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RAGE and Kane and Lycnh 2


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The companies that made these games decided to spend all the money that would go towards bribing game critics and spent them on enhancing game play. The reviews Ive seen on these games are insane half of the issues written about them are completely made up and everything unique and special about the games arent even mentioned in most cases.



RAGE: I clocked 36 hours of gametime within 5 days of getting this game and Im going to tell you that you have not had fun until youve decapitated someone with a wingstick and then blown up his buddies with an RC car strapped with C4. Yes the game ran horribly on launch. Why? The graphics card companies didnt release the proper drivers on launch so no one had the software to run the game. Id however did drop the ball by not letting us tweak the graphics settings but this has already been fixed.


Obviously the graphics of the game are amazing and the gameplay features and story couldnt be more perfect for it. Just remember that this is a FPS and not a Fallout game which is what all the critics seem to have expected it to be. All in all the game is exactly what Id was trying to make a modernized shooter and it shows Id isnt a dinosaur they invented the FPS with Wolfenstein and Doom and re-invented it with RAGE.



Kane and Lynch 2: When I got this game I played it for 3 hours in 1 session. Then I collapsed in the bathroom. Okay not really but thats what I felt like. This is the only games ive played in years that made me tired(physically worn out.) in years. The action is so intense Im surprised people didnt get PTSD from it. In short they succeeded in hitting that "most realistic combat experience ever " mark.


A lot of what I saw complaining about this game was that it had "repetitive and boring gameplay." Um...its a cover shooter, its gears of war but instead of chainsaw guns you have throw-able gas cans and your shooting at people. You know what I hated about half life 2? The fact that you were playing a completely different game every freaken level. Smart game developers know gameplay needs to be regular and continuous unless you cannot for the life of you make good gameplay.


The other thing I found that people were complaining about was the camera. It gave people motion sickness and looked like crap they said. Well, people also get seizures from playing games, your own medical history is not the fault of the game developers. As for the camera no other game has ever used anything like it and i really hope the trend continues. The static, light glare, and other effects that make it look like a real camera adds to the intensity of the game(it simulates pain reactions and sensory overload of loud noises like explosions.). The camera style also allows the game to go where no game has gone before since all nudity and extreme gore is covered up by digital censoring effect it lets them add more violence and nudity. In fact in 1 level your entirely naked and its not like MGS2 wear you are covering up your crotch the whole time and can suddenly do cartwheel kicks.




In conclusion: Game critics are the worst and you should really get these games if you like FPSs or cover shooters.


well said, I mostly agree with you, But inscribing a generalized term for game critics? that's pretty far fetched if you ask me. I tend to go for not-so-rich gaming websites like Rock-Paper-Shotgun (PC gaming since 1887) or RipTen (Guess that's how Rifton changed to Riften in Skyrim... :whistling:), they give far better reviews while also citing community problems.


I think that bugs can never deduce the amount of Fun you can squeeze out of a Game. take Mount And Blade, it's by far one of the most entertaining RPGs I've ever played, technically, however, it's sub-par. on the contrary, game critics reviewed them Fairly, and I must add, the fairness of Critic's reviews, is pretty relative.

Edited by Ihoe
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@ Halororor ... surely you got the updates for your graphics card from Steam ... yes i know it was a bit slow but damn it was worth it ... just a quick one here for you, do you follow the reviews from NAG ?


@ CommanderCrazy ... I'll definitely look for the older ones ... fantasy and apocolyptic games have always been my loves but after playing Saints Row, I'm ready for anything.


Mafia 2 is it worth it ?

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Mafia 2 is it worth it ?


I enjoyed it quite a bit, and with the free ride mod there's plenty of replayability. It's not an RPG, its more of a GTA-style game with a much better story.

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@ Halororor ... surely you got the updates for your graphics card from Steam ... yes i know it was a bit slow but damn it was worth it ... just a quick one here for you, do you follow the reviews from NAG ?


I haven't played the game again yet since uninstalling it, so I'm not sure how much the new drivers helped. I might try it out again in a few months when my backlog is a bit smaller.


I don't really buy the NAG any longer. Stopped about a year ago because by the time I got the magazine, I already know all the contents from reading it on the internet. I do still frequent their forums and read the reviews from their official site, though.

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The only reason I hated Rage was it didn't have high-res textures. Which made the game look like half-assed garbage. Well that and the fact it was barely even playable at first before the patch. They totally said screw you PC gamers :wallbash: Bethesda went half-assed AGAIN by releasing some cover-up technology bullcrap to make the bland textures look a little more clearer. I was totally ready for them to release the full high-res pack like they did for Skyrim so I could pick it up again. Nope


As for Kane & Lynch 2. White-knuckle action thru the whole thing. Def an amazing piece of work :thumbsup:


Got a little off topic there, just venting :whistling: critics don't know what they are talking about. Just like movies. It looks interesting? Play it and don't take others word for it. For instance, people told me Team Fortress 2 was so awesome. One of the worst games I've ever played

Edited by DubstepKid
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