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shield bash bug


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hi community!


i have a cruel bug and until i fix it my character isn´t playable. it´s an shield + sword orc and my shield bash, which i use very often, since i find it very useful, is bugged: it does as much damage as my sword in the right hand, it does even the typical slashing sound of the sword, my shield bashes doesn´t level up my blocking skill anymore, now my one handed weapon skill gets leveled with shield bashes and enemies do not stagger after shield bashes anymore.


reequipping armor, weapon und shield does not help, not even not having a sword equipped at all. bashes don´t cause staggers anymore, even with now normal bashing sound while not having a sword equipped in the weapon hand.


even tried to use other weapons and other shields, loading an older file where i didn´t have this bug and even creating a new character doesn´t seem to fix it. my game is totally infected with this bug. im level 25 now and until now it worked well O.o


after searching in the internet i couldn´t find any solutions, other people having the same bug didn´t get useful answers. at least none of those i found in the internet. and obviously PC, XBOX and PS3 can have this bug.


does anyone know this bug? or a way to fix such things? creating another char would kill my want to play this game. :(



Edited by Sarsaparilla
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