Aokami Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 My Respect to all those people who contributed to this.It’s a small piece of work not finished but I’m bored…I would love to see this completed and createdEspecially the class and race perks and abilities need restoration…(it is already suspected that the entire ‘project’ wont come to pass...) StatsAttributes (Roleplay Approach [choice 100; perk level) or No Leveling (Action Approach)] Strength Represents PowerIt is related to jumping, attackpower and accuracy of meleeweapons (except staves); Weapons and Heavy Armor; Weight able to carry; Intimidation and Physical Resistance; Blades, Blunt, Hand to hand combatConstitution Represents health and resiliencyRelated to health, stamina, resistance against diseases and physical resistance; blocking, armor and certain 'alchemical' equipment (Perfumes and Bombs)Dexterity Represents agility, balance and reflexesRelated to Movementspeed; Chances to hit; Chances to dodge; Piercing damage of ranged weapons and blades, spears; Essential for DualweaponryIntelligence Represents knowledge and reasoning, cunningRelated to learning Skills; Observant eye plus quick mind to find weaknesses in enemy armor (armor penetration); Mental Resistance; Persuasion; ControlWisdom Represents Willpower and perceptionRelated to Spellpower; Effectiveness of Potions and Salves; Resistance against all Magic; Mental attack resistance; Sense, Focus, Magic WeaponryCharisma Represents ability to lead and influenceRelated to Manapool, Speechcraft; Densitylevel, Reduces Penalty for using opposing elements or opposing powers of good and evil, Resistance against magic resistance; Influences (Inspires Moral of) CompanionsLuck Represents the unseen, the MysteriousRelated to Overall improvement, Criticals, Defense against Criticals, Fate (chance of getting better loot); this attribute is the only one that is separated from racial traits. Focus (Speed and Power of Abilities and Skills)Control (Power of Abilities and Skills)Sense (Speed of Abilities and Skills) Everything from here on out may be semi-dynamic… made better through perks (passive); passive abilities or passive active abilities Dragon Aura all Attributes, Resistances and stats are tied with the aura to some degree… activating the aura means to use the full potential power of the body. Bodily health cannot be used beyond 150, Mana can not be used beyond 150, Stamina can not be used beyond 150 if the aura is not activated… Spells and abilities especially of the higher tiers used without an activated aura will be more energy depriving or even cause exhaustion Two-folded HealthRealistic Body Health with 6 parts (like Vats of Fallout3, the 7. part is the weapon) if this health is (attacked momentary) low the screen becomes red (momentarily) and at unconsciousness fades to black (health 1-10 points) when dying two options… 1 (Hardcore) first one is teleported into the spiritworld and with an 1 out of 3 chance can get an instant revival… the two other options are fighting yourself (your level your abilities) and fighting a demon (becoming stronger and stronger) (If you lose its over)… 2 (Normal) you use the ‘orb of constellations’ to reload (roleplaying -> timedistortion or future vision)(Enemies sometimes yield with x% rest health;When fighting enemies: they may fall unconscious, if your strike isn’t strong enough… especially heavy armored foes are more likely to fall unconscious on which you may exact automatic killing blows…) Health (Dragon Aura) is an (life, material or bodily energy) aura protecting lifeforms from harm. AURA can only be active while the Food and Energy are above 40%; (from 100% to 40%) takes 28 hours for energy and 8 hours for hunger (normally), if the dragonaura is active it goes 3 hours and 1/2 hour; (Make the aura visible for a few seconds, when activating it) The regenerationrate of mana and health are constant (and slower than vanilla) when your state of relaxation is balanced (and you aren’t battling?)… even slower or completely nullified when it becomes more unbalanced…This makes the use of potions and injections as well as techniques (like ‘heal’, ‘manabloom (regenerate mana faster for a certain time)’, ‘life or mana absorbtion’) in battles more important, outside of battles sleep (small bonus+relaxing) and meditation (big bonus)…The re and degenerationrates will be shown as arrows when inside the system menu (as in action you wont have anything to see other than the world and your body; When you go into the menu there will be a sound of slowing time (only favorites menu (battle menu, favorites are restricted (tactics perk for more freedom)) not normal menu where time goes by normally) Magicka ((Name it MANA (<- Standard Measurement) ->Magic is the Phenomenon)) is the measurement of energy usable for spells at any given time, it is spiritual power, and using up mana beyond your limit (perk making a 10% overcharge possible) causes unconsciousness. Expert Mages are able to use (the safeguarded manapool of the sub consciousness +50%) every ounce of mana (perk) causing death if used fully… But the level of exhaustion is seen, by the auras strength and the screen clearness (constant clearheaded concentration high mana reserves, every few seconds slight blurring and at times ripples (hallucinations) on the screen exhausted mana reserves) Stamina is the energy generated by the body (and shows the exhaustion level of it and graphics become less sharp and breath becomes louder and faster when exhausted)Adrenalin is a hormonal energy (a catalyst) increasing all attributes and sometimes strengthening techniques ('limit breaks') or at times used for special techniques… coming for either receiving or dealing many hits (adrenalin can’t be seen it is felt) and reducing with time… Fatigue is the Percentage with higher or lower cost for Health/stamina/mana coming from armor and weight in inventoryLuck Booster Luck changes daily with certain degrees… Status Effects (Important for RBH) are Dead, Unconscious, Paralyzed, Cursed (Cracked Armor [armor is reduced 33%]; Contract [can not dequip]; Health Curse [Always have a random sickness]; Blood Curse [health degeneration]; Exhaustion Curse [Fatigue up and Exhausting faster];), Wounded (Bleeding and Gushing, Flesh(reduces healthp.), Crippled(bones broken… impaired actions)), Exhausted (cumulative -20,-15,-10,-9,-8,-…,-1%), Dazed (You take twice as much time to use and ability), Sleeping, Silent(You cant cast spells), Sick, Immobilized, Burning, Dirty, stinking (less charismatic), Wet, Cold, Frozen, Confused, Raging, Calm, Tamed (For Pets like spider, wolf, mabari, cat, small dragon), Intoxicated, Staggered (Enemy receives more damage), Hallucinating, Poisoned, Weak (cant use abilities, damage -66%) Resistances (Important for new abilities) are Physical, Magic, Disease.Physical is separated into ‘Impact’, ‘Slice’ and ‘Stab’Diseases are separated into Natural and MagicalMagical resistances are separated into/1. Arcane Energy (Ether, Magic, Spirit, Chaos, Natural magic resistance is important for the use of potions)// 2. Fire, Wind, Earth and Water// 3. Darkness, Light, Lightning, Sound (Pressure), Death (Corrosion, Spirit), Life (Nature, Tree), Poison, Ice/Special Magic Resistance: Mind (Wisdom+Magic->/2), Gravity(Magic+Physical->/2), Disease (Magic+Disease->/2)1. is stronger than 2. and 2. stronger than 3.; 2. Left is stronger than right side in circle; 3. Right side is stronger than left sideEarth and wind are a little different to fire and water (and poison, sound, death, life, poison, ice, darkness, light…) attacks. Their attacks are similar to physical damage (armor absorbs) have a high armor penetration, but a small amount of damage is always absorbed by armor + with resistances the damage may be smaller than fire or water attacks… need to resist earth or wind resistance… but they almost always knock down, stun, immobilize or blind the target(s) Karma (The Deeds of the character are measured whether they help to create and sustain life more or whether they help destroy it… Good and Evil Influence the players appearance with scars and gleaming eyes and some abilities and spells will have a higher or lower cost and power and sometimes different appearance) Reputation (Feared and loathed; revered and loved; Factions will measure your usefulness or your destructiveness and will either help you more or attack you if their agents meet you either in the wild or in their headquarters… (not in city or village streets))… If you are attacked and kill the attacker nothing will happen, if you attack and kill (deathblow) you go to jail except with high persuasion or massslaughter (If your bounty reaches a certain level guards wont attack you anymore, but skilled groups of bountyhunters will attack you anywhere and with a high enough bounty on your head people will be happy to see someone fight you… Relation (Loved or hated; Through Gifts, Quests and fine Words you may impress your future wife or husband, you may have one spouse per city (they wont know) or several who do not object to the idea of polygamy or in secret(richer women and men will object)) Suspicion (Primarily guards and other people react properly to you depending on situations (like looting bodies, breaking into houses, attacking - even when you are sneak attacking they will know because of the pain) and the suspicion will ‘cool out’ slowly; Secondary people in towns will think that you are the thief when you have stolen a lot of items and guards (and houseowners) will follow you discreetly; Thirdly bounties need improvement with reaction-system and bribes should be made usable) Danger (…is a counter of arousing awareness of opponents in battle… at low levels opponents chose your companion as target, medium level balance, high level you are target, extreme level opponents flee) Trust… is counter active to suspicion… a solved quest for a person inside a town, which is suspicious makes people less suspicious… but the trust will nullify when you steal from the person you did the quest for (and no npc will give away almost all of their belongings simply because they trust you… some minor things like food or cheap items will be takeable)Make one person trust you with a minor task or a quest that no one else can do, after you completed this persons quest all the others entrust you with their quests… In big towns make either the same concept or documents of 'Merchant (people buy and sell, few give quests), Citizen (given with buying house, townspeople and people in territory start trusting you, you are taxed from each city per house and grounds inside a territory) or Nobility (less taxes than citizens, only one residence inside the territory will receive minor taxes)'. Both concepts together with one or the other earning 'trust'… The documents can be forged by thieves, but if the guard captain or his lieutenants not regular guards meet you when you are asked to show it… you are going to have to either pay a big time or go to jail. This Question can occur anytime you revisit a town, but doesn't have to… (No reload of script, when you go in or outside the towns houses only when you went through the gate or through teleport stones (Mark and Recall will be seen as town house as it is limited to one place)). Instant travel will be disabled and transport becomes timeconsuming and prizes will depend whether guard it or you let someone else guard it (If you have one or two companions with you, you can let them handle the guarding…) but prizes will be there and back again even if you only travel there (double prize + guarding expenses (varies)) SurvivalAs for balance of classes; Spellcasters are strong against warriors weak against rogues… Warriors are strong against rogues…Warriors and rogues have active and passive active abilities costing stamina or sometimes a considerable amount of mana; they have a cooldown and sometimes are to be activated over time. Realign the semidynamic leveling system for monsters and npcs (throw away first encounter and give something like a leveled ‘leveling’ system; something along the lines ofF Novice (Herbivore animals,…), E Student (Normal Citizens,…), D Apprentice (wolf packs,…), C Journeyman (Guard), B Expert (a lieutenant) , A Elite (like a captain), S Master (beginning boss monsters), SS Grandmaster, X Hero, XX God (endgamebossmonsters)The player is one gear and moves through them as he levels upNpcs and monster (worg, special animals, ghosts…) do the same with time and restrictions (animals don’t level, many have rank wall) but depending on what difficulty you set, your character will be a rank above or below the enemy the same rank of the enemy… (on lowest difficulty perkgain is so high you wont need to meditate on level 100) (Minor thing: Helgen at beginning has less loot to get; more broken armors and weapons…) The rate of time ingame and reality should probably be at 1 day inside the game become between 2 and 6 hours (this should be a lever to have a bar from ‘vanilla’ to ‘1:1 realtime’) as well as EffectsIf you have a head wound you will have intervals of ringing and blacking out, if you are sleep deprived or starving your sight will blur, brightness in brighter times will ‘blind’ you, the rate of adaptation between light and dark will take longer In certain states you wont be able to do power-moves, sprinting and jumping (or at times you may fall (trip) when trying), in other states you wont gain any more experience or it may even fall, the same goes with skills, while you can also have temporary penalties to skills, attributes, resistances and stats… TirednessWhen deprived you will have stamina and mana mali and gain less experience and have mali for resistances and attributes. After 3 days without sleep you fall unconscious for an entire day... if you fall unconscious outside and no NPC is nice enough to bring you into a warm house, which they aren’t, you die of the freezing cold of the north... except you have an exceptional amount of resistance against ice (Resistances wont be as easy to achieve anymore as natural, magical and equipment wont yield to full resistances, the maximum achievable will be 90 percent)When you are in a relaxed state you will have boni like higher experience gain, slight boni to resistances, mana and stamina, better energy balancing (making balanced state of ‘eating’ last longer) Hunger and ThirstFood is more needed for the body than the spirit so it would have a penalty to health and stamina (and not regeneration but the maximum amount of stamina)If you ‘overeat’ you will have minor penalties and will be slower this can happen because when your need for food is ‘balanced’ you will have a minor raise in health and stamina and if you ‘eat’ something you will gain a minor health regeneration for a certain (long) amount of time (no instant health through food)...Drinking is usually automatic (from a flask refilled with magic or with natural water manually) except during combat… (cold water will have a minor penalty to coldresistance for a short while and magic water will slightly fill the natural magic resistance bar)For the penalties, which build up gradually over time, there are stages through the progressing downward. On level 0 you have overeaten and you have mellifluous effects… but you have a filled stomach, depending on what you do the bar needs some time (if you overeat it stays that way for some time (1/2-1h ingame) and the progression downwards afterwards (has to go down to at least 70% and) becomes many times as fast as when you eat balanced (L1), which is like the relaxed state from sleeping giving you minor boni health and stamina as well as giving you a higher chance to ‘resist state changes’.After a certain amount of time it becomes level 2 (app.90-71%) here you would have the first really small penalty or penalties... with some time again the level increases to 3 (app.70-36%) here the first real penalty or -ties apply... and at times you will see your arms and your view (head) fall (slide) towards the ground (You lose your strength)... [dragon aura (health aura); activated to be passively active)] on 41% you can no longer activate and uphold your aura you become considerably weaker... (can not hold much weight, slower, less resistant, less everything) on 35% it goes into level 3 which is basically a major threat if you do not eat something quickly... you may fall unconscious or die in fights more easily!There is a difference between fresh food, preserved food, spoilt food (with maggots or mold) and hot food (cooked)... spoilt foods has a high chance of giving you food poisoning, fresh food is the most vital, while hot food is vital and can give your body warmth and preserved food can not become spoilt; Food can be poisoned too on alchemy table TemperatureFor Cold of the north which during a sunny day is unnoticable, but during night and especially during snowstorms or when you have the status wet on you (armor with fur or clothes and clothes elongate the time needed to dry and enhance the cooldown as they too ‘suffer’ under a status like wet, frozen, burning, cursed, dirty, poisoned) the bodies coretemperature goes down considerably... This cold by sprinting or fighting (power attacks) you can for a short amount of time slow the decrease of your temperature (with torches, fireplaces, abilities (spells) and in houses you can also increase the temperature again)and with a passive-active ability making your aura more cold resistant, you can to a certain amount shield yourself...but eventually it will still drop and then it goes through three stages... which go down and have different penalties (among them slowing, restriction of movements, more damage from impact attacks (weapons, magic like ice, earth,...) although you gain a slight poison and fire (heat) resistance... You will see first breath clouds (and the character putting his reddened hands to his face?)...on the second level you have minor health degeneration and penalties and you see snow falling on your screen melting slower and slower... on stage three you have already a slightly frozen screen and your aura no longer activates... on stage four your screen is almost fully frozen, your hands and feet are turning black-blue (black-violet for orcs and dunmer, no change for khajit)... and then the screen goes black and you die... (if there are vulcanic areas with lava it goes the other way although which slight difference of no penalties but distorted view until you die or something the like that... and it needs extremely high temperatures drying you character out first...) HygieneHygiene is also from clean to dirty to stinking... which makes you less sociable to npcs... No one likes a dried khajiit after he was wet... so soap, a cloth and water and you are renewed… (khajiit don’t like the smell of soap and argonians have a slight defense malus (for a short time) after using soap) Intoxication (Alcohol)For Alcohol poisoning we have only one level (resistance)... before the bar is full you only have some penalties and the fuller it is the more groggy you are... from 20% you have minor swirling blur... from 40% your body will slightly move left right, forward, backward (swerving on the spot); on 60 your distortion of view becomes stronger, on 80 body begins to move abruptly left or right if you stand on 90 you will have an incredible distortion and with a delay fall unconscious for a second if you dont reach 100 where you fall unconscious for a second instantly; except with perk ‘All Night long’) Your resistance meter is filled You have obtained Alcohol poisoning... (penalties+ no strong moves+ mana exhaustion more often)You can clean yourself per potion (needs time like 10-20 seconds for -x on the bar), or use an alchemic potion (Wife’s Call) or you can sleep Intoxication (Mana)Manapoisoning which has a progression alike to alcohol but the manapoisoning acts more like a disease with many penalties among them also slow health degeneration, hallucinations... Manapoisoning occurs when the natural magic resistance of the body [Natural (only player stat) magic resistance] has reached its end (Rejuvenation Substances have a high progression on that nmr-bar if they are injected (instant recovery), a low to medium (or rarely even high) progression if they are drunk and ingredients have a low progression....In lore 'Manapoisoning occurs when a mage has used and restored his mana with natural mana replenishers too many times (other magic potions also included)... the strain on the mind is excruciating and along with the elevated re- and degeneration of body cells causing harm various symptoms like hallucinations, overwhelming rage, calm and other changes of body and mind similar to symptoms of certain diseases or poisoning can spring forth from a simple overingestion of alchemical potions and elixirs. Thus every mage knows to purify himself every time he trains or goes into battle, this method is best achieved through meditation or rest but can also be achieved via a ‘drought’ potion (has minor negative cumulative ‘health degeneration and water absorbing’ qualities)' Intoxication (Drugs)Currently there is only skooma, but other alchemical recipes will surely be made create more color or blur or slow motion or black and white out or a colorized version like portraits or making water colorful and ‘colored sound’ sound becomes visible like ripples… tint changes (greenish look, yellow look, red look) aso… various effects for various drugs holding between 3 minutes and one hourAddiction for drugs (temporary loss of 20 % of whatever attributes are effected) DiseasesEffects, sounds and visual cues for different diseases… Nonmagical like the common cold, infection, flu, fever, tinnitus… chills, collywobbles, ataxia, droops,… Magical like Corruption, Blight disease, Cobwongers Rot…Difference of the two is the threat, penalties, progression and treatment… some nonmagical sicknesses cant be cured with alchemical potions… but they can be debuffed (no penalties and no bedtime) with certain recipesSleeping outside warm places (in the wilds) will not help… and mild diseases untreated may cause other illnesses to manifest themselves… and may become lethal… Wounds (RBH)Wounds are as of now three types and depend on which weapon... broken bones (no use of limb and less damage resistance on that area and unique penalties (like head has blur and buzzing effect (blind and deaf))), flesh wounds (decrease maximum amount of health) and bleeding wound (decreases health over time, but can only have one of either of the two ranks; rank 1 bleeding (2 bleeding become 1 gushing), rank 2 gushing (received from power attacks; strong degeneration))... if 4-6 wounds are stacked (broken and flesh can have more than four each on their own) player and npcs become unconscious... (unarmed (as blunt weapons) can create broken bones wounds)Healing potions and injections are often able to heal flesh-wounds, for bone-wounds one needs special potions ArmorThe Second thing to give the player is 'armor' (the armor value) is calculated as a percentage on which health package (aura) two (or one) receives X % of damage, this requires another thing for armor 'durability' which will take the damage protected against, it has much bigger 'value' than the second health of humans and as armor depends on the type (iron, steel, silver, orc,… elf,… dragon…) and quality of armor (Broke,… Epic). This at the same time will make fighting much more realistic (although values will be enormous for durability, sharpening stones and oil will make repairs inside ranks of quality easy, while for upgrades you have to seek out the forge)... and thanks to armor at rare times one can nullify damage fully at times with little damage to the durability, depending on luck and the difference between the quality of the armor (armor) vs the quality the weapon (damage). The total armor rating (or replacer body-part-armor-rating) is calculated by the middle of all armor pieces, damage reduced accordingly.