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pcie lanes extremely important in Skyrim


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Recently after installing an 750 intel ssd in pcie slot my GPU worked under lane x8 with gen 2.0 enabled and my game would start to stutter enormously


I took notice of the city areas, I got like 15 fps (I wish I have done pics but don't ask me now since it involves some trials and tribulations, like opening case and more)


after uninstalling 750 pcie intel and going with one card in the x16 slot my fps jumped to 30 in same place (double fps)


I am very well aware of the debate of the pcie gen 2.0 vs 3.0, with the conclusion that is irrelevant


but not in Skyrim,


so get your lane workign at x16 full speed (preferably gen 3.0, I am doing the upgrade right now so I will be able to use gen 3.0 at that said speed by putting intel's disk in pcie controlled by PCH, Skylake will deliver full lanes to GPU)



Edited by lucidstorm1
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