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Gameplay Tweaks


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Hi and thanks for checking out my post.


I'm trying to do a couple different things with NPC's health and weapon damages, though i can't seem to find the right records to edit in skyrim.esm.


Firstly, i'd like to increase weapon damage drastically, for both NPCs and the player, making battles shorter but more difficult. As an example, when the player encounters an easy enemy, i want the NPC to die in 2-3 successful hits, but he can kill you 4-5 hits. When you encounter a hard enemy, i want to kill it in 5-6 hits, but he can kill you in 2-3. Dragons being the exception.


My first question is can i change health values for NPCs and dragons by difficulty rating independently? Without affecting any other variables? IE weapon damage. If so i can skip the weapon damage tweaks altogether by keeping dragon health high, and NPC healths low, depending on difficulty rating for each NPC. Then i can edit PC health as well and have short, sweet fights. If so, which subrecords do i need to change in skyrim.esm? If not, which subrecords change weapon damages?


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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