(Clothes also have a durability (although tiny) and of course the more they have the more luxurious they look and the less they have the more 'skimpy' they become... either in a suggestive version (my preference, would veil chest and 'panty zone') or for the perverts a nudity version)At the same time for resistances of armors (legs, hands, armor, helmet) there is (a) a stacking penalty and (b) stacking is not simple addition. To explain (b): : if you have 28% resist and add another 28% resist item, that should only add 0.28 x 72=>20,16%... 28+20,16=>48,16 (i.e., only 28% of the remaining 72% unresisted value) and from the third onwards the true resistance should be cut by 6/7 (i.e., 3: 28+20,16+14,51=>(62,67/7)*6=> 53,71; 4: 53,71+12,96=>(66,67/7)*6=>57,14)Amulets and rings don’t fall into armor as such their values of resistances is added to the total of ‘armor resistances’…Armor 57,14; Amulet +20; Ring +10 =>87,14 Resistance (against magic, fire, earth…)There are perks for heavy armor swimming… as wearing armor or much weight in inventory uses stamina… lower use with lower weight… but walking on ground underwater doesn’t.Resistances and other enchantments on armor are to be adjusted as to not be overpowering. AppearanceEditor In game; Make a Priest in Temples that can do full customization and give certain townsfolk the hobby of being the 'barber and tattoo artist'The Appearance editor should not move the lower lip forward when moving the chin forward chin GeneralVariations for Sizes (weight, height, breadth, cup size, hip size) with proper ego perspective and speed of running (Nord and orcs slower; Bretons, imperials… normal; elf and beasts faster)mod that varies the pitch of all NPC voicesRejuvenation of Faces (Make them most younger, like in their 20s-30. wrinkle smoothing for some)Better graphics and changes for certain body parts, Chest of Females, feet… Make Elves more elvish (See #15, 16, 17) (Elves are supposed to be super beauties even males not some kind of alien monster) Cat, Dog, Fox Ears, Horns and Tails for human races (optional to put onto your character)Maybe with a few npcs also looking like that (honestly you people thinking there would be no interbreeding at all between these races just…),r:13,s:0 Animation for long, short, stubby and bushy tails(maybe use the animation of the horses tail) 'New Hairstyles and more divers and real colors and eye colors(without black and bloodshot eyes); with special eyes for vampires, werewolves and lichs ' Adjusting ego-perspective view with bodyheight 1-10 Proper Nude Body… with same color of face and body… aso… 1. KhajitI can understand why khajit have breasts although smaller would be more natural (wouldn't even seem illogical if they had small double pair of breasts (being from the family of cats)...Glowing eyes at night if light falls from far away… moonlight or far away torch'Changing Feet of Khajit to have the feet bone structure and movement of a cat (hind leg… forward backward forward Paw like feet (smaller in length than humans))'Khajit wear light dresses during the day (like Egyptian dress or indian dresses) but during night thicker clothes 2. ArgonianBeing born from eggs and having no or little breasts without nipples, as they are lizards, (The Whole Concept) seems more natural to female argonians better cheeks lines (less valleys on the sides... straighter to look more feminine)... As well as changing feet bone structure (forward, backward, forward – feet with three clawed long toes) Argonians wear more clothes like a full on Persian dress at Nights,r:32,s:0&tx=117&ty=70 3. BretonsAlso what would be a great addition for me would be to make bretons either more like native americans, indian or asian with better proportioned faces (their vanilla faces look like some sort of melon...) 4. OrcsAnother thing would be male orcs need more square forehead or upper head (width or something) to be more orcish, females are fine...Right now the female Orc run/walk animations are the same as the male animations.Would someone be able to change these to the female animations? 5. Bosmersmaller bodies, smoother skin and finer facial features for bosmer... no black eyes… they have big expressive eyes as in picture one 6. Altmermaking altmer male faces more feminine (because they are pureblood elves) and giving them slender bodies… their body movements either become smoother or making bodies smaller (normal elven lore suggest that their slender bodies create the illusion that they are taller than humans. Altmer females as tall as humans; males a little taller.) Sprinting looks of with femaleMaking an option for becoming snowelf (without the wings facial color) Highelf femaleHighelf Male 7. Dunmergiving dunmer Option night(violet)/darkelvish(grey) features with sideways ears and grey or violet skin color and fine elven features (like 'fantasy nightelf' pictures)... Nightelf female archerNightelf female assassin 8. Races Sergals (and Limolith) 9. Werewolf… (True Weres, second form able to wear armor like khajit)*Gw2DJU4wVXzyl---X6PACudj/Werewolf_by_KaceyM.jpg Werewolf 10. Dverg CraftsRecipesBetter Cooking and other crafts need more ingredients and recipes Cooking requires you to HAVE a bowl in your inventoryUltra fast skill learning (has a skill bar like lockpicking but way faster) New Craft TailoringCreating clothesCreating Clothes, bags… for clothes, armor…Creating backpacks… Dolls, Teddies for children (trust of children (Imagine some creepy guy with teddies and candies…)) Alchemy:The player can only find out what all ingredients do by eating them, but only with the perk can they know all effects of an ingredient… but the most common ingredients effects (first two)can be learned from botanical books… with recipes alchemist can create potions of good quality with high succesrates (like skooma,… and standard healing potions)Alchemy table gains a distilling apparatus to create 'high quality alcohol or ether'; Vodka (made from potatoes), Mead (Honey) and Vine (Grapes?) and Water can be used in recipes for potions (lower tier and special potions) or one can make ether (high quality alcohol) from them.For potions, some take some time to be done, though you can leave them to "brew" and retrieve them later, the amount would be set by your skill level, someone with 100 Alchemy could leave like 5 potions to "brew" (On unowned tabled you will need to pay to rent them to brew over time). The time again would be balanced, low grade potions can be instant…New recipes like the Special Potion in the Wooden flask 'Warmth' is alcoholic… so too much of it and you won’t be able to properly fight at night… but its effect is to regenerate body temperature a little and the aftereffect of holding that temperature lasts for 30 secondsSome recipes can fail and become either poisonous (vapor or liquid), explode or become a lesser potion with defects (even if you are masterlevel)New ingredients like fat, linen, bottles, plants and mineralsPotions, Elixir, Salves and Injections (Bindweed, Black blood (poisons blood), Blizzard, Cat, Vision, Full moon, Golden Oriol, White honey, Wives Tears, Wolf, Warmth potion, Drought potion, Wife’s Call, Skooma, Cure X,Heal Disease Salve (debuffing), Elixir (Cure all diseases)Reagent (held in hand, like a grenade, opened to create magic powerup) Local Alcohol: Beer, Mead, Wine and unique alcohols (juliper-berry mead…)(Weak and high strength)Alchemy Alcohol Vodka, schnaps (low); spirit (medium) and pure alcohol (Azoth, Alcohest, Mandrake cordial, wormwood spirit) (high quality)+ best potionbase White Gull Explosives (grenade and mines: releasing explosive gas, exploding, poisoning, fear, stun, blind)Oils (against (certain and all) types of enemies or for better maintenance of weapons) Forging:The Forge is much more separated… When you make an iron dagger you first heat the iron, use a hammer to create the shape, then use the water to cool it, then use leather or whatever to finish it and then go sharpen it… higher tiers will gain more skill points, lower less (Optional: Every item would take a certain time to smith, with a small bar filling up showing you the time, it would be balanced as to not be tedious, and it will eliminate grinding with Chance to get a better item.)(You will be able to task a suitable companion to do it as well)The forge can make glass and crystal vials and flasks, you can make wooden flasks and clay bottles… glass is for low quality potions, crystal for high quality elixirs… wooden flasks is for special potions like warmth (Mead+X+X+X) and clay bottles are for explosives made on the alchemy table.Objects Crafting and added effects for utility (also dissembling)*Elven weapons may be lighter and better balanced than simple iron ones, leading to slightly faster swing speed, but their lighter frame results in less actual force (damage). Steel weapons are stronger than iron weapons, so they should require less field maintenance, orcish weapons may be heavier and slower than most, but offer a greater force of impact, and so on, ultimately creating more weapon "families" than the vanilla game has and evening them out.Fur armor could give a bonus to stealth (soft, no gleaming metal) and higher natural cold resistance. Hide armor is light, providing higher armor than fur and a bonus to movement speed and stamina regen.Iron armor should dominate for a larger part of the early-game. You get steel almost as soon as you get into whiterun if you're doing BS. There should be enchanted, powerful ancient iron armor sets in dungeons to be found for those that want to keep that look later in the game.Once you get to something as alien and uncommon as dwarven armor or daedric armor, you should feel like you've actually made an effort to get there. Also Dwarven, Elven and Orcish Armor have a lower tier and a higher tier with Current Armors being the lower tier and a moddermade armors and weapons on higher tiers… Elves (with their highly developed craft have thin but durable light to medium armors) the higher tier looks like clothes (volcanic glass in all colors)(with plant or animal decoration (armor style)) or alternatively like metal (mithril) banded together Clothes Dwarves have on higher tier more massive armor with ebony something better than Orcs also use ebony but their ebony becomes black and much more massive plated than*Also other Armors and weapons of other materialschitin, bones, silver, gold, magical wood, dragon scale s, mithril, dragon bones Equipment is Durable, which is like health to the items… In certain intervals object become(Broken, Damaged, Degraded, Flawed, Decent, Fine, Superior, Exquisite, Flawless, Epic, Legendary) Certain states create better or worse attributes for armor and weapons.Above decent- Metals and glass reflect light, sword has a slight shine or glimmer when drawing, fur and clothes are clean… underneath decent equipment shows cracks, rust and damage visible and fur and clothes underneath armor are dirty and ripped.Clothes go from rags, which are suggestive or revealing version, to normal clothes to luxurious clothes Armor uses different materials and craft which generate a higher durability and certain attributes for the objects createdOrganic materials [light](Fur, Leather, Chitin, Bones, (?mystic ash?)wood, dragon scales) [heavy] (dragonbone)Inorganic Materials [heavy](Iron, Steel, Silver, Gold, Ebony,…) [light] (Mithril, Volcanic Glass) Armor Types are important for ‘Armor’, which is the protection of the character.Dwarven, Orcish, Daedric, Elven, Dragon each have their own benefits for smithing and wearing Light armor is split into light armor (Armored Robes and Light Armor (not movement restricting (fe.: no pauldrons) and medium armor, heavy armor splits into heavy and massive armor… with higher armorrating (wearing heavy or massive armor disables sneaking, and most of the times, except for arcane warrior class, they restrict or disable magic) Armor and clothing do not change gender… but stay male or female until they are reforged – retailored. If desired, it can be reforged - retailored to stay ‘female’ in form but for male size so males can wear skirts… and vise versa… this is shown as ‘female, female alternative, male, male alternative’ Armor has either clothes underneath or fur as well as an array of bags and belts in style of armor… (bags, belts) which when gained from a tailor are fitted onto the raw armor on the table at the forge completing the armorthey add ‘number of (small, medium, large)’ ‘favorite/instant use of certain items’ during combatas well as a small inventory encumbranceSpecial combat use beltsApothecary’s satchel – poisons, oils and salvesFixing bag - holds soul gems and grinding stonesBelt pouch - holds potions, injectionsUtility Belt(s) – small throwing weapons, injections Inventory size depends on how big the volume of bags is! (Strength for weight is to see how much one can hold in the inventory without decreasing speed) (Additional Bags and pockets for the inventory)When naked/always : 1 object in each handPockets in clothes (0-1 volume) (+5 Inventory)Satchel and beltbags (0-2 volume) (+20 Inventory)Handbag (0-3 volume) (+25 Inventory)ShoulderBag : (0-3 volume) (+ 50 Inventory)Small BackPack : (0-4 volume) (+100 Inventory)Large BackPack : (0-7 volume) (+200 Inventory)Belts can hold several weapons or great weapons (5 volume) (+2-5 Great weapons ~80 Inventory)Crystal Safe (magical object, has mana charge for use (constant degeneration of mana, needs one of the normal inventory spaces)) (0-6 volumes) (+200 Inven.)Type of encumbrance : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 in volume0 : paper, lockpicks; 1 : light food, ingredients, potions, gems; 2 : heavy food, potions, books;3 : daggers, clothes; 4 : weapons, boots/helmets/arms; 5 : great weapons 6 : light armors; 7 : heavy armors(Items in bags, satchels on clothes or in backpack will stay in them, not on player)(‘+ # Inventory’ is based on vanilla weight in inventory) weapons... like a lightsaber, magic weapons which turn arrows into lightning bolts...Knuckle duster, Hidden knives, Hammer, Mace, Shield,… knife, dagger, sabre, rapier, swords, hooks, claws, fan, Axe, Jur… Bow and arrows, Crossbow and bolts, Guns/Rifles and bullets, … Spear, Javelin, throwing knives, th. Dagger, th. Axes, Throwing spears, chakram, boomerang, Scythe, Smokebombs (Poison or simple fog for thieves), doublebladed swords, unique round daggers (like chakrams) or other unique weapons… traps… Staff, Wands, Orbs, ScepterWeapon damage slightly depends on blacksmith skill and forge quality…you can create a basic staff at the desk (with certain parts made in the forge) (unenchanted), which you can then enchant even with certain spell if you are a master Enchanting: a small minigame like seeing different magic language and finding the proper spell lines fitting together… or shooting mini bolts of magic onto target areas depending on how many you hit the enchantment becomes better…Enchantments are derived from the skill of magic (destruction, Illusion, alteration...) (% or e. power)Armor Set bonus and enchantmentbonus -> unique enchantments…Disenchanting currently becomes a useless thing after u've found known recipes. How about making it so Disenchanting items with already known recipes either: 1. Strips the enchantment from the item or2. Create soul gems based on the power of the enchantment, costs a soul gem (If unlucky -10% of power)'? Pickpocketing and Lockpicking Automatic (Skill or Perk) and Minigame for pickpocketingThe core of the game consists of the item you wish to pickpocket on the left of the screen and the 'goal' on the right of the screen. Between the start and ending area are a series of red and blue dots. A blue dot causes you to drop the item and start over, a red dot means you get caught. The player maneuvers the object through the dots to successfully pickpocket it. * If the target is moving around when pick pocketed the dots will move slightly. If the target is sitting or sleeping they will be stationary.* The difficulty of stealing the item is represented in the size of the item that you have to maneuver through the dots. Gold and small items would be tiny, while pick pocketing a sword or shield would be a very large object.* Pick pocketing perks affect the minigame, with the following examples** Smaller dots** Dots move less on moving targets** Change the ratio of blue to red dots (More blue is better)** Ability to hit one or more blue dots without dropping.** Reduced size penalty for difficult to pickpocket items FISHING - as a craft, or perhaps just as a minigame (making fish higher quality as a motivator) Perks transformed + Classes (Abilities, Spells and Skills)Master-level spellsare different than lower-level spells:Always require both hands (and therefore cannot be dual-cast) (Grandmaster should be able to use them with one hand although for 20% more expense)Cannot move while casting (Perk for undoing that grandmaster)Are interruptible (All Castings should be interruptable as should be strikes with weapons if perk x (focused), ability y (partial incantation)/(shadow shroud) or z (hold spell)/(Counterattack) has not been acquired)All Tier perks are consecutively building up like (Novice Spell ->Novice 50%+Apprentice 15%+Adept 15%+Expert 10%+Master 10%; Adept Spells -> Adept 50%+Expert 15%+Master 15%+Grandmaster 20%; Master Spells -> Master 50%+Grandmaster 20%) [Minimal expanse 1pts of mana for spells and abilities]Casting lowlevel spells as master is faster as novice slower Art of creating Spells and adjusting premade spells on enchantment tablePremade spells can be adjusted slightly Power vs. speed of use and energy efficiencyPremade spells slightly level with increase of player-opponent leveling Certain magic we will need a mod to be able to lock onto targets (single and multiple) Spells are interruptible or not, can be cast instantly with cooldowns or through activation… (+Perks)Some of the spells have an active-passive form (toggle on and off) and an active form (casting) version. Mana cost with low level abilities has a permanent manapool debuff (-30 Mana) and on high level it creates a degeneration of mana Spell overlap(stacking)/ replacement. Fury-> Frenzy-> Mayhem instead of Fury+ Frenzy+ Mayhem dual casting perk Conjuration spells makes them last longer, have more health (where applicable), and do more damage (if possible, with a visual change to indicate this, such as glow effects or a slight color differentiation). Restoration spells heal more and have an after effect period. Alteration spells last longer and their power is increased. Illusion spells work on higher level enemies and last longer. Incantations… (Use the dialogues in game to create different spell incantations… in two parts the first is when you draw ‘magic’ you create the base magic (it would be like 'incantatem conjuras' or elvish 'temina celenea' (I don't know elvish) for a conjuration magic or 'incantatem illusorem' for a illusionmagic… and then when casting the specific magic you say 'familiaris' or 'nossos') Magic Effects on surroundings… like lightning on water… AOE effect in certain radius. Flames burn trees and grass Two handed staff style that can shoot bolts with one click, attack in melee possibly with magic effect like a line of fire or violet (arcane) energy and a third button to block... weapons block are 50% less effective than shield blocks (who nullify 99 % of normal damage and 90% of power damage?)Staffs, Orbs, Scepters and wands may have their own magic but you can channel other magic through them (to strong magic damages them especially overcharging (which happens when holding a spell for too long) The Racial abilities do not cost anything can be used once every X hours (depending on ability power) (ingame), but for each racial ability there is an ability or spell with the same effect, but it is either weaker in effect (level of animal; or level of bond with animal) or has penalties… (command animal (woodelf) => charm animal (spell)-> constant mana penalty until animal is released; only one of the two can be in use at a time, except with a perk of the charmer)There are more than one racial abilities. lower level, midlevel and highlevel Each perk will gain offensive, defensive, cc and unique spells and skills with automatic animations for the executed skills. Player at the beginning will be weak but with learned abilities like spell and skills (active and passive-active) as well as perks (passive; mostly effecting player but also effecting abilities like blocking, fighting…) Perks there will be many perks to choose for classes with perks that have utilityPerks will depend on skill-learning… and vice versa Skill learning is also dependant on the perk mastery (novice to master) -> Novice Thievery (locks) -> Lockpicking skill learning can go up to where one can learn apprentice but not higher, apprentice then unlocks skills further) Perk gain higher rate about every 3 levels 2 perks (In certain places in the wild and in certain temples there will be sacred