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Fallout New Vegas Catastrophic failures


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I still don't follow what I have to do to remake it a vanilla server.


also, I forgot to mention that when I try to install the mod manager it just says It cannot be downloaded without any extra information.


also, very game cahe is not moving at all...


Edit 2: I tried doing what they suggested in this file http://steamcommunity.com/app/22330/discussions/0/810919057035979627/


I reinstalled it but the game is still completely broken.

Edited by tiger9gamer
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Your phrasing sounds like either you are new to computing or English is not your primary language. So I am going to ask that you explain some things in more detail, and also try to clarify some terms for you.


Your home computer or laptop is not a "server". Those (for you in this circumstance) reside on the Internet, "serving up" or "providing" files you download (copy from the server) to your computer. Once a file is downloaded to your computer, you have to "install it". This may involve "unpacking" an archive file first. See the "Terminology" section of the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article for an explanation about "archives" and links to the main tools. I have also expanded the "Restoring Vanilla" section previously linked to include an "image guide". See it that doesn't help.


The "Steam Client" does "install" the game on your computer, but most sites do not. However, the default location (where it places the game if you do not tell it to do otherwise) under "C:\Program Files" folder tree is a bad choice. This is also covered in that wiki article here.


Most "mod managers" must be downloaded to your computer, possibly "unpacked", and then installed. Read their documentation carefully. If you are getting a "cannot be downloaded" message, most likely you are attempting to use the wrong method. For instance, if the "mod manager" is packaged as a mod on Nexus but you do not have "Nexus Mod Manager" (NMM) installed, you cannot use the "download with NMM" button. Instead you must "download manually". Typically this involves using your Browser's "save file" option.


I don't know what you are expecting when you "verify game caches files", but there is no "moving" involved. It simply scans and copies files in the background. When it finishes you should be able to just click on the "Play Game" button in the Steam Client.


If that doesn't clear things up, you will need to be specific about what you are not understanding.


In the case of a "mod manager", there are several and where you find it and how you download it depends upon the manager you chose. If you tell us which one you are trying to use, perhaps we can provide more specific help.



Edited by dubiousintent
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First of all thank you very much for commenting on my grammar and punctuation when I was frustrated and confused about why I cannot play the game. It was very helpful! Second, thanks for correcting me on the terms I misused during said moment of frustration and annoyance. Let me start from the beginning again and I hope I can have more people be as helpful as you, dubious.


Alright, so I did have nexus mod manager on my PC, and I use that for the rest of my games like fallout 4 and skyrim. I used it in the past to mod fallout new vegas on my last pc too, so I know what it is. What I don't know, however, is the in game mod managers, like Project Nevada and the Fallout Mod Manager mods located on nexus. I Downloaded both project nevada and FOMM and activated them one after the other, and I have downloaded a bunch of miscellaneous mods mostly pertaining to shotguns.


When I downloaded said mods, there was some conflicting information the computer was trying to sort out. Because I have not downloaded mods on Fallout new vegas in a long time, I told my manager to replace files or to ignore them, and I cannot remember it in too much detail because It was late and I was frustrated. I tried to run the game and it won't make it past the loading screen when I try to make a new game.


I tried to disable the mods one by one, until something would work, but it still crashed. I tried to uninstall the mods and it still crashes. I read online and I tried to revert my game back to it's vanilla State off of steam by deleating all the files in the folder and uninstalling it before reinstalling it. I tried to run the freshly reinstalled game and It still crashes without any tampering. Upon further inspection I looked at the files and I think, all the modding files I tried to delete were copied to steam's cloud, so now every time I try and reinstall fallout new vegas my pc downloads the broken copy instead of the regular copy.


Alright, going off of this can someone tell me how to fix my account and machine so I can download the pure, unmodded game files without having it ruined by my late-night modding experience?

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steam back up, has never worked well for me. for later when you get it working, what I do, is when I get a good install before I add a single thing, I make a copy of the FNV folder on my external hard drive. So all I have to do is copy it back to the Steam folder if something goes badly wrong. It's saved me lots of time. I also make a copy of my current stable game just in case adding something new crashes the whole shebang.


something I noticed in your post was that it doesnt make it past the loading screen. check for missing masters.


if that fails first thing I would do if I were you, would be to go on steam and verify files, then try to start the game.


if that fails go to your My games, Fall out New vegas folder, delete the FNV INI files then start FNV to rebuild them.


Your load order could also be wonky... run loot or Boss.


I know one time at band camp.. LOL no seriously.. I downloaded some mods, and for some reason it placed the FNV ESM tenth or so down the list. So nothing worked. Loot or Boss will fix that or you can do it manually

Edited by JoKelly
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To address some of the specific points:


Re: "I tried to disable the mods one by one, until something would work, but it still crashed." I don't use NMM nor have I looked deeply into how it functions. But installing a mod often involves copying some "loose files" (assets like meshes, textures, sounds, etc.) into the "Data" sub-folders and merely "deactivating" a plugin might not remove them. If deactivating still leaves you with problems, then you need to either uninstall mods or revert to "vanilla". Also note that installing mods may cause changes to your INI files in the background of which you are unaware.


Re: "I tried to revert my game back to it's vanilla State off of steam". Please read the "Restoring to 'Vanilla'" sub-topic in the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article which goes into this in detail.


Re: "What I don't know, however, is the in game mod managers, like Project Nevada and the Fallout Mod Manager mods located on nexus." You are confused a little here, in an important way. "Fallout Mod Manager" (FOMM, also know as FOMOD) is a mod manager similar to NMM. See this sub-topic in the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article which discusses them.


"Project Nevada" (PN) is not a "mod manager". It is a mod which, once installed, has the ability to let you change it's functionality by means of another mod called the "Mod Configuration Menu" (MCM). But the PN entries in the MCM only adjust it's own settings, and has nothing really to do with other mods. In order to work correctly it is important that certain similar mods that alter the "Heads Up Display" (HUD), "User Interface" (UI), and menus like MCM be installed in the correct sequence. Please read the article "HUD-UI-Menu issues" which discusses this in detail.


Re: "When I downloaded said mods, there was some conflicting information the computer was trying to sort out." This statement bothers me so you might want to try to provide more detail. But in general, when you download files from an Internet site like the Nexus, you should have them being saved in some folder other than the game "Data" folder. My suggestion would be to have a folder specifically for files downloaded for FNV. Then the only time you should see a message about another file of the same name is when you are downloading an updated version of the mod, and then you know you will always want to "overwrite". When you "install" a mod you should always "overwrite" as well, which is why it is important to have established your "install order". Please see "install order" under this "Terminology" sub-topic in the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Re: "I tried to run the game and it won't make it past the loading screen when I try to make a new game". It is important to distinguish when you get hung up or CTD: before the Main Menu (where you can choose to start a New Game or Load an existing one), or after selecting an option on that screen. If you don't get to the Main Menu, that typically means you are missing a "master" file. If you get past selecting an option on the Main Menu, that typically means you have a problem with your sorted "load order". Both can cause the "missing master" error. Please see the article "Missing Masters" which will walk you through how to identify the problem. You might also want to consider item #4 in the "Checklist" section of the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide on enabling the NVSE game error log.


"Steam's backup" functionality is primarily focused upon saving your "save game" files so you can use them on another computer where the game is installed. They may have provided additional functionality since I last looked at it, but like JoKelly, I too tend to ignore it for any other purpose.



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