1. USKP is NOT compatible with AFT v1.3x -> v1.5

2. Make sure that none of your mods are:

- A mod that increases the number of NPC followers you can have

- A mod that specifically targets the 5 Horses that you can PURCHASE.

- A mod that improves the AI of NPCs when they are following you.


There are some outdated mods you are using. Some of them are considered "dangerous" but I wouldn't think they are causing your problems. I would guess it is the fact you are using USKP still and some of your many, many followers and AFT prefers USLEEP



1. USKP is NOT compatible with AFT v1.3x -> v1.5

2. Make sure that none of your mods are:

- A mod that increases the number of NPC followers you can have

- A mod that specifically targets the 5 Horses that you can PURCHASE.

- A mod that improves the AI of NPCs when they are following you.


There are some outdated mods you are using. Some of them are considered "dangerous" but I wouldn't think they are causing your problems. I would guess it is the fact you are using USKP still and some of your many, many followers and AFT prefers USLEEP


I successfully switched to usleep but it didn't work or change my follower issue. it was working well at first but then the issue started again. but atleast I have usleep =) I'm not sure what to do from here though. any suggestions? and if not I appreciate the help you have given me so far and I thank you!

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Go into your TES5Edit and see if there are some conflicts between your mods. I believe there are some youtube videos showing how to do this if you don't know. It might point to which one(s) are causing the issue.


sorry I'm late getting back to you. apparently the issue was I had too many followers registered with aft, which at first didn't cause any problems. so I reset aft when prompted to and they followed me like normal again :) I really wanted to thank you for taking the time to help me, that means a lot man. I really appreciate you replying to me, you are awesome!!

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