places (stone circles)… where the player will through meditation reset his perks, without losing any… to realign him/herself) Stronger and divers MagicSpell combination Arcane Missile through Firewall -> Arcane Fire missile; Lightning in static field -> Stronger Lightning; Spell Might *(Tempest + Blizzard) -> Storm of the centuries; Death hex + Death cloud -> Instant death for enemies under A level; Grease+Spell fusion Freeze+Flame (Blue Flame, Ice continuous damage with slowing); other spellsDestruction 'gravity sphere' lightning+darkness, Alteration 'Antigravity Sphere' lightning+light; Destruction 'Singularity' lightning+arcane field,… RestorationActivepassive 'Contract' magic to share magic on yourself with partner... double the cost ConjurationA permanent zombie beast. A spell to rise anything as permanent zombie, like a giant or a troll. To resurrect powerful beings use dual casting and restriction to one.Make bound weapons slightly weaker in the beginning and more powerful later on (attack power and adding a few second of staying bound with every kill)Different Weapon and armor conjurations according to new resistances and attributes:Sacred Treasures (Epic golden weapons); Siege Weapons and Armor (Elemental damage); Forgotten Weapons and Armor of Mythology (Against Specific types of Enemies) IllusionMake activepassive spells where you can see auras for example 'reveal' for ‘non living things’ (like for important objects (Golden shine), for plants (violet shine), for metal veins (red shine)); 'Intuition' for ‘living things’ (red for enemy, blue for ally and neutral npc and animal, yellow for comrade)Mod to not destroy quest items (or make magic to see golden aura (fe.: seen, because of a spell 'Reveal') for(around) important items), and know were these important Items are if you sold them…Other Summons etheric horse… angel wings spell that can make you glide in the air SorceryThrowing many Magelights, torches, or walls of flame creating light in dark cavernsPolymorph... Magic alteration spell to turn into form of skeever, spider, wolf, sabrecat, crab, wisp, phoenix, spriggan, mammoth, dragon with special abilities sometimes implemented into certain dungeons with 'walls' for use of these abilities... like spider can walk on threats it can create with web on walls... wolves can jump twice the length a human can... sabrecats have really thick fur and can even go through the coldest areas... a small form like 'crab' to get through small cracks... a wisp form which can go through spiritdoors into spiritrealm dungeons... a phoenix form in which you can glide against strongest winds... (this would be awesome with mods to alter certain dungeons to have certain 'barriers' that you can only bypass with the right abilities... or you have to scavenge certain items to go around these barriers… to make them useful...) EnchantingA mod which increases the number of charges you get from enchantments, perhaps something like 1,5x or maybe automatic recharge (perks?) Enchanting weapons with active magic (wears down on durability if the weapon does not possess immunity to the magic); can only be done while one weapon is equipped and magic in the other hand (Extrabutton?) Magic candleholders for soulstones creating arcane bolts shooting at enemies if they are near or healing aura for player (which the mysticist can recharge (ancient turrets are stronger) and place (each shot wears down on the life of the turret)) PERKS AND ABILITIES (for all ‘class perks’ to make fighting more active? complex? Is it usable for Skyrim? ‘Ability timestop menu’ as in masseffect 2?) Alteration -> Sorcery (Sorcerer)MagicianPreferred: unarmored, light armored, Staffs, Wands, Orbs, SceptersSpecial: Time Magic, Arcane magic, Alteration of shape or nature of Enemy (Debuffs), World (minor) or self Novice Alteration - Alteration Dualcasting - overchargeApprentice Alteration - Mage Armor (3) – protection spell powerupMage Resistance (3) – base resistanceAdept Alteration - Stability - DurationExpert Alteration - Atronach – Absorb magicMaster Alteration – GrandmasterOnehanded Overcharge (not as strong as twohanded overcharge) AbilitiesOldCandlelight Novice 5pts for 60sOakflesh Novice 40 pts for 60s; …Magelight Appren 5pts for 60sStoneflesh Appren 60pts for 60s; …Detect life Adept 100/s, Exterior 200ft, Interior 100ftIron flesh Adept 80pts for 60s; …Telekinesis Adept 170/sTransmute Adept Transmute OreWaterbreath. Adept 60sDetect Dead Expert 150/s, Ext. 200ft, Interior 100ftEbony flesh Expert 100pts for 60s; …Paralyze Expert 10s; …Dragonhide Master 80% damage ignored for 30sMass Paralysis Master 15s in 40ft; …Equilibrium Novice Damage health 25pts Restore magic 25ptsNewArcane Bolt (Arcane bolt cant be charged, the longer it is charged the more bolts are created)Arcane ShieldArcane Field (A warped field of arcane energy)Arcane Chains (immobilizing target)Arcane NovaArcane Blast (Deals 1/2 Arcane Damage for each Manapoint you have)Invigorate (boost with magic (fatigue))Time Spiral (Cooldown finishes on all abilities and spells)Repulsion Field (a circle pushing enemies away)Mystical Negation (A circle negating magic)Guard and Ward (Total Physical and Total Magical Shield)Various Drains (Absorb) Attribute, Health, Spells…Various Deresist Element and damage attributesVulnerability hex (Resistances against all magics go down)Affliction hex (AOE vulnerability)Misdirection hex (Target misses more often)Disorient (target has less damage and defense)Water breathingDiving (faster swimming and diving)Water walking (Active passive ability)JumpAegis (Sphere against attacks of all kind, character can not move, two handed) Various Decay (disintegrate armor, weapon, enchantment on target; health, mana, stamina decay)Teleport (Mark and Recall)Night eyeLock/UnlockMindblast (Cast an AOE telekinetic shockwave)Force field (Target goes into a stasis and becomes invulnerable for x sec)Telekinetic weapons (passive active, enchants weapons with armor penetration)Crushing prison (Traps target in stasis and harms it continuously)Mana Drain (Drains mana from target to give you)Mana cleanse (Dispels Magic)Spell might (passive active; Creates blue mana aura making spells stronger)Mana clashGlyph of ParalysisGlyph of WardingGlyph of RepulsionShapeshifting (Skeever, Deer, Spider, Wolf, Bear, Horker, Sabre cat, Mammoth, Dragon, Spriggan, Phoenix, Wisp) Conjuration -> Conjuration (Warlock)MagicianPreferred: unarmored, light armored, Staffs, Wands, Orbs, SceptersSpecial: Conjuration of Weapons and Creatures as well as Death magic, Poison magic, Darkness magic Novice Conjuration - Conjuration Dualcast - overchargeMystic Binding – weapon damageApprentice Conjuration - Summoner – range of summonSoulstealer – soultrap on weaponNecromancy - durationAtromancy - durationOblivion Binding – turn and banish weaponsAdept Conjuration - Dark Souls - undeadExpert Conjuration - Elemental Potency – atronachs power upTwin Souls – two summonsMaster Conjuration - Grandmaster AbilitiesBound sword Novice 120s; …Conj. Familiar Novice 60sRaise Zombie Novice 6pts for 60s; …Bound Ba. Axe Appren 120s; …Conjure Flame Appren 60sFlaming Fam Appren 6s charges and explodesReanimate cor Appren 13pts for 60s; …Soul trap Apprent 60sBanish Daedra Adept 15pts; …Bound bow Adept 120s; …Conjure Frost Adept 60sRevenant Adept 21pts for 60s; …Command Dae Expert 20pts; …Conjure dra pr Expert 60sConjure Dre lo Expert 60sConjure Storm Expert 60sDread Zombie Expert 30pts for 60s; …Expel Daedra Expert Banish 20pts; …Flame Thrall Master Dead Thrall Master …Frost Thrall Master Storm Thrall Master Spectral Arrow 30pts; …Summon Ar S Arniels Shade (Shade of Arniel Gane) 60sSummon Un D Unbound Dremora for 999 (works only at specific location) Icy Veins (Hex)Reaping (active passive, you gain health from corpses)Doom (Curse against Attributes)Defile flesh (Target heals less to nothing)Curse of mortality (target can not heal and takes continuous damage)Rotting flesh (Inflicts Disease)Parasite (Steal health and mana from target overtime)Plague (If target has a stat ailment, they are transferred to all nearby enemies)Bind (stat ailments are transferred from you to target)Weaken (Weakness on Target)Well of ruin (Cracked Armor in target Area)Wither (degenerates Mana, if mana is on 0 enemy takes massive death damage)Agony (Damage foes near you)Awaken the blood (Stronger Spells, but damaging health with each)Blood ritual (uses 33% of health for spell+health regen)Aura of lich (Reanimates near Corpses)Death novaDeath cloud (Critical Damage)Death hex (Normal hits become critical; critical become lethal against target)Death swarm (Summons deadly swarm attacking enemy)Corpse explosion (nearby corpse explodes)Taint (darkness damage)Black Veil (Blind + darkness damage)Shade Storm (Darkness storm (AOE like many lightning storms here and there around caster))Swamp of Darkness (Darkness on ground)Black NovaBlack Hole (AOE on target darkness and additional gravity damage if adjacent)Virulence (If Target dies he explodes and nearby npcs suffer under virulence until it expires)Miasma (Aura making nearby npcs weak)PoisonPoisonous cloud (Cloud of poison)Poisonous Infestation (Corpses emit cloud of Poison)ParalyzeMass paralysisWaking Nightmare (Target is randomly stunned, attacks allies)Drain Life (Drains x amount of health from target)Death siphon (Passive active; corpses regenerate mana)Sacred Treasures (Epic golden weapons)Siege Weapons and Armor (Elemental damage)Forgotten Weapons and Armor of Mythology (Against Specific types of Enemies)Reanimate Dead Raises even giants as thrallsConjure nightmareConjure hellhound Destruction -> Wizardry/Witchcraft (Wizard/Witch)MagicianPreferred: unarmored, light armored, Staffs, Wands, Orbs, SceptersSpecial: Elemental magic of all elements against one or many enemies or area of effect Novice Destruction - Destruction dual - overchargeApprentice Destruction – Augmented flames (2) – FireAugmented frost (2) – frostAugmented shock (2) – shockImpact – staggerRunemaster – rangeAdept destructionIntense Flames – fleeDeep freeze – paralyzeDisintegrate – dis…Expert destruction - Master destruction – Grandmaster – Aviate (faster flying with flying combat) AbilitiesFlames Novice 8pts for 1s constant; …Frostbite Novice 8pts for 1s constant; …Sparks Novice 8pts for 1s constant; …Fire rune Appren 50pts for 1sFirebolt Appren 25pts; …Frost rune Appren 50pts for 1sIce Spike Appren 25pts; …Lightning Bolt Appren 25pts; …Lightning Rune Appren 50pts for 1sChain Lightning Appren 40pts in 20ft (leaps);…Fireball Adept 40pts in 15ft (aoe on impact); …Flame cloak Adept 10pts for 60sFrost Cloak Adept 10pts for 60sIce Storm Adept 40pts in 15ft (aoe); …Lightning Cloak Adept 10pts for 60sIce Spear Expert 60pts; …Incinerate Expert 60pts; …Thunderbolt Expert 60pts; …Wall of Flames Expert 8pts for 1s; …Wall of Frost Expert 8pts for 1s; …Wall of storms Expert 8pts for 1s; …Firestorm Master 100pts in 100ft; …Blizzard Master 20pts for 10s in 40ft; …Lightning Storm Master 75pts for 1s, constant; …Arniel’s Convic 1pt for 1sVampiric Drain xpts for 1s; depends on vampirism level Levitate (Flying)Broom flyingElemental Mastery (active passive, Using elemental magic becomes cheaper)Aura of restoration (with each spell caster gains a little health)Attunement (Raises will and spell power as well as slight mana regeneration)Ether renewal (for every spell you gain: for every ‘enchantment’ on you x mana and x health)Arc lightning (Deals x damage to target; if target is wet arc lightning jumps to all nearby npcs)Blinding surge (inflicts blind and x lightning damage)Conjure lightning (Weapon has +x lightning damage, stuns)Charge (Deals lightning Damage, inflicts Weakness)Static Field (Creates a field in which lifeforms become more vulnerable to lighnting, metal weapons gain lightning damage)Lightning javelin (X damage, interrupts)Lightning orb (AoE Spell, x damage lightning, inflicts cracked armor)Lightning Strike (X damage, stun, exhausting)Lightning touch (x damage, stun)Lightning explosion (Wind lightning damage, knockdown)Tempest (lightning storm like fire hail, may stun)Shock (Stuns + x lightning damage)Gale (Knocks down Targets in front)Gust ( x wind damage + knockdown)Whirlwind (Causes nearby foes knock down and back, x wind damage)Aftershock (x Earth damage foes adjacent to caster, additional damage to knocked down foes)Rock Armor (+ armor, slower movement)Ashblast (x earth damage; causes blindness to knocked down foes)Churning earth (Causes knockdown to moving foes, x earth damage)Crystal wave (like a flamewave on the ground, x earth damage)Dragons stomp (x earth damage, causes knockdown, exhausting)Earthquake (x earth damage, causes knockdown, exhausting)Obsidian flame (x Earth damage, +y earth damage for 3 sec) (Fuse Flame with earthquake)Sandstorm (x earth damage for 10 seconds, attacking foes get additional damage and blindness)Shockwave (Nearby enemies take x earth damage, adjacent foes take additional dmg, knockdown)Stonedaggers (Earth projectiles with x earth damage, inflicting flesh wound)Ward of Stone (Circle in which all slow down and are knocked down if they don’t ‘wear‘ ‘rock armor’)PetrifyEarthen grasp (immobilizes enemy, x earth damage)Rock barrage (x earth damage from falling rocks, targets are knocked down)Stonefist (Earth damage)Breath of fire (3 second strong flame)Flame Burst (Creates Whirlwinds of flame)Eruption (ground becomes as hot as lava)Inferno (Sets target on fire)Flamewave (a small wave of flames shot forward (like a small moving firewall))Meteor (A single giant flaming stone projectile flies from the sky into the ground)Fire hail (like the meteorstorm of alduin)Phoenix Fire (summons a phoenix from a flame (flamewall, firestorm…) making fires non-damaging for allies, passive active)Heat (Burning in AoE becomes more intense and longer)Fire NovaIceshield (Summons shields of ice hovering around character, each withstanding x damage) Freeze (x ice damage)Ice prison (Freezes target, x damage)Ice spikes (x damage)Shardstorm (like fire hail with ice)Winter grasp (circle ice nova)Cone of Cold (cone of ice freezing everything in front + ice damage)Maelstrom (x water damage)Mistform (while inside mist all physical attacks miss, magic attacks except lightning are less powerful, no damage from mist)Frost Mist (Creates Mist with continuous low water damage)Vapor blade (enchants blade with + waterdamage)Various ResistsElemental chaos (passive active, aura with random elemental damage spiraling around caster) Enchanting -> Enchanting (Arcane Warrior)Magician; WarriorPreferred: Medium, Heavy and Massive Armor; Onehanded magical weapon (Staff, Scepter…) and Onehanded weapon (Sword, Mace, Hammer,…)Special: Enchantment of self, equipment and onehanded staff melee techniques Enchanter (5) – Ench. +20% strengthSoul Squeezer – Gems extra mana for rechargeFire enchanter - +25%Soul Siphon – Deathblow against creatures +5% soultrap rechargeFrost Enchanter - +25%Insightful enchanter – skillenchants on armor +25% effectStorm Enchanter - +25%Corpus Enchanter – Hp, St, mana –enchantments +25%Extra Effect – Two enchantmentsNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterAura of Might (wisdom fills in for strength requirement for high tier weapons and armor)Fadeshroud (Makes shimmering shield stronger)Blessing of the fade (Makes Soulbrand stronger)Combat Magic (Casting magic through any weapon without ) AbilitiesAstral Form (active passive, Character moves half of his body into the fade, higher fatigue, spellpower determines weapon damage and attack, lower probability of being hit by physical attacks)Shimmering Shield (active passive, Blocks damage, chance to evade, bonus to armor + strong elemental resistances)Draining Aura (active passive; takes health from enemies)Soulbrand (Attacks deal arcane damage, *x damage against enchanted armor)Recharging Weapons (Weapons are recharged with own mana from mana pool)Fadeburst (burst of arcane energy damaging nearby opponents)Mindblast (stunning adjacent foes)Glide (Slow falling)Fade Shield (resisting hostile spells for x sec)Barrier (Telekinetic barrier against physical attacks)Attunement (bonus to willpower, spellpower and mana regeneration for x sec)Stoic (Recover mana with health damage you are inflicted with for x sec)Abyss (Cast a gravitation magic pulling enemies in and exploding after x sec) Illusion -> Illusion (Mesmer)MagicianPreferred: unarmored, light armored, Staffs, Wands, Orbs, SceptersSpecial: Illusion damage, buff or control Novice IllusionIllusion Dualcast – overchargeAnimage – on animalsApprentice illusionHypnotic Gaze – calm on higher…Kindred mage – illusion on higherAdept illusion –Aspect of terror – fear on higherQuiet Casting – Silent spellsRage – Frenzy on higherExpert illusionMaster of the mind – illusion works on non living beingsMaster illusionGrandmaster AbilitiesClairvoyance Novice 1sCourage Novice 100pts for 60s; …Fury Novice 6pts for 30s; …Calm Appren 9pts for 30sFear Appren 9pts for 30sMuffle Appren 1pt for 180sFrenzy Adept 14pts for 60s in 15ft; …Rally Adept 100pts for 60s in 15ft; …Invisibility Expert 30sPacify Expert 20pts for 60s in 15ftRout Expert 20pts for 30s in 15ftHysteria Master 25pts for 60s in 250ftCall to Arms Master 25pts for 600s in 100ft fortify bow, one, two, hp, stamHarmony Master 25pts for 60s in 250ftMayhem Master 25pts for 60s in 250ftVision of the tenth eye 30s Summon Etheric horse (Summons ghost horse for x seconds)Etheric WingsConjure phantasm (Summons Ghost for x seconds)Pain (Inflicts Pain)Mantra of Persistence (Can not be interrupted, recharge of spells 33% faster)Instability (next action is interrupted, and causes x mana damage)Posture (Your next spell recharges instantly)Blackout (touched target becomes blind and receives x mental damage)Chaos storm (creates a storm with random elements)Energy burn (target loses 10 mana points, and receives 10 fire damage for 3 seconds)Ignorance (Target foe can not attack)Overload (-mana degeneration+ if target uses ability or spell causes explosion))Distraction (Interrupts action, disables ability for 60 seconds)Shatter hex (Hexes are dispelled and target receives for each hex x arcane damage)Distortion (Self has high chance to evade attack)Nightmare (randomly attacks while suffering health degeneration)Sleep (Target falls asleep)Illusion of weakness (You lose 30% health, the next time you go under 40% health or 60s run out you regain them)Migraine (Double skill activation and cooldown, minor health degeneration)Channeling (For each foe user gains 1 mana point when using a spell for x seconds)Burden (Target moves slower)Blind (adjacent foes are blinded for x seconds)Chameleon (InvisibilitySilence (Target cant cast spells for x secondsQuiet (Target becomes ‘muffled’)Mirror (Creates a fake image in front of caster)Horror (All Nearby targets are attacked by ‘horrors’)RevealInstinctBloodmagic (use health as mana)Blood wound (The blood of nearby foes starts boiling, degenerating health and immoilising them)Blood control (Target come under control of caster) Restoration -> Restoration, Divination, Shamanism (Priest/Shaman)MagicianPreferred: unarmored, light armored, Staffs, Wands, Orbs, SceptersSpecial: Healing, Exorcism magic Novice RestorationRest. Dual castRegeneration – healingspells +50% powerApprentice RestorationRecovery (2) – mana regen +25%Respite – Healing restores staminaAdept RestorationWard Absorb – Ward recharge mana when hit by spellNecromage – Effect +++ undeadExpert RestorationAvoid death – under 10% health -> heal 250hpMaster RestorationGrandmaster AbilitiesHealing Novice 10pts for 1s; …Lesser Ward Novice 40pts; …Fast Healing Appren 50pts; …Healing hands Appren 10 for 1s; …Steadfast ward Appren 60pts; …Turn lesser und Appren 6pts for 30s; …Close Wound Adept 100ptsGreater Ward Adept 80ptsHeal other Adept 75 pts; …Repel less und Adept 8pts for 30s; …Turn Undead Adept 13pts for 30sCircle of prote Expert 20pts for 30sGrand Healing Expert 200pts in 15ft; …Repel undead Expert 16pts for 30s; …Turn greater un Expert 21pts for 30s; …Bane of the un Master Stagger Area, 0,05pts in 80ft; …Guardian Circle Master 35pts for 60s; … Contract (Contracted npc wont get damaged by casters magic)Aura (All Spell effects last longer)Light (Removes a hex and heals x points of health)Purify (Light removing darkness)Deny hexes (enchantment to resist hexes)Divine intervention (Teleports to nearest temple)Cure (Cures magical diseases)AntidoteGift of health (+ x health for y seconds)Restore life (Full Health Restoration of target)BanishHoly (holy Light nova, lethal against darkness/death creatures (undead))Judgement (Lightning of light, destroying undead)Smite (Light wind damage)Wind Barrier (Surrounds Area letting no one in or out for 30 seconds)Dismiss condition (for 20 seconds conditions are not active)Lifebond (share health with ally)Various Fortify (Attributes, Stats, Resistances)Resurrection (Resurrect a NPC)Spell reflect (reflect spells for 10 secondsSpell absorb (absorbs next spell and its mana)Detect (Life, Death, Magic)Cleanse (… curses)Ease burden (divines grant more strength)Dispel (magic)Group healLifeward (if player goes lower than 33% he is healed x points)Cleansing Aura (health regeneration to all allys and self)Rejuvenate (mana regeneration; does not stack with manabloom)Regeneration (health regeneration)Heroic Offense (Attack bonus)Heroic Defense (Defense bonus)Haste (Faster movement and attack speed… poison and bleeding become more dangerous)Cleanse Area (dispels magic and poison)Holy light (cleanses darkness)Anti magic Ward (magic cant be used while in this circle) Onehanded -> Knighthood (Knight)WarriorPreferred: light, medium, heavy, massive armorSpecial: one and two-handed weapon styles with normal weapons Armsman (5) – More DamageFighting Stance – PowerattackHack and Slash (3) – Axe bleedingBonebreaker (3) – Maces ignore armorBladesman (3) – CriticalDual Flurry (2) – FasterSavage Strike – still PowerattackCritical charge – PowersprintattackDual Savagery – DamageParalyzing Strike – Powerattack backward paralyzeNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterAdamant (defenses up) AbilitiesControl (precise swings)Might (powerful swings)Assail (powerful attack)Cleave (powerful attack area effect attack)Massacre (Inflicts pain, if health is below x% lethal attack)Pommel strike (stuns enemy)Insult (target enemy attacks)Stance of Bravery (per enemy in vicinity, defense goes up)Tremor (Quakestep; knockback enemy)Riposte (next enemy attack is countered)Charged strike (inflicts wound)DisarmSweep (critical