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HDT Physics being weird, stretching to infinity and beyond randomly whenever I enter a new cell.


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So, here's the deal, I use HDT Pysics Extension with mods like HDT Breast and Butt Physics, Illustrious HDT Cloaks and Draconic Bloodline (which requires HDT).
The bouncing breasts, flowing cloaks and Draconic Bloodline loin thing are all working, but whenever I load into a new cell, they have a chance to spazz out and go all stretchy to infinity and beyond, sometimes even continue spazzing, and sometimes when I load a new cell, it gets fixed...

I have no idea what is wrong, I'm fairly certain I've installed everything correctly, I've been modding for a few years now, so I know how it's done, for the majority, and whenever I use delicate mods like this I make sure to install them in the exact correct and best order, provided by various people in the community.

Thing is, the only thing I know of that causes spazzing like this, and could very much cause them to go all stretchy if spazzing out too much, is NPCs spawning right next to each other or on/in each others cloaks etc.
Would this be possible? Then the collision must be the problem, but Illustrious have no option to turn off collision.

I know too low FPS or higher FPS than 60 can cause glitches, but I use v-sync and have steady 60FPS...
BUT, when I load a cell, the FPS might not be 60 FPS at the start, and this seems, from my experience, to just be a thing that must be wrong with Skyrim itself...

Any ideas?
Should I just give up on it and switch to no collision on HDT Breast and Butt Physics and just uninstall Illustrious HDT Cloaks?

Edited by Maicol0815
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