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Recommended Mod List or Load Order for specific player.


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Hey all,

I've been an avid user of mods on Fallout 4 since launch but recently have been very busy with real life stuff and study and haven't downloaded or kept up-to-date with the best mods.

So I plea for help and advice on how to get back into this, I usually only concentrate on additional content mods such as new quests, locations, items or just easy improvements to the gameplay overall.
I ask forum users and mod users for recommended mods that fit these categories or better yet post me your current Fallout 4 Mod Load Order if your the same kind of mod user as me.

This would really help me get back into my old game file with mods already installed but I would like an overhaul of what I could be using such as a mod batch file of all the new weapons added from mods or a batch of new armors.

In any case any reply or advice would be appreciated thanks again Nexus for your hard work.

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Some favorites of mine are:

Horizon - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17374/? -- Its a Survival overhaul to bring balance and challenge throughout the entire game, beginning to end.

Super Mutant Redux - great mod

Raider Overhaul WIP - great mod, same author

Locksmith - allows you to lock things, saved my butt many times. Keep settlers from steeling weapons.

Fusion City Rising - quests, very large. Includes new land

Vivid Fallout series - A bunch of mods that improve performance while also making Fallout look better. Search 'vivid'

Makeshift Anti-Materiel Rifle - cool pipe sniper rifle, with lots of attachments

Tree house player home - very cool tree house home

Ammo Schematics - Nicely made ammo mod. Must find the schematics before being able to make any.

Ellen - companion and quest mod

War of the Commonwealth - It can greatly increase the number of potential enemies. Very cool!


I have about 250 mods, and I'd recommend all of them...

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Shadow Boost





Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction



Eh sorry I just fired it up again after finals and these were very helpful with performance.


So other mods, these are really awesome ones that haven't been mentioned and I think get overlooked as well as under endorsed.


Gameplay changing mods:

Salvage Beacons,

Vault Tec Accelerated Focus System

Shell Rain

Passive Screen Shake Remover

Long Range Bullet Holes

Survival Options

Automatron Dialogue Fix


Fun Mods

Atomic Radio <---Worth a lot of laughs


Settlement Mods

Thematic and Practical

Weapon Brackets

Solar Power

Do it yourself clutter

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