against target, normal damage against adjacent enemies)Chop (attack from above, critical)Cleave (attack, cracking armor)Dismember (wounds [with chance of cutting of limb])Executioners strike (Sweep down, critical)Penetrating blow (armor penetrating)Earth smash (Staggering + damage)Fierce blow (inflicts deep wound)Slice (+ damage)Thrust (armor penetration + damage)Hundred blades (attacks all nearby enemies)Thunderclap (knock down)Kneecutter (Cripples)Savage slash (staggers, inflicts bleeding)Seeking blade (Armor penetration + critical)Sun and moon slash (stuns and staggers, if staggered already critical hit)Balance (no knockdown no extra damage from critical)Deflect arrows (high change blocking arrows)Charge (shout, Allies move faster)None shall pass (sh, Knocks enemies back)I will survive (+ health regeneration for each condition)Righteous strike (Drains mana)Mental Fortress (bonus mental resistance)Feint (Attack can not be evaded)Pinpoint strike (armor penetrating inflicts bleeding) Twohanded -> Reaving, Reaping (Reaver/Avenger)WarriorPreferred: heavy, massive armor Special: one(with malign effects), two-handed weapon styles with great weapons (twohanded; Spears, Greatswords, hammer or axe, Scythes, Halberds,…) Barbarian (5) – DamageChampions Stance – PowerattacksLimbsplitter (3) – Axes BleedingDeep wounds (3) – greatswords criticalSkullcrusher (3) – warhammer ignore armorDevastating blow – still powerattacksGreat Critical Charge - …Sweep – all targets in frontWarmaster- backpowerattack paralyzeNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterResilience (Conditions like pain, stagger,… wont stop the reavers attacks) AbilitiesMighty Blow (leap attack)Giants reach (great weapons wielded in two hands have greater reach)Sunder (Stagger)Scythe (charges through enemy lines)Pommel Strike (Stuns)Indominatable (can not be knocked down or stunned)Stunning blows (all twohanded attacks stun enemies)Critical StrikeSunder Arms (attacks weapons, arms, inflicts + damage to weapons durability, + attack mali)Shattering Blows (++damage against constructs for x sec)Sunder Armor (full attack on armor, inflicting cracked armor on target)Destroyer (passive active; each attack inflicts 3 second armor penalty but costs x stamina)Powerful Swings (bonus to damage, mali to defense and attackspeed)Sweep (arc attack with possible knockdown)Sweeping strike (arc att.; critical against primary target)Impact (Each blow attacks all adjacent npcs)Reaving storm (each attack gives back a little stamina, each critical gives back a little health)Aura of Pain (Every enemy and the caster receive spirit damage)Blood Frenzy (The lower one’s own health gets the higher the damage dealt becomes) Block -> Guarding (Paladin)WarriorPreferred: light, medium, heavy, massive armor, one-handed weapon with shield or even two shieldsSpecial: Shields and Protection (magic) Shield Wall (5) – Higher EffectDeflect Arrows – No damageQuick Reflexes – Enemy powerattack slows timePower bash – PowerbashElemental Protection – Blocking half elemental damageDeadly Bash – Higher damageBlock Runner – Movement with shields upDisarm Bash – Disarm chanceShield Charge – Sprint with raised shieldNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterBlocking (chance of automatic blocking of normal attacks)Safeguard (Backstabs and stealth attacks receive no extra damage) AbilitiesStonewall (Attacking foes are pushed back for x seconds)Elemental Aegis (Resistance against elements +)Resolute (Magic attacks do less damage)Shield Defense (less damage from front, +chance of automatic blocking and parrying)Shield BashAssault (vicious attack throwing enemy back)Scatter (Forward arc attack knocking back enemies)Defense (higher chance for block, attacks going through have less damage for x sec.)Overpower (three consecutive shield attacks (last becomes critical if connects))Shield Wall (defense, automatic block and parry bonus, no knockdown, no stun, no stagger, total block of projectiles, slower movement, less damage dealt to foes)Juggernaut (adjacent enemies are knocked down while caster moves)Air of Insolence (continuously draws enemies attention)Bulwark (for x seconds immunity to damage)War cry (Enemies receive penalty to attack and are stunned)Rally (attack and defensive bonus to party)Fortifying presense (partymembers gain defense)Guardians Charisma (Enemies are pulled towards the guardian; Spell Shield (shield absorbing magic damage for x sec)Anti magic Burst (damages mana of all nearby…)Massacre (spin killing nearby low level enemies scoring critical against elites) Archery -> Archery (Archer/Ranger)ThiefPreferred: light, mediumSpecial: Ranged weapons (Bows, Crossbows, Guns and throwing weapons) Overdraw (5) – +Damage of BowsEagle Eye – Zoom ViewCritical Shot (3) – CriticalsSteady hand (2) – Slow TimePower Shot – Stagger EnemyHunters Discipline – Recover more arrows -> Less chance of Breaking arrowsRanger – Fast movement with bow readyQuick Shot – Faster DrawingBullseye – Paralyze ChanceNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterAuto ShotSpotter (Enemies are highlighted through ranged attacks)Flaying (Gain Fur, Flesh and else… level 1 from animals, level 2 from Monsters)Scrounger (Quivers can hold more arrows and bolts)Know the enemy (Enemy armor, stats, level and class are known)Golden Silence (while not moving perception increases threefold)Melee Archery (you can injure and kill adjacent foes with bow and arrow while drawing (stab through eye))Hunter (Damage against animals)Sentinel (Reloading weapons)Survival (Sense nearby enemies (on radar) AbilitiesBursting Arrow (Arrow explodes on impact)Miasmic Arrow (explodes, stuns)Pinning Shot (Target immobilized)Archers Lance (Arrow goes through targets)Hail of Arrows (Shots an arrow into the sky which gets cloned 30 times)Point Blank shot (powerful, fast loaded and shot arrow, melee)Throw dirt (Blinds enemy in front)Barrage (Shots three arrows at the same time)Burning arrowGuided Arrow (Automatically seeks a target)Splinter shot (critical against target, then shatters, inflicting half the effect on adjacent foes)Crippling shot (Slows enemy)Arrow of slaying (lethal shot)Critical Shot (inflicts critical, high armor penetration)Seeking arrows (preparation, making all arrows somewhat guided)Expert Focus (preparation, less energy use)Read the wind (prep, faster arrows)Ignite arrows (prep, all arrows burn, disables most poisons)Dodge stance (prep, evading easier)Rapid fire (preparation, faster shooting)Lightning reflexes stance (faster attacks and high chance to block)Whirling defense stance (high chance to block, if blocking projectiles adjacent enemies are damaged)Resilience stance (+armor, for each hex and condition you gain +health regen + energy regen)Shattering Shot (+ damage against armor)Suppressive Fire (faster shooting, if used with rapid fire, shots become instant)Throw weapons (Throws normal weapons and deals damage according to weapon and throwing strength) Heavy Armor -> Warring (Warrior/Warlord)WarriorPreferred/Special: heavy, massive armor, unarmed Juggernaut (5) – Armorrating increaseFist of Steel – Unarmored damage increaseWell fitted – Bonus for all heavyCushioned – half damage from fallsTower of strength – less chance of staggeredConditioning – heavy armor weights nothing and doesn’t slow you down when wornMatching set – BonusReflect Blows – Reflect melee chanceBrawn (Takes less damage from Hand to Hand Combat)Brawl (Powered fist style)Fistfight (Faster)NoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterLeadershipDrunken FistLong haul (over encumbered doesn’t slow you down, but you still can’t sprint)Until death (no unconsciousness) AbilitiesRally (Boosting Party)Second wind (renews Stamina)Battle Synergy (while fighting a single enemy together, damage of party increases) Deep Reserves (p) (Stamina)Heroic Stance (less interruption, less stun, less knockdown, no unconsciousness)Powerful (Reduces fatigue and raises damage)Bravery (Damage reduced, mental resistance)Supernatural resilience (Resistance against elements for x sec)Regeneration burst (regenerates health and stamina for x sec)Death blow (Gives back stamina when killing someone)Precise Striking (attack bonus)Taunt (Nearby enemies attack)Threaten (Out of panic nearby enemies seek other targets)Berserk (High damage for x sec)Resilience (Ignores conditions for 9 seconds)Final blow (All stamina goes into a more powerful blow depending on how much stamina)Pulverizing blow (Inflicts Weakness and wound)Dragon fist (Powerful blow ranged)Wind cutter (Slices enemy, inflicts bleeding)Paper (100% armor penetration, lethal against elites and below, critical against above)Slam (punch, critical, knockback)Shadow kick (fast Kick, critical) Quake (kicking ground knocking down nearby enemies)Killing blow (critical kill under 30% hp against non bosses, inflicts wound and weakness otherwise)Rippling Wave (hits all enemies adjacent in front, inflicts pain)Bellow (Weakens enemies nearby)Absolute fist (Target is interrupted)Lightning Punch (Paralyzed) Upper Cut (Dazed)Punch of oblivion (Confused)Pulverizing kick (Crippled) Smithing -> Mysticism (Mystic/Rogue/Engineer)ThiefPreferred: light, mediumSpecial: Creating Weapons, Machines and Explosives Steel Smithing - Arcane Blacksmith – (creates a better magic use version upgrade for all others)Dragonarmor – (Heavy and light version)Elven Smithing - (should advance higher for magic enhancement…)Advanced Armors - Glass smith - Dwarven Smithing – (Highest Hardness, Indestructable)Orcish Armors - Ebony smith - Daedric smith -NoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterRepair item with similar item (forge)Dwemer Tech (Tier of rebuilding)Maintenance (items stay longer in their rank (flawless, epic…)) Abilities Alchemy -> Alchemy (Alchemist/Druid)MagicianPreferred: unarmored, light armored, Staffs, SceptersSpecial: Herbalism, Alchemy (extended (use+creation)), ‘mist’ staffs and scepters, plant magic Alchemist (5) – P,P + 20% strengthPhysician – Potions for h,s,m +25%Poisoner - +25%Benefactor - +25% potionsExperimenter (3) – IngredientsConcentrated Poison – last twice as longGreen thumb – two ingredients gatheredSnakeblood – 50% resistance to poisonPurity – Negative effects removedNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterHerbalism (Harvesting and making salves)Potions last twice as longCombat Cook (Powerup Recipes)Oil preparationPotion brewingElixirs (grandmaster tier)Bomb preparationAltered Metabolism (Immunity to Pain and Poison, Resistance to bleeding, lower degeneration of health from poisoning, higher constitution; when poisoned by potion)Potion Tolerance (Mana Toxicity Resistance)Mutation (Eating raw ingredients gives small health bonus) AbilitiesThornblades (summons cone of bamboo sprouts)Natures Vengeance (Roots grasp, damage and immobilize Enemy)Leafstorm (summons storm of razorsharp leafs AoE)Stinging Swarm (insects attack target for x seconds, if he dies they attack the next)Spell Wisp (+ spellpower)Grease (creates an grease slick slowing all down, making them slip)Spellbloom (short high manaregeneration)Spring (AoE, inside area nature magic becomes stronger and party is healed for x seconds) Light Armor -> Dueling (Warden/Duelist)ThiefPreferred/special: two one-handed weapons, light, medium armor Agile Defender (5) – Increase armor +20%Custom Fit – light amror BonusUnhindered – Light armor weights nothing when worn… doesn’t slow downWind walker – +50% stamina regen in light a.Matching set – set bonusDeft movement – 10% Avoid all damageNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterDrawing weapons (speed; drawing attack)Repel Arrows (Deflect arrows with weapons)Parry (Parry attacks with weapons) AbilitiesUnforgiving Chain (Each uninterrupted attack makes strikes faster)Vigilance (Dodge % attacks from behind)Turn of Blades (Faster and more powerful attacks)Momentum (increases attack speed and power)Explosive Strike (each prior melee attack (to the point of last damage) gives strike more power) Twin Fangs (dual strike, critical with both)Dual Striking (Dual attacks become stronger)Riposte (chance to stun with first hand attack, critical if stunned with second hand)Cripple (…)Punisher (three blows, first two normal, third critical, may knock down enemy)Dual Sweep (strike all nearby enemies)Flurry (fast six blows) Whirlwind (…)Low blow (attacks feet of adjacent enemies, may knock down)Unending flurry (Repeated stabs)Keen Defense (High defense, chance to evade)Flashing strike (may blind enemy) Lockpicking -> Thievery (Thief, Treasurehunter)ThiefPreferred: light, mediumSpecial: Lockpicking, Trapper lore, minor stealth skills Novice Locks (Novice Thievery -> more bonuses: locks break less often, combat bonuses, Lockpicking skill learning can go up to where one can learn apprentice but not higher, apprentice then unlocks skills further)Apprentice LocksQuick hands – stealthWax key – key for picked lockAdept locksGolden touch – more goldTreasure hunter – special treasureExpert locksLocksmith – opening positionUnbreakable – lockpicks don’t breakMaster locksGrandmasterBroken lock reuse (because they can break if you aren’t a ‘thief’ novice-master)Trapper (traps highlighted, opens trapmaking tier on table at forge) AbilitiesSilent Step (Thieves can sneak even with a sprint)Dirty Fighting (attacks may stun or blind enemy for x sec)Rush (leap forward knocking down target(s))Fatiguing Fog (aoe, slowing)Back to Back (Rogue teleports to target)Blindside (Critical, armor penetrating attack)Twist the knife (against stunned and sleeping enemies critical)Follow through (Gain a bit of stamina from every normal attack)choking gas (makes a quick trap stunning enemies)dust trap (makes a quick trap blinding)muddy terrain (movement slowed)snare (trap; immobilizes enemy)spike trap (inflicts bleeding + damage) Vipers nest (snake trap, poisoning)Trappers focus (faster trapping)Shadow form (For 10 seconds you are somewhat invisible)Deft hands (unlocks lock automatic)Shadow Striking (lethal attacks if unseen)Pandemonium (6 extremely fast attacks) Pickpocket -> Bardic Lore (Bard)ThiefPreferred: light, medium, ranged weaponsSpecial: Musical buffs, Stealing, minor stealth skills Light Fingers (5) - +20% (5 per consecutive rank)Night thief - +25% pick chance while asleepPoisoned – silent place poisonCutpurse – pick gold 50% easierExtra pockets – Carry 100 more (ODD)Keymaster – Pickpocketing keys easierMisdirection – Equipped weaponsPerfect touch – Equipped itemsNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmaster AbilitiesStealing (You steal random items automatically while running into NPCs, even during combat)Flicker (enemies miss attacks)Hearthseeker (Critical attack)Weak points (attacks become more powerful for x sec)Song of Valor (party buff regeneration of mana and stamina)Distraction (dizziness and/or hallucinations)Song of courage (party buff for health, defense and attack)Captivating song (Enemies nearby are stunned every 3 seconds (mental+sound magic resistance check))Mark of the legion (party buff, high defense, immunity to panic, calm or confusion)Storms of Skyrim (party debuff, less resistance against magic for all enemies)Blessing of the ancestors (party buff; resistance against magic and damage, immunity to pain and stun) Sneak -> Assassination (Assassin)ThiefPreferred: light, medium, one onehanded weaponSpecial: STEALTH, distraction, Poison use (minor poisonmaking) Stealth (5) - +20% harder to detectMuffled movement – Armor nouce reduced 50%Backstab – sneakattacks onehanded *6 damageLightfoot – wont trigger trapsDeadly aim – sneak attacks with bows *3 damageSilent roll – sneak+sprint->silent rollAssassin’s blade – dagger *15Silence – walk, run no affect on detectionShadow Warrior – going into sneak-mode makes invisible for a momentNovice (higher damage)Apprentice (additional damage for criticals)Adept (higher chance for critical)Expert (Criticals under x% are lethal)Master (critical under x*2% are lethal)Grandmaster (Criticals under x*4% are lethal) Sandman (kill silently sleeper)Apply poison (applying poison doesn’t have the risk of poisoning self, can be used during combat)Lethality (backstabs, automatic critical when on the backside or flank of enemy) AbilitiesStealth (Makes invisible for x seconds)Feast of the Fallen (Killing enemies give back stamina)Lacerate (blades inflict bleeding for x sec)Brand (Branded becomes likelier to receive critical)Mark of death (marked has additional damage from casters attacks)Coup de Grace (Auto critical against stunned, sleeping or paralyzed enemies)Evasion (higher chance to evade, higher chance to resist knockdown, stunning)Subtlety (enemies are less likely to attack assassin)Haze of smoke (obscuring sight slightly) Backstab (teleporting, critical attack)Assault (vicious attack knocking enemies back)Death blossom (lethal attack against humans if under 50% health)Flashing blades (3 fast attacks, inflicts bleeding)Shadow strike (critical strike)Impale (inflicts wound)Below the belt (Pain)Deadly strike (Armor penetration) Speech -> Charming (Chanter/Charmer/Beastmaster)ThiefPreferred: unarmored, light, mediumSpecial: Charming animals and humanoids alike, runecrafting Haggling (5) – price +10% (5% for con. Rank)Allure – 10% better price with opposite sexBribery – Can bribe guardsMerchant – Sell any item anywherePersuasion – 30% easierInvestor – 500 gold to shopkeeper to increase gold permanentlyIntimidation – 2* as successfulFence – stolen goods sold anywhereMaster trader – Any merchant gains 100 goldNoviceApprenticeAdeptExpertMasterGrandmasterAnimal Friend (Wild animals may aid you)Breeder (animal friends have children)Beastly (1) gains more from it 2)Can only eat raw food but high gain)Predator (During dark nights enhances attack, perception and speed)Restoration (Damaged books become blank books for copying books)Runecrafting (creates enchantment runes, duration enchantments)Opposite Sex (combat, dialogue)Same Sex (combat, dialogue) AbilitiesSenses (Chance to evade)Coercion (target becomes more easily convinced)Summon (wolf, frostspider, bear, …)Beast abilities (mauling, pounce, strike, Call of haste, Call of protection, Charm, Comfort, Lunge, Symbiotic bond, Growls, Dread Howl, Overwhelm, Charge, Shred,…) Spell Combinations (Magic a+b) and Fusion (Spell (casting together) a+b)Advanced Reanimation – Might + ReanimateEntropic death – Death hex + Death cloudFlame Quencher – Flame + IceGrease Fire – Grease + FlameImproved drain – Vulnerability + drainNightmare – Sleep + HorrorParalysis Explosion – Glyph repulsion+ Glyph paralysisShattering – Freeze or petrify + critical attack, crushing prison, stone fist…)Shockwave – Force field+ PrisonStorm of the centuries – might + Blizzard + Lightning storm Racial PerksAttributes of all races are different at beginning and only tier one is already usableThe 3 races v,w,l have a cursed and a true form with tiers Vampire - NobleTier 1- Bond of Blood, BiteTier 2- Entice, EnhanceTier 3- Kiss of the Night, Heightened SensesTier 4- Dark WingsTier 5- Trueblood (Mindcontrol, weaker sideeffects) (or) Daywalker (No bad sideeffects)Tier 6- Chinan; Enticing EyesTier 7- Old BloodTier 8- Blood Control, Soul Weapon Bond of Blood is the you are a Vampire perkBite is the ability to suck bloodEntice is the ability to control an npc for a short amount of time(level limit)Enhance is the ability granting inhuman speedKiss of the night makes you able to infect othersHeightened senses makes you able to hear the heartbeats of people near you, you can smell their blood and sweat (red aura)Dark Wings is an ability to flyTrueblood is the stronger vampire, but the daywalker has no malign effects hindering him.Chinan means to sprout and is a slow motionEnticing eyes makes entice aoeOld blood gives you blood magicBlood Control gives you the strongest Control magic against enemiesSoul weapon gives you a special weapon (based on clan; with a certain ability) which you can always summon Cursed Werewolf -WerewolfTier 1- Curse of the NightTier 2- Howl (Abilities)Tier 3- Calm Winds (Senses)Tier 4- Rage (Combat strength)Tier 5- Rising Moon (undoing curse, destroys ring of hircine)Tier 6- Focus (Slow motion)Tier 7- Heat (Speed)Tier 8- White Moonlight (Energy Abilities) Curse of the night is the basic lycanthropy curseCalm winds create stronger senses (like infraredsight)Rising moon makes the normal lycanthrope transformation into a beastrace transformation in which you can wear armors and weapons again… but you still retain the strength and abilities of werewolves…White Moonlight opens certain energy combat abilities like arcane magic but on melee combat Shade – LichTier 1- Prominence of Dark; Shadow sightTier 2- Detachment; PossessionTier 3- GhostformTier 4- Frozen Heart (Stronger Ice and necromancer abilities)Tier 5- Black Light (Transforming into lich)Tier 6- Deaths CallTier 7- Call of DarknessTier 8- Phylactery Prominence of Dark is the basic curse and is permanentShadow sight (like ultra violet sight)Detachment makes you able to walk through certain walls and you hover over ground and waterPossession makes you able to possess a corpse to go unnoticed into cities; After a few days the corpse will start to rot and people will attack youGhostform is (easier to dodge bonus with) a transformation and unlocking certain abilitiesDeaths Call Summons Armies of the deadCall of darkness opens a tier of dark magic for assassinationsPhylactery is the finalization of the lich granting him power over gravity, death and darkness magic BretonTier 1- Tier 2- DragonskinTier 3- Tier 4- RedguardTier 1- Adrenaline RushTier 2- Tier 3- DisciplineTier 4- ImperialTier 1- Imperial Luck (passive)Tier 2- Tier 3- Voice of the emperorTier 4- NordTier 1- Tier 2- BattlecryTier 3- BattlerageTier 4- AltmerTier 1- Elder Soul (Manapool +50pts; passive)Tier 2- Rising SunTier 3- Highborn (Mana Regeneration)Tier 4- BosmerTier 1- Tier 2- Command Animal (passive active)Tier 3- Tier 4- DunmerTier 1- Tier 2- Tier 3- Wrath of Ancestors (Fireaura)Tier 4- OrcTier 1- Tier 2- Tier 3- Berserker RageTier 4- ArgonianTier 1- Waterbreathing (passive)Tier 2- Tier 3- HistskinTier 4- KhajiitTier 1- Claw Attack (passive)Tier 2- Eye of the NightTier 3- Tier 4- Class names for NPC coverage of spell and ability use as well as for levelup (attribute distribution)Ranger, Archer, Bard, Assassin, Thief, Agent, Nightblade, Pilgrim, Scout, Rogue, DragoonTempest, Guardian, Barbarian, Reaver, Paladin, Avenger, Justicar, Warden, Knight, Priest, Cleric, Healer, Monk, Shaman, DruidBeastmaster, Conjurer, Warlock, Necromancer, Alchemist, Adept, Sorcerer, Mystic, Mesmer, Battle