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Help wanted: Texture artist


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I'm in need of a texture artist to help me out with my Moonstone mod. To start with, most textures will be for weapons and props.



So far I've done all the textures myself but I just cant shake the feeling that they look horrible, dead and unplaceable. So what I'm looking for is somone that likes making textures and would like to help out. I can supply you with what you need from 3d Studio such as baked ao maps and uv layouts or whatever you might need. It's just the making of the actuall texture I struggle with.


So far I have about 6 weapons done + a few props. I've been doing things rather slow as I'm waiting abit for the CK to be released.



More about the mod can be found here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/501984-wip-moonstone/

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