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NMM "Profiles" and "Custom" Skyrim?


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I'm sure someone here will be able to answer this question quickly.


Our three member family (husband, wife, 10 yr old daughter) LOVE playing Skyrim and have over 3600 hours logged into the game since it was launched. However, we come into some disagreement when it comes to which mods the game should be run with.


I would like to have some realism mods added, like the ones where you have to eat and drink to survive, weapons and armor degrade with use, etc. My wife hates that kind of stuff. She also hates SkyUI, but I love many of the mods that require it. My daughter likes silly mods like the one that turns all the horses into My Little Pony characters.


I don't understand what "profiles" are in NMM, nor what "Custom" Skyrim is. My question is simple...can I create separate mod lists that each one of us could load that has the mods we like when we play our character(s)? How do I go about setting this up and launching these "customized" Skyrim games?

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