mage, Sorcerer, Arcane Warrior, Witchhunter, Wizard/Witch Shouts FUS RO DA Unrelenting Force Force Balance PushIIZ SLEN NUS Ice form (freeze) Ice Flesh StatueSTRUN BAH QO strom call Storm Wrath LightningYOL TOOR SHUL Fire breath Fire Inferno SunTIID KLO UL Slow mo Time Sand EternityWULD NAH KEST Whirlwind sprint Whirlwind Fury TempestRAAN MIR TAH Animal Allegiance Animal Allegiance PackSU GRAH DUN Elemental Fury Air Battle GraceFEIM ZI GRON Become ethereal Fade Spirit BindFO KRAH DIIN Frost Breath Frost Cold FreezeZUL MEY GUT Throw Voice Voice Fool FarZUN HAAL VIIK Disarm Weapon Hand DefeatLOK VAH KOOR Clear Skies Sky Spring SummerHUN KAAL ZOOR Call of Valor Hero Champion LegendJOOR ZAH FRUL Dragonrend Mortal Finite TemporaryKRII LUN AUS Mark for Death Kill Leech SufferLAAS YA NIR Aura Whisper Life Seek HuntOD AH VIING Call Dragon Snow Hunter WingKAAN DREM OV Kaynes Peace Kyne Peace TrustFAAS RU MAAR Dismay Fear Run Terror SLEN TIID VO Resurrect Dragon Flesh Time Undo Meteor Swarm FIIK LO SAH Clone Mirror Deceive PhantomVEN MUL RIIK Snaring Fog Wind Strong Gale NEW SHOUTS??? Other Perks/ P,PA,A AbilitiesWeapon styles (consecutive attacks, attack speed, precision, range, around body…)Onehanded (Holding weapons in one hand)Twohanded (Holding weapons in both hands)Strong (long reach and power attacks; bleeding, Wounds, Knockdown)Fast (high speed and precision attacks; Pain, Parry, Disarm)Group (consecutive attacks around body; Higher Defense against Projectiles; Knockdown, Precision) NEED FOR A NEUTRAL NON CLASS CLASS or PASSIVE ABILITIESCamel (Water need)Fast Metabolism (Eating, Drinking, Sleeping higher need but higher regeneration)Ascetic (Needs reduced)Blue Rose (No addiction to drugs)Addict (Addiction causes powerup)Heavy Weight (Toxicity of alcohol – duration)Buzz (Intoxicated Immunity to pain, Attack+, Defense-Toxicity resistanceAll Night long (No Unconsciousness when fully drunk) Campfire (well rested)Bounty hunter (good)Killer (bad)Meditation Ritual Cleansing, lifeTraining attributesComprehending skills and spellsXP GainMore points per levelKarma resetSkill, level or perk increaseCircle Crosshair perkCannibalBloody MessChild at heart (play games with children or make them do things; opens dialogue)Monster lore (Survival Perk archeryRed enemy dots become visible only with Survival perk in a radarlike interface (no indication, red area, red pinpoint of enemy (seen enemy will have information like level of npc (rank) and equipment (grade))) (Until Death perk warring'Slowing Motion when near death (health), all movements become slightly slower (player and npc) but your reaction is going up') InterfaceOption A) hide everything B) Show everything at appropriate time C) Customize Settingssome changes in game making interfaces parallel instead of linear buying and selling interface; Inventory (Replace vertical category listing with horizontal tabs) as well as font more period-appropriate 'Any traditional rpg- interface that has slots for every piece of armor and weaponry that you can wear would be a great improvement on the current state. Display weight, value and armor/damage for each item with the ability to sort by these columns. Create sub-categories Add paper-doll view to see equipped items at a glanceAdd tabs along the top to switch between Status, Perks, Skills and Magic, Inventory, Map, Journal, System (Status shows character with all active effects, level in a neat paper doll view; Skills and Magic are categorized by rank with pdv; Journal is a journal)Add additional category with merchants ‘To Sell/To Buy’ where items you want to sell go before ‘trade button’ is clicked and selling them, as well as making inventories of merchant and pc parallel. As well as highlighting ‘for sale items’ in inventory beforehand.Inventory has weight and volume… with some items using more volume than weight…Volume is heightened with bags, backpacks, magic containers… Remove cross hair except when pointing at stuff (books to take, meat… to steal… corpses) near you fading slowly away… Sneak is disabled and for archers and mages a round circle (radius depending on dexterity or intelligence and becomes smaller while standing still and while sneaking) which slowly becomes smaller (perks for that too)Ranged Fighting Waves a little (cross hair not seen moving inside circle) For Ranged Fighting on master level crosshair (no circle anymore) for longer ranges seeing where the arrow falls (you use up to 45° to heighten your range (also for special Abilities))For horseriding archery the circle would be three times bigger... Loading screen now holds quotes of famous people Change hot key icons displayed in menus when these hot keys are switched in the settingsAllow for hot key remapping that actually worksAdd a favorites category where quick keys are organizedAdd multiple character tabs to Save/Load menu to better manage saves between characters.Allow quick keys to be any unused keyboard keys (within reason), not just 1-0Allow for any number of items (which can be of different types) in a single quick key, so custom "sets" can be favorited. This is managed in the Favorites tab of the Tab interface.A Mod to delete unwanted KeysAdjust key mapping (fe.: so same key opens and closes container. Automatic level up based on existing classes… Cooldown counterBreath bar (with blue bubbles per bubble x (like 3 or else) seconds)Make a violet circle counter for Conjuration and an upwards blue water drop counter for potions running slower when effect wears offPowershout as flame growing bigger and colored from red when ready; white and small when reloading Dialogue options in conversations - Change the colors from dark grey and light grey to a more vibrant color. Sitting, lying down everywhere possible Atmosphere'Real Darkness, Real Lights and Real Colors' Making the whole a 'little' darker at night and in caves and dungeons… and more realistic with moonlight ala godlight and two moonsOblivion God-Rays (sunrays, moonrays of fantasy) Variable Weather (clear weather, Rain, Rainbows and lightning storms are common, snow fall uncommon, snowstorms are very rare in most plains, on mountains snowfall and snowstorms are common, clear weather uncommon…); weather changes everywhere'(rain) Wetness (darkening) and/or wetness water glimmer on objects aso'Under surfaces fix for snow and rain graphics and soundSneak is extremely better in heavy rain and snowfall WaterClearer underwater until 4-5 meter belowWaterfalls and water fixWade in water (currently can sprint through water until it's deep enough to swim in) and wet (darker) footprintsBetter fog on water effectswater dripping off you when you get out of water and of screenLivelier waters... more vegetation and underwater creatures mussles, starfish, turtles, minicrabs... eels, sharks, kronosaurus... combatmusic only starts when you've received or inflicted damage While sneaking comrades whisper Sounds variation for water, frost, heat, shout, magic, stats, diseases, sneak, hp, stamina, hunger… -Everything Distant LOD mod-High Resolution textures –varying smaller and taller grass where grass existsfootprints left by characters or beasts(Snow)Dustcloud behind mammoths (only minimal dustcloud needed… just to make it look extreme) Nord and Social ImmersionCyclesNPC's get a life cycle and are subject to changes and are able to deal with changes (Usual Cycles and optional cycles and responses)... like eat, drink, sleep, wash themselves, cloth themselves... have a social life, do work that is necessary for the economic circle of each of the places they live in... like getting milk, making cheese, getting meat, getting flour from wheat (mill function added: creating flour and bonedust… ) to bake bread, getting water from well for cooking food... or getting honey and some other ingredients for making mead... selling and buying different goods if they don’t do it by themselves ((buying and selling) only where it is necessary like in towns or even bands of thieves and adventurers (money would need to circulate between certain people, probably easy way to balance if needed is to create travelers with only the function to buy for high prices)... When a trust is gained people have a certain pricetag they give away… when the limit is reached you either have to wait a week or steal the other things… At Nights city guards often stay around torches and fireplaces which give them warmth and their armor is more clothed (Cloak or else (imperials)) or with fur (stormcloaks)… During Nights only few people go outside if they do they are always clothed thick…Make guards swap maybe hard so this may be an exception Every now then there will new people arrive in Skyrim and travel around, visiting towns and other NPC's. More NPCs live in town (More houses?)…. New NPC will be arriving in Skyrim in guarded caravans and take places of killed NPC's.Places like bandit camps and caves should be reused by other fractions or animals. Territorial changes (killing guards- more bandits, killing bandits more guard patrols and civilian wanderers, killing both - more monster and wildlife, killing imperials more storm and reversed more imperials although in each territory one faction is in the wilds and one is in the city.. and day and night changes dominance slightly)Shopkeeper remembering you dialogue?Animals don’t attack immediately but if you come to near to them some mayAlso if they can walk away most will do that first (wolves) when they perceive you which becomes better (heightened perception range while you are not sneaking) Different types or colored armor for the town guards for each of the Nine cities and the territories that they include? Richer bigger towns have better guards with better equipment. More people in the worldInns (eating and drinking, talking, singing, brawling ,playing cards)Marketplaces (advertising) All Inns need at least a kitchen (even a small open one) and maybe a cellar or an attic for storing food and rooms (one with a bath tub in it) In Villages there is a small hut where they smoke meat In every house, castle, hut where fireplaces are near and near windows there are pots with plants to harvest… More Fireplaces in cities and villages at night (to give 'guards' shelter against cold) Towns have a Butcher (Meatvendor), an Inn (selling hot meals, hot drinks), cheese manufacturer (vendor), Baker (baked goods vendor), Public Bath separated or mixed… ( ), Tailor (who also makes puppets and teddy bears for children) Farms outside of Towns need more animals (and plants) and sometimes better fences (or small walls towards the wild)! Interweaving crafts with life (You actually see the smith repairing the mill, the sawmill…) Longer nights shorter days… darker nights (but when in the wilds moon and starlight, creating a magical atmosphere (so no entire darkness), will outside of towns, villages (civilization) light up the environment… while inside cities the wilds will look darker (light to dark fade)Caves and dungeons will also be darker… Skyforge gets a workbench; major city forges gain all forge equipment Wolves walk in packs, they are less aggressive Nord farms and villages have sheep fenced in if you are a merchant the ripping of is decreased and Not all merchants are going to rip you of when you are a citizen or noble, they will give you ‘proper’ prizes Scaling of merchant items needs to be changed, no matter my level, a shop owner should not have an entire selection of Dwarven weapons and armour. Elven should be considered rare for shopkeepers, anything above near impossible. World Optional Teleportation stones on the ground in important places… fast travel is offCarriages Carry you all the way. Snowy roads in between some cities and sleights to carry youContainer 'item categories in containers when many items are contained' and 'Empty container empty text away' Two active and many passive companions... + camps for them in every territory… like this you can implement once a mead hall ala companions, a small slightly ruined temple with walls, a clearing with tents, a small farm with stables and cages, caves underneath an old tree, a magetower, a small 'village' up in the (large) trees, a tavern or villa or even castle...Of course you have retainers guarding the places too 'nonessential npc male and female marriage and polygamy'Courting, life of spouse, social life, family life, adventurer life, death More active social life... wife and neighbors... romance, sex, divorce... 'talk of pregnancy???'Sex could be a video, where the wife gets naked, the men gets naked the throw themselves (men->women) onto bed and camera turns to fireplace hearing ‘ohhoo’ time goes by an hour clothes or armor are around bed… as a set click one and you equip all… wife or husband still sleepingParties like vampire, cannibal, your own social party and nobility parties MarriageGifts: Jewelry, clothes, Jewels, Sweets, Flowers, PerfumesSpouse in my property having normal life If you are nude people should at first give you a silent response, only when you talk to them a second time should they overlook your exhibition… orsome NPCs will say, “Cover yourself! Are you mad? Have you no decency?” When talking to them ‘on the street’ Dungeon ImmersionMonsters are more common at night and less during the day except near cities. 'glowing monster eyes... in the dark the spiders eyes glowing coming from above...' Dragons should use their wings more often when flying... they look more like one flap and he is going up no down no up again...the hell??? By the way… that thing looks more like a wyvern than a full on dragon… Undead cant die with conventional weapons… Protected by darkness (shield) Silver Weapons and Magic (Weapons) for Delivering Death to Monsters Time, the sun should set at about 5 pm in Skyrim, not 7 pm, because of its Northern location, so I am requesting a mod that could do this...+ more enemy monsters (stronger and more) at night less in daylight… in cities more thief’s Body decay. When you kill and animal or a person after so much time that body decays and finally becomes bones and then disappears thanks to 'magic bugs' Character Creation Lesser Creatures in Masses (to fight through a horde of whatever comes at you and to make them die and more come at you… Especially in dungeons, with elite leaders mixed in at times… These small critters don't have loot) 1. a Giant Monsters with Armor (dragons -> dragon scale, dragon slayer weapons have 100% armor penetration, sometimes they have weaknesses underneath or old wounds where armor is less strong for conventional weapons; Lycanthropes (transformer) have extreme metabolism and regeneration… only stopped by silver poisoning; Trolls have thick fat layer armor;…) some Dragons are as big as an inn, Make a dragon that is twice that size without wings but with larger scales (like spikes), 1. b More powerful, mobile and vicious Dragons & Mercenary Dragon hunters- Dragons should be buffed considerably with elemental and/or physical resists as their scales are like armor and their claws like razor-sharp weapons. After a while (when news of dragons has spread giving small groups of dragon hunters time to ride to skyrim after going to 'greys') non-essential NPC hirelings with experience and antidragonweapons and armor form camps outside of big cities, can be purchased for a large amount of gold, who will follow you to hunt a dragon, not treasures. dragons focus attacks on you (especially after you do quests that advance the dragon plot line, if that's possible), that way I can get a decent chance at attacking them, and everyone would also enjoy the extra challenge on being relentlessly hunted. Making the being hunted balanced so that you won’t get attacked and attacked and start screaming… powerful dragons should not run away. -add some of your shouts to certain dragons.-make combat AI changes to dragons and make them much harder to kill, without shouts especially. Maybe go easy on the first one since you I really have shouts yet. But close quarter combat should not be an option before they are mortally wounded. Like I said above, they should be able to fling you across the mountain with a flick of their head. The nose stabbing thing is just silly. You have to shout it to death. labyrinths; puzzles; horror; extreme Bossmonsters WildsNPC hunts… they hunt solo, in groups, tactical, they respond, they loot,…Leaders have journals…Choice of Visual identifications or instant attack FogAt times have a poisonous fog in deep volcanic mines ('Cleansing' undoes the fog in the vicinity), black shadow corruption fog in tombs making undead reawaken if not purified (either the dead (with sacred weapons (Silver+Holy Water) or the area (With 'Magelight' and 'Cleansing' fused to become 'Holy light' (Nova, AOE Effect)) and may give you malign effects like radiation sickness in 'Fallout 3' + % magic failure increase, if not resistant to darkness and disease. Minigame ImmersionFistfights in tavernsDice pokerDrinking contestSexcard black jack Wealth ImmersionReduce prices of normal and higher luxury pricesMore guards in wealthy districts… luxury articles like silver and gold dishesNormal like wood and ironHomeless people will camp in sleeping bags outside town Dynamic price and varying shop inventory (price of leather helm should drop when I sell the 30 I just created) normally Merchants money varies… if you visit them many times they have much more money…Beginning set rate low; normal evolution +-30% more than base value (on a day per day basis); many visits 60% higher base value ‘Use of …’ from alchemists, smiths and enchanters will need onetime payment for possible damage… (100-300 septims) Criminal ImmersionProper AI reaction Criminal Court before the jarl, judges (noble lords and ladies) and some witnessesI should not be allowed to wander around the prison jail without even asking permission to the guards. In the same city or village… People will know that stolen goods are missing…Belongings of dead people are not stolen. But when you murdered someone and took his things, the merchants will ‘know’ that they are blood items and wont buy it… worse even they may call the guards if they are sure.But all things are freely for sale in different cities (territories) collecting heads of enemies for bounty or display on stakes in front of house (retainer will place them there) Certain merchants should have certain needs. Remove chickens/animals as witnesses of crimes.The AI should know when Im moving an object that is flagged with Steal while pressing E. No touching.Not all enemies should throw their lifes away all the time. They should be more reasonable about their well being. They should be able to consider the threat other enemies and I/companion/summons represent to them. Donations and charity as well as accomplishing quests will earn you trust, making lowlevel bounties miniscule… while shady business will deteriorate trust making bounties and prices of merchants less favorable. Crimes are remembered… and if extreme – bounties will bleed to other territories If the owner is dead things are no longer owned, but after a day, when corpse is discovered… the things left behind are owned again… a) property of the arl or b) family of the dead… if a) guards will be station in front of the house if b) the items will have vanished and may appear at the local merchant for sale (quest items…) Stolen items lose their stolen tag after a week Bandits are not 100% alarmed all the time… A) sleeping B) doing whatever (eating and drinking, playing cards, brawling, pissing) If you are from the thief guild some bandits wont attack you… especially if you wear similar armor to them. Visual Detection* Line of Sight* Light position* Light level* Vigilance* Nightingale Yes/No (-15% from char LL, not the effective LL) * Idle Animations (minimal)* Walking Animations (Enough to sneak run)* Talking (enough to step on things that make noise due to bad physics and collision boxes) Player FeatsArcheryNew drastic difference between bow types; high end/long bows take much longer to draw, but offer far greater stopping power than lower tier/short bowsbare headshots more damage except armorarchery skill overhaul; archery skill to affect combat accuracy (less skilled you are more you "wave" with your aim and the shorter is your range)Head shots + damage, except heavy armor negated; light armor damage reduced but with,Leg Movementspeed, Arm attack decreased Throwing Weapons and skill of throwing all weapons (damage depends on what kind of weapon, damage of weapon, strength and dexterity of player) Strong Warriors can wield two large two-handed weapons… making blocking unavailable, drastically slower and less powerful damage for them Blocking Enemy means (No Instant death)And a new button for blocking, so that we can dual-wield block. With a shield you would just perform a quick bash with the current block key, with two handed weapons it could do a pommel strike. The chance of blocking with weapons is however not as high and not as effective as with shields, where you can negate all damage almost all the time and hit back immediately… Memory slot bar for special attacks'Numbers keys for instant magic... 