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Strange shadows on normal maps


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hi everyone.


i have a problem i find hard to describe, both because its hard to put into words and also im not savee in technical terms and 3d graphics.


if im not mistaken "normal maps" are what can make flat textures recieve lighting and shading as if it was a 3D object. if so, than i think these textures look weird in my game.

where there should be shadows on the normal maps i see black. normally nit areas are bright and none-lit areas on the normal map should be just slightly darker, but i think in my game they a completely dark when i shine light at them. if i turn the flash light ever so slightly to the side of the effected are these black areas become slightly more lit and recieve a more normal slightly shaded hue.


check these two screenshots here:




the best example is the first two pictures - In the SECOND picture form the top you can see im shining light on the edge of the cavity on the road and there are really dark shadows there. in the FIRST picture i move the light slightly to the right and the extreme dark shadows from before are now gone.


i dont think i had this issue before. i think it appeared really recently.


Am i hallucinating? is this fixable?


I am also experiencing z-fighting. maybe its related.




Win 10

8GB ram

R9 280 3gb vram

i7 2.4ghz

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