1 Assigned Freeze 2 assigned stonespear (or something) ... Player holds sword and shield or bow or two hander... presses one creates freeze even while holding sword and shield (less powerful) only available with 'arcane warrior' perk' Master thief. (sneak+jump -> climb)lets you clime buildings with some kind of grappling hookenter threw windows.poison people's food. (they would drop dead 4-5 hours after you poisoned food in their home.a black jack that knocks people out with killing them via a sneak attack.ability to drag some one to a container and hide their corpse in handed cross bows. Training to become a bard and use instruments… possibly with mp3 music to be able to implement… 'like you travel over mountains and take out your drums to hear and start drumming and magic sparks fly from it to hear 'woodkid – Iron' or 'hans zimmer – dream is collapsing, up is down, what shall we die for, One day' or other epic music 'Making lower body visible in ego perspective ala 'Mirrors Edge'... + 1st person shadow'1st person finishing moves as well as 3rd person magic in hands Separate body movement from view movement (view + arm movement) The Player is able to gently push people away automatically, if running pushing strong 'ala Assassins Creed' Sneakjump reduced; When you Sprint you deactivate sneak… Swimming and underwater combat No Clothes for bed, lie down onto bed to sleep and have animations with your spouse ‘a kiss, spooning, lying towards each other’Speed up wait and sleep the long the faster (blur)… Proper reflection of the world/player on the water and underwaterLooting animationClimbing animationDrinking and eating animationsSmoking a dwarven or witches pipeFinishers with axes, dual weapons, greatsword, daggers, hammer, mace, scythes, staff, unarmed (stab with hand ripping out heart, punch with impact or holding neck and twist)… The ability to kill all NPCs (VIPs are immune to be killed by other NPCs)… the actions and consequences are yours. When a person falls down realistically, he is most of the times only unconscious until given the deathblow…Gore mod and kill scenes based on deadly critical instead of last personDeathblow for archer…'Better Physics for death (more gravity better simpler movement… Arrow in back fall forward and down...For critical, if health is low enemy is killed immediatelyCritical Kill (Screen) with dual charged magic (flame -> explode, lightning->enemy becomes dust, ice->freezes and breaks) Keys'Pressing and holding 'external view button' while automatically walking should give opportunity to look around body' '2 Command Buttons for Follower… Number One: 'Go to X!' Enemy -> Attack; Ally ->Defend; Chair->Sit; Bed->Sleep; Ground->Go there/// Number two: Come! (to me)' 'attack, defense magic, shout and normal while jumping is possible; leaping (dodging) to the sides, forward and backward with sprint or pushing and holding jump and tapping keys for side'Running backwards possible When blocking and being hit and attacking at that point (frames of time) where one blocks the hit one should get a massive damage or even an instant kill attack against most humanoid attackers. A better swim animation. Underwater combat brought back. Autoharvester of plants and things like chicken eggs… when walking over it even mounted… can be turned on and of A mod to stop the change between running and walking after looting chests, barrels and corpses Reading books does not make time stop, it continues as normal Zoom in Character Creation to see detail Building an Igloo with magic as a nightshelter in snowy terrains (exhausting)… using tents in other areas BodiesSuppose you could do several different things with dead/unconscious bodies.You could put them in your inventory and dump them (you see him dangling over your shoulder and you cant fight, if you unsheathe your weapons you let go of the bodyYou could use magic to have them turn to dust.You could freeze bodies to a statue and stand them up in rows.You could dispose of corpse??? Poisoning wells, throw them over walls…You could dissect bodies into 3 parts of human flesh, a human heart.You could dissect bodies into 3 parts of Khajit or Argonian flesh, Khajit or argonian hearts and furYou could dissect bodies into 3 parts of Elf/Orc flesh and Elf/Orc hearts.You could cut off heads and keep them in your inventory for later.You could collect vials of blood which reduce vampirism effects when drunk. Level quotes3 You realize that all your life you have been coasting along as if you were in a dream. Suddenly, facing the trials of the last few days, you have come alive.7 You realize that you are catching on to the secret of success. It's just a matter of concentration.9 You've done things the hard way. But without taking risks, taking responsibility for failure... how could you have understood?10 Everything you do is just a bit easier, more instinctive, more satisfying. It is as though you had suddenly developed keen senses and instincts.11 You've learned a lot about Skyrim... and about yourself. It's hard to believe how ignorant you were, but now you have so much more to learn.20 You resolve to continue pushing yourself. Perhaps there's more to you than you thought.22 The secret does seem to be hard work, yes, but it's also a kind of blind passion, an inspiration.30 So that's how it works. You plod along, putting one foot before the other, look up, and suddenly, there you are. Right where you wanted to be all along.33 You woke today with a new sense of purpose. You're no longer afraid of failure. Failure is just an opportunity to learn something new.40 Being smart doesn't hurt. And a little luck now and then is nice. But the key is patience and hard work.44 You can't believe how easy it is. You just have to go... a little crazy. And then, suddenly, it all makes sense, and everything you do turns to gold.50 It's the most amazing thing. Yesterday it was hard, and today it is easy. Just a good night's sleep, and yesterday's mysteries are today's masteries.55 Today you wake up, full of energy and ideas, and you know, somehow, that overnight everything has changed. What a difference a day makes.60 Now you just stay at your peak as long as you can. There's no one stronger in Tamriel, but there's always someone younger... a new challenger.66 You've been trying too hard, thinking too much. Relax. Trust your instincts. Just be yourself. Do the little things, and the big things take care of themselves.70 Life isn't over. You can still get smarter, or cleverer, or more experienced, or meaner... but your body and soul just aren't going to get any younger.77 With the life you've been living, the punishment your body has taken... there are limits, and maybe you've reached them. Is this what it's like to grow old?80 You're really good. Maybe the best. And that's why it's so hard to get better. But you just keep trying, because that's the way you are.88 By superhuman effort, you can avoid slipping backwards for a while. But one day, you'll lose a step, or drop a beat, or miss a detail... and you'll be gone forever.90+ The results of hard work and dedication always look like luck. But you know you've earned every ounce of your success.' Pets and MountsPettrainers near cities (charm animal (spell needs mana and time while being attacked) or command animal (Instant, no mana penalty)) (pets will evolve with either higher defense, base or higher attackpower)Companion pets are often mountable petsBear (M), Bird (M), Wolf, Dog, Salamander(M), Tiger(M), Spider(M), Boar(M), Worg(M), Phoenix, Icephoenix, Crab (M), Giant Eagle (M) Mounted Combat Abilities (Horses)Horse Whistle - causes nearby pack horses to whinny 0 sp 1 sec cooldown Novice skillCall Horse - causes nearby riding or war horse to come to you 0 sp 1 sec cooldown Apprentice skill req. horse whistleTrample - standing power attack causes horse to trample enemy doing damage and knockdown Adept skillDouble Kick - Rear power attack causes horse to headstand and kick back for damage and knockback Expert skillCharge - pressing right weapon power attack causes the horse to charge and your character to stab your target for horse damage and your own damage, plus knockdown and stun while riding past. 10 sec cooldown Master skill 'Pets (Organic: Spider, Wolf, small crimson (as big as a dog) dragon, mabari warhound, tiger or even a housecat (enlarging with magic)… which fight)'Make a Contract or Bind ability that protects Pets and companions from one’s own magic and us and each other from their attacks-Dragon Pet (Variation) 'Pets (Inorganic: Spiders and Spheres of dwemer; possibly others)a mod that lets you create and maintain them; as spare or creationpart are items like scrap metal and levers and gyros for outer health and to make them run soul gems every in game week 1 common gem) Also there are 2 ways to make the machines, 1. To do as the mod says by collecting a bunch of dwemer parts and a soul gem and making it (possibly at the forge+enchanting table), or 2. repairing those you destroy by just giving them just a few extra parts and a filled soul gem and then A 'repair or soul spell'. MountUnable to lead horses on foot via tack/reins (Would make engaging potential targets easier as you don't need to dismount to do so, and no have to worry about leaving your horse alone open to attack) I wish my horse would not attack in combat, so a mod to stop it attack. 'Horse walking, running forward, galloping, walking backward, able to jump, able to fight on back with egoperspective, able to whistle and horse comes if in a XXX radius; horse doesn't follow all the time (it only stays in a certain distance if you go away and if you go too far away it goes home except you tell it to wait), and the player and companion (sprint+'take, use button' jump on or off the horse; wild horses can be captured using morality through slowly approaching from the front; putting food on ground, giving food directly, stroking, head… then mount or not if moral isn't high enough…with feeding carrots, cabbage and sugar and caressing head and body (not a locked action but able to break of the action); Companion riding with you on horse (no galloping); You may buy a horse for your companionHorses get frightened and are trainable (more speed and moral fiber for staying near); 'Wait here' command (button) horse stays in vicinity of that point… possible goes were grass is or food but not far.Different Horse breeds; battle horse (has high health and armor), travel horse (runs faster when low weight), work horse (can hold two persons with 200 kg each and 100 kg itself); mystical breeds like the unique horn (no animal attacks), the Nightmare (runs fast with fire step)Horse downed state, demoralization and then deathAlso For later a Firan (Chocobo), a Worg (Big Wolf Mount), a bull, tiny Mammoth, dragon and giant white tiger would be awesome'. Wyvern ItemsRare armors and weapons are not common at higher level… Map1st map found in helgen in first corps is a 2d map with all major cities and riverwood scribbled onto it2D Grey map with magic quill bought in any city (whiterun) from local mage for unventured territory and colored for explored the College of mages one can buy the ‘orb of planes’ 3D Magic Map with yellow Note marker for Plants, Camps to make yourself. (On all three maps you will be able to wait for the next dawn, noon, dusk, midnight in a tab above)+ Compass a Magnetic and b Magical Orb of constellation for saving the game ‘charges at guardian stones and temples’ Wearing more Rings and activating (charge) only one ring per hand permitted ArmorEquipping or unequipping armor takes a few seconds (on player and npcs (looting) (except with special mage perk)) Making custom armor and weapon sets in inventory Most Armors have either thick clothes (leggings and long sleeves; fe. Imperial Armors) or Fur (fe. Stormcloak Armors) on them… For all Armors there will be cloaks to be worn over them. Dragonrunes, Nordic Runes (Futharks), Elven language spells on weapons and shields (enchanted) Beastmasks suit beastfaces… Make Weight of objects and of people and monsters realistic… a dog cant push you of a cliff, Equipment weight more realistic Weapons with blood can be cleaned with a rag Greatswords have higher range for hitting Hammers are less sharp (decap) Arrows if you want to sharpen, enflame or poison them might aswell give them the chance to break, with durability. And craftable exploding arrows… Cursed weapons and priestly healing from curse (contract curse: cant dequip, health curse: character gets one sickness after the other…) Torches as Weapons...(currently you are only able to block, misc item)... you can turn torches on and of ice and fire magic or button; Torches increase fireelemental magic damage, Warmthspell increases heat recieved from torch; you can drop lit torches… if they come in contact with water they turn off. Scabbards (for duals crossed X) and quivers are held by belts. Effect speed of drawing Weapons are have one or twohanded styles (some need certain classperks) with bonus and malus for each style used… fe.: hammer, sword, greatsword, mace, axe, staff… Imperial Army get refitted1. Tower Shield2. Centurion style helmet -Officers3. Chainmail instead of leather4. Thick clothing leggings, sleeves and cloaks to keep themselves warm5. All Armor Craftable6. Auxiliary Shield - To replace the current "Light Imperial Shield" equivalent. Astral Cloak (Main house is marked by Magic and then you teleport there to swap equipment)Can only be used under the moon or sunlit sky (and you can’t travel with your cloak outside the house… Status teleported) A Mod for every Book I read that says: ‘Already Read’ Making separate button for reading only or Two use keys one for instant use and one with a menu, where one can choose the action of the key (either use new menu or the Animation and Voice menu for changing this buttons form of 'use') talismans against enemy x (undead, wyvern, cursed hounds, spirits…) studded leather armor variation a Studded Leather Armor variation b Chain armor dress ??? Kimono Pirate Warlock Witch,deviant,art,girl,illustration,witch,fantasy-64ea0219df9a8ab8028f7a170572ff08_h.jpg Wizard The Last Piece Artefact Thief Khajiit (Clothes Day) Ranger Druids TRANSFORMATIONSAbility to infect spouse if married Vampirism and the werewolf curse have to be gained during full moon to get both… because they conflict each other… (my 'believe') Vampire is a mutant of humans made by an ancient species and werewolf originating from an ancient true werewolf race … two different species don't mix well without proper conditions… No need to breathe while swimming for Vampires (they don't need much oxygen anyways), as well as ability to jump just a little higher and further and ability to fall from higher without taking damage for both. Werewolves can jump even further Territory of the three clans of vampires and of werewolves… werewolfs as big as 2 of the three… Lycanthropy (Warrior)‘Lycanthropy second level’ cures of curses (bad effects and forced needs) and opens new Werewolf skills…1st personWerewolves have a higher regeneration of health and stamina (during full moon), immunity to iron and steel, higher speed and defense than Vampires… forced transformation when the moon is full, forced feeding on flesh while in wolf form at least once, otherwise you get degeneration buffs, once every 14 days + 1 you have to kill and eat an NPC . Feeding on animals (with less gain than npcs)A red flame (bar or meter) showing the time in transformation- Ring of Hircine should allow me to transform back to human at will and give me extra transformations. Additionally, I think that when I use the ring, it should save the amount of time I have remaining and let me reuse the power later in the day with that amount of time. Make it so the ring stays on.- auto-hotkey roars- on the rare occasions when I encounter a non-hostile NPC, I should be able to talk to them. After all, Sinding can do it.- should be able to sneak run (walking for werewolf- speed of running human)Specific models for werewolves for the different racesAltmer - Slender werewolf of normal height, but slightly thinner. Coat of a dirty golden color. Argonian - Their body has a big tail, small scales and webbings on hands and feet which are bigger…Bosmer - Smallest werewolf form of all the races, Light brown fur with long ears…Breton – Normal bodies with black furDunmer - Dark blue fur with prominent red eyes.Imperial – Normal bodies with grey furKhajiit – Look a bit more like a cross between sabretooth and werewolfNord - Largest werewolf, white fur with prominent blue eyes.Orc – Greenish fur with tusks and muscular body Redguard – Normal bodies with brown furI am not fond of wereboar, bear, lion, crocodile, vulture, shark here because it is a werewolf transformation AbilitiesSpeed increaseFocus (Slowmo)Heightened Senses – You can smell other beings, as well as hear better and see betterVarious techniques of body (claws, fangs), energy (emission attack, reinforcement) and howls Lycanthropy dreams… you are underneath another wolfcub in submission… the other cub runs to your mother… you run after it bodyslaming into it… aso Vampire (Magician)Two feeding animations… one noble one bestial'Feral Vampire (no food makes more feral, vulnerable and powerful in last stage; daylight = instant death… even with 'sunscreen salve' health degeneration is high.)'Variations… Ranking for vampiresHigher vampires do not need to drink blood. It is like alcohol to them, in that they can become drunk from it. Additionally, drinking blood increases their strength.A vampire bite does not turn the bitten creature into a vampire, but lower vampires create temporary servants.Superstitions like rushing waters, mirrors… They don’t like garlic… They are allergic to silver… Vampirism dreamsYou walk in a castle through corridors, hearing giggling of women…You walk in a castle through corridors, hearing giggling of women, walking through a door (black fade)…You walk in a castle through corridors, hearing giggling of women, walking through a door. You see two beautiful women inviting you to play with them…You walk in a castle through corridors, hearing giggling of women, walking through a door. You see two beautiful women inviting you to play with them. You slowly approach them while they play with each other…You walk in a castle through corridors, hearing giggling of women, walking through a door. You see two beautiful women inviting you to play with them. You slowly approach while they play with each other… One approaches you and you are enticed by their bodies smell and heat, making love to them as they plunge their fangs into your body and you doing the same. (Low level vampire)Ability strength is determined by time of last feeding. Abilities will be more potent when the player has recently fed and will begin to scale down in potency over the time from the last feeding. like “Well Rested” but instead be called, ‘Recently Fed’ on blood meter New abilities (low level vampires and above) Categorized into Blood, Mind and Special (Clan adhereing to either sorcery, wizardry or shamanism)High Regeneration (takes slow amount from blood meter and mana)-Entice – Npcs are in a daze like under drugs and will follow you… and wont do anything against you even if you bite them… (an attack except bite will wake them up)-Bite – The player can bite all people and feed on them. If the player were to do this and be seen, others would become hostile. The person that gets bitten naturally will become hostile if he survives or can struggle free. (Biting will only affect Bounty if the player is witnessed by other npcs as bitten people fear they may become vampires themselves)- Entice+Bite->combination seducing lips (npcs will become ‘happy’ although weak (bloodloss))-Levitate/Aviate if not sorcerer-Unarmed combat damage increase (with blood spatter effect - The player can use their vampire claws to shred the opponent. finisher)-Chinan (to Sprout) –like the Time Slow shout. -Speed increase - The player moves at a higher speed for time (lower speed increase than werewolf)-Bloodrage+speed increase->combination godspeed-Resistance to sunlight - This would be a point increasing talent in the skills menu. The more points you spend on this talent the lesser the amount of consequences are received from being in sunlight.-Blood projectile – shot a bullet of blood at the enemy-Kiss of the night – giving your vampire blood to someone turning him into a vampire-Heightened Senses – You hear better up to hearing heartbeats of npcs near you, and your vision goes into the infrared (heat) (Trueblood)Blood field – Field of blood surrounding enemy and reducing him into nothingness in an explosionMind control – All NPCs except highlevel npcs with *x* mind resistance fall under your controlSoul weapon – creating a bound weapon depending on clan, boosting stats and unique ‘weapon skill’Enticing eyes – truebloods can feed on npcs without the use of entice without repercussions Players aging look is based on the length of time from last feeding.If the player has recently fed then the player will appear normal with the exception of the vampire eyes. The longer it has been since the players last feeding, the more grotesque the player will appear. Companions can be used for feeding.The player will have an option to feed on their companion.The companion will grow more grotesque in appearance depending on how many times the player has fed on the companion. This will have a cap that will eventually lead to the companion becoming a ghoul that can no longer be fed upon and may attack you… Occasionally Vampire Hunters will come looking for the player if the player feeds on enough Npcs.Essentially the blood being drank will have an equal conversion to the NPC's available hit points.The NPC can be drank dry, killing it.turning others into lower vampires. A cleared fort that you could revamp into a Vampire lair and a base of operations for your own clan. Lich (Assassine)You stumble across a Dragon Priest or something in a dungeon, and kill him. Left behind is a mask, and his notes for creating a phylactery. You get the ingredients and perform the ritual, making the mask your phylactery. 'You put on your Mask and discover that it burns away your flesh... writhing in agony you try to tear of the mask, but it is to late... it has already melted into your festering flesh... You have become one of the Undead' This grants you the following benefits:Resist Frost: 30%Stamina Regeneration: 100%Stamina Boost: 50 pointsDeath's Call: All normal attacks become critical, all normal criticals become lethalLich Movement: Allows you to hover over water and slow your falls.Shadow Sight: Ultraviolet light becomes visibleGhost Form: Your body becomes slightly less visible and has a high chance of letting through physical and small chance letting through magical attacksWhen in Ghost Form, you gain a shout ability just like in Beast Form, that allows you to transform nearby dead bodies into Draugr and zombies. Other abilities create frost (frost nova, misty cold (creates smoke in which icemagic is amplified)), poison-disease attacks (corruption, deathcloud) or more often critical (a) or lethal (b) sneak attacks ((b)disabling ghostform) There could also be quests similar to the Companions' which allow you different masks or artifacts to specialize your True Form, such as a Corpse Explosion shout, or a shout that reanimates an Undead Dragon. However, you would also have a 50% Fire Weakness, and any kind of Healing spell, or turning spell would affect you heavily. Also, The Divines would forsake you for becoming such an abomination, and you could not receive their Blessings. To cure yourself of Lichdom, you'd have to undergo a quest where you summon Potema, and give her your mask, ridding you of it's powers, but also forcing you to slay Potema's reanimated body. HOMESNordic boats and houses… transforming some of the 'outside' villages or houses Utilities of Houses, Ships, Tents, Carriages 'Riding boats and ships (where rivers aren't parted by waterfalls ; enchanted flying ships(on rare locations)' Have it so your main characters home is available to all characters. All the items you store in there be it weapons, food, pots, etc can then be available to them. Homes like Wizard Tower, Sleeping Forest hutHouses in trees Home is named 'My Home' or 'My House'… whatever else becomes a shield on the wall near the door. Getting taxed for houses higher ratings for citizens and merchants, lower for nobles... dwemer magic airship… Collecting trophies and heads of special opponents and storing them in a bank vault (underground) inside a special bank where replicas (or real armors) are shown (stored) as well as a safe to walk in with certain textures for bronze coins, silver coins, gold coins, gold, golden goblets and gems (representing your wealth) CampingCraft Sleeping bags and tents from hides and wood for portable use -Sleeping outside runs the risk of being attacked by animals, higher chance with fireplace… to avoid attacks during sleep you and companion have shifts...-ability to create a campfire with firewood at certain (clearings) places in the wild, in forests you find smaller trees or logs of wood to cut yourself-ability to plant new trees or plants or make a garden for food Changes'staying neutral and at times being ambushed by both sides and if unable to persuade attacked by them and forced to at least injure them... this with a mod that creates unconsciousness if injured heavily would have made the game better' In Markareth, Cannibal Girl that offers you to be a Cannibal, when i say NO, i can still help her clear the Cave with a Quest Complete, but there shouldn't be talking afterwards as if she isn’t acknowledging me, because apparently I’m Forced in the end to be a Cannibal after i Already said i want No part in this. Improved Dungeons - A bit of darkness and the retexture of trap triggers and cords could go a long way to improving ambience and making traps less obvious. More various deadlier traps Replacing some (unnecessary) chest loot with notes of adventures, thieves aso… telling about what they did and why they did it… and what they think about it… for example a thief having murdered a guard and fleeing skyrim leaving behind a chest somewhere with the stolen gold and some family heirloom of the guard… or a man who wanted to get rid of a cursed weapon… or a merchant who wanted to get rid of a certain intercepted letter of a noble expressing his secret love for someone he should not… Note: Excerpt of a Wandering MageMagic is dangerous and can corrupt mages… it can alter the body… age it, physical degenerate it, deform it, alter the spirit… make one berserk, forced into debt of horrors or evil… and the fatigue and strain can knock out a mage or even kill him, if he exhausted his mana over his subconsciously limited Mana supply… Considering all risks one cannot deny the exhilarating scene of unfolding the veil covering our blind selves… with great sadness… it is the duty of mages to hunt those who have 'fallen' due to their own curiosity… be it a warning for those who have the gift. Note: Excerpt of a Disgusted CitizenSkyrim a beautiful snowscaped lands loyal to the empire… or not recently I have seen developments of growing rebellious groups… they call themselves Stormcloaks and say they want their old traditions of protecting honor and kin, but their own minds prevent them from seeing themselves not following their own traditions… they only follow bloodlust and enforcing their own decisions… It would be wrong of me to say that their rebellion is completely baseless… The empires very own rule of measurement of merit and love has been killed by greed for gold and succession through blood… What can a mere citizen do than to protest… but being attacked for trying to mend what is breaking… this is not right… Guilds:Guildmasters stay guildmasters and you are another master improving the blades They quests are just too damn short. And that's because Bethesda are cattering to lazy, ADD console kiddies. Why couldn't we have some stellar low tier quests for the guilds to pad out the space between newbie and master. Here are some concepts:-Companions: Take a two shield brothers (from the lower ranking ones) and go take down a large giant camp outside Whiterun. Go stop a giant skeever infestation at the Black-Briar meadery and so on.-Thieves Guild: Have to seduce someone to steal their clothes when they get naked for sex, option to have sex with them, then slip out while they are asleep, have to give someone a gift, then steal it and plant it on someone, then tipoff the guards. When guild master, have to do administrative stuff, like bailing thieves out of prison, supplying the guild with gear and stuff like that, can recruit people into the guild. Have a quest line to hunt down the Cowl of Nocturnal after the main thieves quest line.-Dark Brotherhood: Have to push a thane off his balcony in Solitude, have to swim out into the lake/sea to puncture a hole in a small boat to kill someone like that, have to lure someone into the wilderness and get him eaten by an animal, have to use a Frenzy scroll to get someone killed by the guards. Same administrative stuff, can recruit people into the brotherhood as well.-Mages: Hunt down artifacts, learn unique enchantments and so on.-Blades: Can bring anyone to Delphine to reform the blades, no restrictions. Can pay some steward somewhere to clean up and furnish the place. Dark brotherhood contract kill... (easy use... spawn a guy, set contract on his head, kill him, get money... find nonessential npc in house(without quests)... same old... replaced by new inhabitant)Thieves stealing seen at night New Dungeon and Wild Monsters Inferi Undead Nekker Bullvore Kayran Varren Horror Cursed Bear Hellhound Demon (white snow demon with long nails) Golem Koshchey (MUDCRAB variation) Kraken Worg Dragon Wyvern Variation Gasgiant Shark Kronosaurus Tiger Devil Trolls Animals and Beasts (friendly)Mabari Halla Ducks Sheep Firan Dragon Snow Rhino Uniquehorn Nightmare horns like Diablo) Pigs (Boars) Giant Eagle Ents Dryads Fairies homes) (Waterfairy home) Phoenix Ice Phoenix Mermaids ExtensionChristmas ModThat is one fun mod i would like to endorse... friendly snowtrolls bringing cabbage, potatoes, dolls, iron ore aso (varying presents) putting them into socks over your fireplace or underneath a tree, and doing mischief at night like placing different stashed items from one container to another or putting a live rabbit into your house or eating candles and stuff you can buy from a 'house vendor'... Substitute Guard statusInvestigation Quest from guards… for Theft and Murder if you are a good guy There is a hill with a glacier… which is either a dangerous labyrinth or a cold and dangerous walkway above… there is a sacred place with anAncient Nord Goddess Talil's Temple (Dragon)'Queen of the North' protector of the nord people… has a dome shaped temple on a hill… in which 1000 watercandles create clouds on the ceiling… 'Legend says it prevents the Nord of Freezing over'With a village around it as there is a green and fruitful warm place… In the village live humans having cat ears and tails. Danger from the seas1) A Giant Hydra… the only way to kill it is to use the Magic of Tamta to stop its regeneration and killing it one head at a time 2) An army from the north fighting either the imperial army or the stormcloaks… and you are to help them to victory leaving the mystery of when the next invasion is coming and how great in number will come Super Dungeon - After visiting a dungeon that required two different dragon claws I had the idea for a dungeon that required ALL of the claws. It could be you use the claws on a floor by floor basis o progress further or preferably all of them to open a series of Dragon doors at the entrance. The dungeon itself should be an extreme example of dungeon making, massive size, branching paths, optional areas, unique dungeon gimmicks / puzzles, highly dangerous traps, chock full of monsters etc. Basically it should be something that only a high level character would even think of attempting.Possible in lower dungeons there is poisonous gas or corruptive fog and a basilisk, a giant spider, an undead giant troll, dragon or a wispmother and some sacred or curse d treasure and gold Things to considerimproving the bladesSGE Blood and CommerceFallen Greybeards Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aokami Posted January 2, 2012 Author Share Posted January 2, 2012 (edited) add Edited January 2, 2012 by Aokami Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aokami Posted January 2, 2012 Author Share Posted January 2, 2012 add Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aokami Posted January 2, 2012 Author Share Posted January 2, 2012 (edited) Some things i wrote are overlapping or confusing or not completed as they extend further or i may have forgotten to write themdexterity is also for blocking chance and parryExhaustion decreases manapool…dragon aura only differantiates itself from normal humans aura by virtue of being dragonborninstead of status effect 'raging' put in 'panicked'Element Arcane is not spirit or chaos old classperk perks: i just added them but some need restoration for example magelightfor leveled leveling there are variations of monsters in lower or higher ranks... depending on certain areas (certain dungeons will already have highlevel highranking enemies), day-night time and your level you will find them (and find them more often-> when you have higher levels lower level enemies come in packs, sometimes with highlevel enemies)The helgen thing is for higher difficultyTime real to ingame from vanilla to 24 hours adjustable (3 hours is probably optimal) the lichs ability deaths call one time assassination or summon army of dead... just use your minds to go around these things by thinking one should be called call of the dead... Overcharge kill flame doesnt explode but leaves charred corpseMore spells better distributed among the mages (according to what they can do)like Arcane Warrior gets some powerful spells like runic traps, magical storms above him there are surely other things missing like the proper values of money for certain armor and weapons... maybe making a coin of bronze (tarel), of silver (tiber), of gold (septim) forgotten extension: Dark Mystic Forest with confusing, hallucinations, no magic or magnetic compass help,... with dark monsters worgs and others... ...inside lies a clearing with faires, unicorns, treants and a dryad... Edited January 7, 2012 by Aokami Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikeplagens Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 I think there are quite a few useable ideas in there... I think someone should pick up on a lot of this. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aokami Posted January 4, 2012 Author Share Posted January 4, 2012 (edited) Clarifying and changing a few things: Fatigue through weight in inventory is only minimal percentage in comparison to fatigue received through armor Helgen (less loot) thing is for higher difficulty setting Shade have black eyes, a Lich's eyes are white or whitish (normal eyes paled) Dunmer: Glowing red eyes are a racial ability named 'Ancestors Ashes', 'Curse of blood', Demonic Echo' or something which should boost their power (?dexterity, intelligence? or something along the lines of assassination and dark magic…) Tier 4? Rising sun of altmer is power up of (good) magic… during day and night Vampires naturally are able to wear armor but cursed werewolves and shades aren't, true werewolves and lichs can… Magic power up reagent potions are for the next/one spell…Magical wood material name 'Arcane Ash'Weapons shine depends on craft… Elven have a golden shine, orcish have a green shine, dragonslaying weapons have a red shine, dwarven have a blue shine, daedra have a violet shine, holy weapons have a white shine Clothes durability has nothing to do with clothes type -> rags, normal and luxurious Crystal Safe volume is from 0-7 and to balance the loading value to not become to high, make them 'cursed' items (to only hold one safe crystal OR 'degenerating mana, reducing pools (of health, mana or stamina') if using more than one)... Dual (overcharge) casting is an instant powerup of the spell and for spell fusion a combination of different spells (spells from different perktrees can only be fused, if the rank of the spell was acquired in the rank of the perktree)Different to dual overcharge elite mages (sorcerer perk) can overcharge (all) spells with one hand, if they hold it for some time, which after a certain time decreases their health slowly, if perk of master hasn't been acquired. This overcharge is continuously building up… Twohanded weapon styles are powered up styles of onehanded… all weapons can be wielded in one or both hands. With a left and right click is left and right hand attack or with two handed weapons different attack style (stabbing and slashing) which on onehanded you can also change per menu or per key (if applied as a key)…(+use magic key for staffs? or as tertiary style?) + block key Perks and skills… although all classes gain combat abilities their leveling will still depend on their main skills… reaving (twohanded) – twohanded weapon skill; thievery – lockpicking… Magic diving is visible like an etheric suit of wings or fins around the divers arms and legs Some class abilities like invigorate, night eye… are passive active (some passive active dont mix well with others), some have duration… Summoned dead dont have a that blueish glow...Summoned sacred treasures are holyFor enchantment next to new powerful magic like magical mines (runes)… needs some special attack abilities with weapon a (staff) or weapon b (mace, sword, hammer, axe) or both…Mysticism needs some spells, special attacks… like building turrets or special attack(s) (and combinations) with normal or special weaponsThe alchemist needs more nature and cc spells…/or other abilitiesThe others need more abilities too especially the charmer 'Mounted combat abilities' A 'horse whistle' and B 'call horse' should be differentiated by range… not horse type… whistle is for the horse if nearby (if it is attacked it runs back to the stables)… 'call horse' is a magical enhanced whistle and the nearest horse will come to you… 'call horse' may be modified to call either the nearest war, pack or riding horse… in the menu While riding your mount shouldn't want to run over walls (like on bridge or when in front of whiterun gates just riding straight down), while holding jump it should jump over obstacles automatically instead of jumping 'immediately'... Vampire Daywalker does not have access to the trueblood perks/abilities like soulweapon, blood control, bloodfield, mind control, Old blood, chinan, enticing eyes The dwemer airship needs all things for survival of long flights and against dragons and other flying monsters… weapons, armor, bedrooms, kitchen, engine (with magical fuel), common room (casinolike)... As for difficulty ranking and leveling of animals... there may be variations like icewolf which do level Edited January 7, 2012 by Aokami Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikaelarp Posted January 4, 2012 Share Posted January 4, 2012 i will deafently help if anyone takes this up again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qwerty359 Posted January 4, 2012 Share Posted January 4, 2012 I like the title, "Skyrim a little better" lol, it's like 4 pages worth of improvements. Tons of great improvements. I'd like to see it come to fruition, but it would require a very coordinated modding task force haha. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aokami Posted January 5, 2012 Author Share Posted January 5, 2012 (edited) RE: Clarifying and changingSome status effects like 'wet' or 'sleeping' have good qualities… like 'resistance to fire' or 'filling the need to sleep', while 'burning' you take 'less damage from cold attacks', while 'frozen' 'fire attacks wont work'… additionally to the bad effects one has when being for example 'wet' 'less resistance to lightning and/or cold attacks'… Good and Evil Karma... Spells and AbilitiesThere are two OptionsA) Spells are neutral, but higher karmic relations of good and evil add effectslike good adds stronger healing and protection, no damage to allies, less expenses, faster casting,…and evil adds more damage, power of spells, magic penetration (resist magic resistance),…B) Spells are either good, neutral (exception to the other two) or evil aligned and can only be used by such; or are much weaker and more expensive if used by opposing alignmentA is primary, B is the secondary (new spells/abilities and/or some of the old changed to balance the distribution (balancing is not to make them exactly the same amount as in other classes have abilities or spells that would not be desired)) Truebloods, Werewolfs and Lichs cant be fused with each other…(lesser) Vampires, (Cursed) Lycanthropy and Shade transformation may fuse under the right conditions… only 2 at a time, even 2 transformation fusions normally kill the one who tries, but the third kills anyone even our hero… At first one has only the negative repercussions of both transformationsTrueblood, Werewolf or Lich transformation cant be cured, but can be sealed for a certain amount of time (least is for 3 weeks) … (to try the other two lesser transformations, if till then the hero didn't try)… Daywalker is different… he can be cured; but still cant mix with lesser transformation... Map with quill and magnetic or magical (locks onto special locations (magical stones, statues…)) compass is updated automatically (seen scribbling on map; except during combat)…Orb of planes automatically absorbs the information and the new found places are highlighted… Humans have leveling walls (not leveling up with time)… as it would be unrealistic that a farmer would level up with no combat or training… caps are (usually?; ranking levelups of humans or certain monsters possible) determined by ranks … -animals and normal humans low level unto the end- As for the balance of rogue -> stealth (without mana ->magic revealing life or magic is ineffective), speed, teleportation… against magician; magician -> magic penetration (, armor penetration from x to 100%), high damage,… against warrior; warrior -> armor, shields, shouts and stomps with revealing qualities (for x seconds; breaking concentration, (or) knockdown, cloud of dust revealing hidden target)... against rogues There are surely some graphic glitches like the one I saw near 'chillwind depths', directly northern of the two tents near the river… the magical cave that isn't a cave…Or on top of the mountains walking through the giant stones… Luck booster changes are each month (+-10%), each day (+-15%) and each hour (+-5%) Shouts vs magicMagic is versatile, but shouts are more powerful…Shouts go through most barriers and shields of magic (exceptions are aegis (permanent casting), aegis barrier (sorcery, bubble against attacks from outside, permanent casting) and divine intervention (restoration, bubble, nullifies attacks inside and from outside, for x seconds)) As for racial abilities limolith and sergal… I don't know… but for 'dvervn' people something like 'Glimmering sight' (seeing in darkness); Crystal Body (Cannot use magic, high magic resist); Stone of Ancestors (Armor); Dwarven Berserker (Strength and Constitution +%)? Making lockpicking a better, more difficult minigame by introducing another tool the tension w[r]ench (:)) and levels of the lock where you have to unlock the ones in front first and then go to the ones in the back…Cause there will be automatic lockpicking for 'thievery', automatic pickpocketing for 'bardic lore' and automatic enchantment perks for 'enchantments'… these games will be optional for those classes with less difficulty but compulsory for all heroes who don't know thievery, bardic lore or enchantments… As for combat abilities for 'charming' Melee: using special feral 'hand to hand' combat and clawed weapons combat abilities…Magic: Spells could involve spirit attacks, or half transformations…Companions: Animals, Beasts (animals, but leveling like direwolf, frostspider…) and certain monsters (small wyverns,…) Reforging armors and weapons purifies (strips curses and enchantments) I already heard that there are a couple of dialogues in the game, remarks about nudity… make the probability that those are said higher… + here and there silent treatment… EDIT: I dont know if this is liked by everyone, but i like the lord of the rings approach on elves... no beards, but sideburns and/or long hair of different kind for the highelves Edited January 7, 2012 by Aokami Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aokami Posted January 5, 2012 Author Share Posted January 5, 2012 (edited) CropsYou will only be able to take 10% of the crops (for free) you harvest from farms which you dont own... (except during night when you can steal it)... i said it about the animals of farms, but its obvious that skyrim, although its size isnt realistic mounains are at most 300 meters high..., and villages with only three buildings... (that aside), cant be maintained with the current size of the farms and the harvested crops... its like they could live for a month and then all die of starvation...with that said... at least make farms bigger in terms of amount of owned animals and plants...Also i dont know what the respawn rate for crops currently is but it could be once per month during summer... with magic (gardening at your own place possible) [during winter inside house pots of plants...]... you will see magicians fuse the spell of warmth with magelight creating a sunshine magic making crops grow faster... although harvest would only be three times during summer and maybe once in early autumn except for certain plants, which grow best during spring or autumn... or even during winter... You will also see hunters collecting mushrooms in autumn and selling them in cities... fish is all year around... ice fishing were it is frozen... In houses, stands and palaces (necessity) the taken food will respawn every day... it is necessary when the npcs start to eat and drink, (its probably easier and less fps eating to programm eating, drinking and sleeping at certain times... instead of what the player has (survival needs-rebalance)) ClothesThere should of course be a difference of what people wear during cold nights, storms... (cloaks and fur) and warm sunny days in winter... but there should also be a summer and winter variation for clothes as well as a male and female version of clothes... in the types of rags (clothes for the poor and workers), normal (clothes for citizens and merchants) and luxurious (furry and fancy dresses and unique clothes for the rich) Summer and winter clothes and harvest would also require the calendar to work... Jarls, Highking/queen roomsAnd i shouldn't be able to go into the sleeping room of the soon to be puppet highqueen without invisibility and some kind of illusion making the guard ignore ('ignore' new status?) anything around him... there should be at least one guard in front of the doors... i could push my knife through her throat and nobody would be there to stop me, nobody even tries to stop me from entering... AdoptingJust read the orphanage adoptation thing from riften... a must for a real family...http://www.thenexusf...en/page__st__10 Races and Transformationsvampire transformations wont take away your racial skills or racial dialogues (fe.: nord)... I dont know about lichs... as to not break their lore of being an undead, there could be a degeneration meter in which you have to possess a new body, when doing so it alters the body into your old body structure and you would still have those racial skills of yours and your lich abilities, while the lichtransformation is hidden from the eyes of humanoids, except if they were to cast 'detect dead'.Lichs who created a phylactery may place it into a ring or an amulet which grants more time inside a body... you can possess other human bodies any time...For the lich we would need a skeletal-wisp-humanoid form (lich as; a rotting humanoid form (normal skin whiter and rotting all over the body); the form of a shade (greyish human, elf, orc,...???) (The Trueblood mindcontrol has the positive aftereffect of making the other person friendly to you... no matter what happened before...) Here come posts of previous topics i found great but forgot to put in (searching through all sites)brighter candlelight...Enchantment (passive active) spell to make armor, helmet invisible... disguises (wearing the right clothes, armor+walking+not talking + alternative to not talking=activepassive illusionspell 'Kings disposition'... A shout to change form into a kid or an old man or women... Black crystal curse (evil/dark magic) crystals grow out of the body... paralysingcurse for body like bonegrowth, muscle detrimention...??? A bank with a hall of fame where special monsters are stuffed and special weapons and armor displayed (replicas or real deal) to make you see your accomplishments...and a small treasury (safe) when you have more than 20000 gold you see it filled fully with gold, golden goblets, gems asoMaybe a bank for every major town? Bankers can be moneylenders and bounty collectors; the bank in solitude would be the one with the hall of fame (similar to harry potter bank) More lively companion behavior for certain companions salt mines (one near the village near the temple of the blades for 'improve the blades' mod) female giants and better giant camps and rare halfgiant bandit bosses; common are the normal bosses, but on level thirty+above in some cleaned open (with space) hideouts bandits reappear with halfgiant bosses who are somewhat resistant to magicYOL STRUN BAH Alduins firestorm shout?natural daytime shade-no-blood-boil areas, you could make an area where the daytime degeneration of vampires is halted... making them appear from time a to time b at place x... starting with the major cities... summon 'powerful' (named) daedra in various forms (wolf, atronach...) spell... when casting spell correctly magical protectioncircle surrounds caster and daedra does the casters bidding... when failed they attack... skyrim holidays and festivals... Khajiit cubs and Argonian hatchlings... elven and orc younglings restoration of the whole wide world :) especially the college of winterhold, with training spells orbs better rags (the clothes called rags -> variations of more beautiful rags in a kind of normal as they are now but more ragged, roman clothes style and the mexican poncho and sarape style added mythical creatures... griffins and manticore... true nordic trolls wodden toy clubs, swords... and slingshots for kids (children shooting snow) talking god weapon overview: repeating patterns of the lands less obvious... drive boats unarmed skill, acrobatics skill, athletics skill, cooking skill, tailoring skill, ???, (parting onehanded/ twohanded into blunt weapons one/twohanded style skill?, edged weapons one/two~ style skill?,...) wabbajack turning more things into other things^^ birds like pheasant, seagulls, owls and ravens Mines arent depleted... Take down black-briars Sounds through a house like an inn through a closed door less loud… possible???Vigilant of Stendarr faction Quests against daedric worshippers, necromancers and monsters Stalhrimore, ingots, armor and weapons... Unique foods and food textures Ancient woods (to the east???) with giant trees and spider caves, werewolves, whatever else monsters like the dark...maybe even have clearings in those dark forest places... were dryads, uniquehorns and other friendly and magical lifeforms rest... for they are places with abundant pure magical energy... If almost every tree in a wide range looks the same on the ground, the grounds keep going up and down and there are attacks inside this foggy forest where shadows (day) or darkness (Night), created by the trees, hinder your sight and you have no compass or gps... and all the time having like hallucinations (distorting screen... glowing eyes through the darkness and howls of wolfs and ghosts) i think you are going to be pretty lost... fasttravel should be entirely deleted and exchanged with teleportation stones (In Cities and important places) to be activated and the old 'mark and recall' and of course the 'mark and recall' should not work there... theres gotta be some glemori witch place maybe an abandoned house as well.Maybe make an elven city on the 'edge of the forest' (treehouses) (60% Altmer, 40% bosmer (with children)) Malukah the female bard The 3 great Vampire clans arenoble vampireclans with the respective leaders being thousands of years old, extremely powerful and noble and civilised rather than vicious beasts,... faithful to traditions such as crossing borders (not crossing barriers even if they can), honoring etiquette and elegance...they being pureblood 'vampires' not having to feed, but blood giving them a euphoric sense (feeling) like marijuana or alcohol...they have their familiar, which is a highlevel vampire (transformed by being given blood of the pureblood to become a trueblood vampire), who often become familiars not because of an order from their leaders (who could use mindmanipulation lower beings could not resist) but because they themselves desire to be near their 'Master' (noble vampires dont use mindmanipulation on others without good reason)So we have at least three ranks of vampires... the pureblooded noble vampire (godlike beings), the highlevel vampire (whom you can become; they have some penalties (depending on the noble being they got blood from making their clan (having different penalties, powers and eyecolors)), but also powers to resist most to a degree) they in turn create the lowlevel vampires, by giving them blood, who are those vampires who often fail to control themselves and have all those penalties (depending on the vampire (clan) they got the blood from) like weakness to magic, water or metals and penalties (common) like sunlight, garlic (is rather than an allergic weakness just a dislike for its smell for truebloods)... Vampires are more apt to magical attacks... (they are still extremely well 'built' to be warriors but their main focus is magic)... [Werewolves on the other hand are way faster and stronger thus apt to physical attacks].The progression for vampires still goes down for the lowlevel vampires to becoming zombies after a certain amount of time (dependant on the level of vampire who gave the blood and your own strength to resist diseases)... the process of degeneration is gradual and can not be stopped unless the pureblood gives his blood, which is very rare... but can also be slowed by being given the blood of another highlevel vampire... (the process of transformation usually needs hundreds of years even for lowlevel vampires).I would ask for a big territory for true werewolfs... (the lycanthropes we see ingame are only cursed (half)werewolves) and three smaller territories for the 3 vampire clansthe blue eyed, azure sage with a bonus towards the arts of alteration (sorcery), ((highlevel) subline penalty includes water, sunlight...)the golden eyed, golden empress with a bonus to restoration, (subline penalties include metals, magic...)the red eyed, crimson king with a bonus to destruction (wizardry/witchcraft)... (subline penalties include water, magic...)All three have a bonus to illusion aswell... and some other things... +EDIT: Vampires have less of a need for sleep, food and water…Sometimes they come at night to drink blood of sleeping humans…Above the purebloods is their authority the lord, and next to him is the strength the noblesse…Underneath the lord are the pureblooded clanleaders… underneath them are other purebloods… underneath them are the truebloods… underneath them are the higher and lesser vampires…Golden Empress Clan has the codex noblesse oblige protecting the weakThe blue Sage is a chaotic being, ala 'I will it so I do it', although also adhering to noblesse oblige... travelling around the world… the blue sage has settled in skyrim recently and nobody knows when the sage will start travelling once again…The crimson king is more like a criminal than a king, but he is not evil per say… he just lives for his own amusement…Transformation into a vampire takes between 6 hours and 3 days…Restore humanity (meditation)Mystic center: Less energy use for powers (meditation)Rebirth: Recover from eternal sleep (final death, true death)Honorable blood: (perk) transformed vampires follow noblesse oblige even if they were evil beforeCorrupted blood: (perk) transformed v. become evil even if they were upright and good beforeMindcontrolcommand a lifeform: make a lifeform your follower… Make it forget… Make it (attempt to) kill (during sleep), divorce, attack someone… Make it walk to a certain location at certain times… Make it stunned and immobilized… Make it attempt suicide… Make it fall to lust and desire… Make it fall in love… force it asleep…Entice after upgrade becomes like control animal of bosmer for npcsBloodmagic of different kindGift of Life: Transforming self into former self losing weaknesses and abilities for x secondsSword of blood: oils the sword with blood causing arcane-life damageRestructure Self: with the blood of victims you can change your base racial abilities to those of others… Bosmer blood unlocks bosmer abilities… (each tier having 1 ability [or alternatively 2, 3 abilities if you found enough for each race] can be exchanged 1:1 for example an altmer vampire can exchange; his tier 2 rising sun against for example a dunmer tier 3 wrath of ancestors ability and his tier 1 against an argonians tier 3 histskin… or and khajiit can exchange his tier 1 claw attacks against for example an argonians tier 1 waterbreathing…Root of vitality: a vampire moves underground to sleep during the daySensesHeat vision, Aura of Blood vision, Sound of blood (heartbeats)Unseen storm: upgrade for enhance (speed); while active sprinting is so fast you become nearly invisible Transformations of cursed werewolves take a night if bitten.Excluding the new moon phase, the player has a chance to transform every night. The 'greater' the moon phase, the greater the odds. Transformation is felt 3 minutes before… in the last 30 seconds the transformation begins… 'You grow restless'... Werewolves even in human form have a higher appetite while needing less sleep… after transformations their human forms look battered as if ill…first person and sneak… more precision… high regeneration… you can break open doors instead of opening them… you can (chance) infect others… the more you infect the stronger the opposition will become… 'your claws are too big to grasp objects' (controlled) or 'you cant remember how to use this' (wild)ironclad: high Body armorHowl of summons, weakening, terrorConquer the beast (perk) when you smell humans you wont be forced to attack them... Shades and lichs do not eat in conventional means… as they feed on lifeforce/souls of their victims, except when they possess fresh corpses they may find their body to become revitalized at times… but their own nature deteriorates the body…First transformation into a shade is instantWhispers: Gives curse and hallucinationsAttraction of undead curseBanshees screamAura of negativityKiss of the dark: Drains the soul of the victimMask of death: the body of the lich becomes liquid vapor for x secsBody/Bone magicBone claws, Bone armorLeech - drain lifeforce from far awayPoisoned excretions… all combat +poisondamageConceal: Existence fades completely from the consciousness of others… Edit: Something for (true) werewolfs, (pureblood - trueblood) vampire covens and lich dungeons (were you find your mask)...There are some dungeons or areas which you cant enter because of a highlevel barrier or in which nothing seems to be inside... either because of strong illusions or because of secret doors you are unable to find without the proper ability (vampire 'blood aura vision'; werewolves '??? Vision' for the homes of vampire clans and werewolf families...) Tranformations from cursed to true werewolf, vampire to trueblood, shade to lich... progressive... with unlocks of new abilities and actions (like sneak)cursed Werewolfwerewolf howl to hunt in packs; howl... answer from werewolf (chance) and howl again (to call)Infecting people different reactions... for different peopleMoon Counter for cursed werewolf transformation... fading away becoming a new moon... and/or alternative text 'Your inner beast calms down' a few seconds before transforming backnot feeded debuff Every major city has either a group of three vigilants of stendarrs (Vampire, Daedrahunters), silver hands (werewolf hunter) or witcher(/or any other faction-name) (lich and monsterhunters) and dragon hunters after certain happenings… which you can hire or will attack you if you are cursed and talk to them or they investigate you/see you attack someone/transform… (they have potions, armor and weapons and abilities against their specific enemies, but certain potions like black blood or silver weapons are held by any of the three hunters. Vigilant of Stendarr have equipment against magic especially mind, silver weapons…; Silver hands have heavy or massive armor and silver weapons; Witchers have holy weapons; silver weapons and normal weapons (or a mix of them); they use magical armor against lichs; Dragon hunters have dragonscale and dragonbone armor as well as dragonslayer weapons) Perks of perktrees are aligned to certain branches, some of whom are activated via knowledge from books or transformations… others are activated by the players own understanding (as vanilla + race)(Neutral sign 'the world' for neutral perks if they aren't assigned to other perktrees) AlchemyBezoar stone from goat against most poisonsFelix Felicis potion (has negative aftereffects, if taken to often…)Mandrake draught (and Mandrake solution ->immunity to petrify) heals petrify (petrified people cant use draught; outsiders have to)Peace draughtSwelling and deflating draughtSleeping draughtWolfsbane potion (For werewolf control) Smithing/MysticismSlave ring Recipe for forge table Perks and AbilitiesNeutral?Sense: while asleep, if someone comes into your home you immediately wake up… SorceryGaol: Solidifies air into a barrierGhost wall: makes certain walls as liquid making it able to be walked throughTeleport: to target area… (range a, b, c, d)Lapse: slower movement for targetRewind/accelerate time: target ages or rejuvenates possibly making objects affected by this abilitySculpture Body: can alter targets looks, height, weight… ConjurationDark touchAura of decay curseNecrosis: body decomposesSummon wraithSummon tormented spiritOblivions dance: fill area with energy from oblivion enabling reopening gates for short timeDestroy the husk: turns a corpse into ash…Summon Dust eater: A Spirit of dust, consuming dust, doing your biddingSeal the Soul: Soul trap working on 30 percent of remaining health with much more powerSnake infestation: curse of hatching snakes in body WizardryHungry earth: drags target underground crushing him, countered by all abilities of flying or using energy on feet… like waterwalking… skywalk (dual-triple jump) EnchantmentEye of the storm: Charge yourself with electricity while walking through storms of lightning without harming yourselfInvisible shroud - invisible armor (clothes are shown)Invisible 'headgear' - almost no cost, passive activeMysticismBurnout: Damage to machinesIntercept: Control machineIllusionWinds of lethargy: causes exhaustion, aoeNights veil: Merge shadows to create a zone of darkness alike to a nightPerfect Clarity: Immunity to mindalterationVisions: have cryptic dreams of the future… Quests, locations, special monsters…Trance: Npc falls into trance… alike to sleep without memories, no knowledge of trance…Awe: Make npcs respect youFata Morgana: Illusion aoeIllusion of wealth: Make every object seem more valuableAstral projection: while sleeping create a astral self able to interact with the environment… as if using your real body… when waking up you teleport back into your body…Illusion shadow shroud (negative candlelight)'Kings disposition' or 'Alter mindset' people are likely to believe you are one of them Alchemy/druidry magicWeather magic has long activation rituals (30s) and even longer cooldowns (a day?), each type of weather has specific effects on all people and animals in skyrimFog: Foggy weather aoe long distanceBiting Gales: Cold Winds AoE long distance cloudy weatherWarm winds: Warm winds AoE long distance sunny weatherRain: long distance rain weather AoEStorm of Thunder and Lightning:Snowstorm:Snowfall:Black sun: (Disables magic)Dusk and dawn of moons (during day and night)Master of nature (boosts druids powers)Conjure plant (nonattacking): form Wooden box; form plank; form ladder; form ropes…Summon Poison Creeper - poisonous moving plantSummon life well - plant well with healing waters and steamSummon sprigganSummon treantCall Ent (Certain spells like this one can only be gained through certain quests; special quest of a dryad)Thorn shieldFirefliesSummon Bugs (variations… sucking away magic, life or stamina or destroying armor)ParasiteRegrow – heal spell Charmer/BeastmasterCall RavensHibernate BeastMaster of the wildsChannel Animal SpiritsTakeover Beast/Monsterform Rank C and above Frostbear, Hell hound, Dusteater, Ironogre ; Rank A Bloodmoon Lion, Diawolf...; Rank S and above Forgotten ancient (plant), Dragon, Devil Carriageshttp://www.thenexusf...erhold-transit/ another childrens game... ultimate frisbee... certain compainions... Swearing.. commenting... insulting... narrating... joking... stopping to attack when the opponents yield if the companion is on the 'good' sideand everything else seeming necessary changes like animations, behavioral patterns (life cycle for spouse)... Ultra Extension: Secret Organisation: Quest'We are treasure hunters, but not the kind you see seeking fortune... that we gain from other sources... investors, economy... We seek, preserve and protect treasures, be they objects or lifeforms, through barriers, traps, monsters or even our own forces... Many dungeons you have roamed about or are yet to see, were actually build by us... you have decided to enter another world by joining us... there are powers at work that you wouldnt believe existed... The treasures you hold are not yours, although you were granted the title of keeper, once you die or go against our creed these objects will be taken back... We have many enemies, but few can actually compete with us... if allied with questlines to protect certain dungeons (rare Monsters or rare treasures) and take treasures back from those unworthy. if you are a treasurehunter no matter the cost, you are their enemy... They protect certain dungeons with barriers against aggressors or with their own forces... secretly... (especially treasures which could destroy the balance of power... godly weapons... the oracle...)... another extended content:Some of the bigger or better hidden hideouts of bandits become small forts/villages with makeshift Inns, Dens, (small sand) Arenas, 'travelling merchant', 'more fancy' bandits even have a Blacksmith and Apothecary with better armored and supplied 'bandit guards', fewer even are slave traders with makeshift brothels, Slave Cages (Market)... with a 'closed' mode, where one cant enter through the gate, but has to find another way... they only let in those who know the password... which you will be able to beat out of customers leaving the place (of course a little further away so that they dont see it) A viable option to make the levelups not dependant on skill development you could make them xp dependant... but then again you would have to make it so that the player gains experience from skilldevelopment as well... not only from the 'stealing of xp energy' from opponents through battle... although xp gain from skilldev is much smaller than that from battle... At the beginning you should have the need to stay at inns and/or rent horses rather than be able to buy a house and horse so early in the game...prizes for houses, horses armor and weapons and special objects goes up Followers have a large onetime payment and a constant payment, if they dont follow you of their own choice/will or to fullfill their duty. + their needs (with money they can buy food aso themselves; if their tiredness or hunger (outside of battle) is to high they will stop and make a camp or eat; indicating this by saying it)... Edited January 12, 2012 by Aokami Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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