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SHDW Andragorn mods


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This is the place where you can post your ideas of improvements regarding my existing mods.

This is my mod list:


-pack01 (will be renamed/made as Araelion set if time & willpower allows)

-pack02 (will be renamed/made as Induin set if time & willpower allows)


-Chelinin (wip)


-pack01 (will be renamed/made as DeVirian set if time & willpower allows)

-pack02 (will be renamed/made as 2 different sets if time & willpower allows)




You can for example say you want a heavy version of X which could have Y and Z and look like steel with..........

Other comments can be posted to the mods comment page of course.

I don't live by doing mods so I'm not saying I would do or release anything. As time allows...


I'm tired of all the endless fine tuning. Haven't really played the game in a year so I shall take my leave now.

Farewell :thumbsup:

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my main comment would be to keep up the GREAT work! and maybe add the matching weapons to the sotonhorian armor(my favorite ever) as one download. love the leather wrap on the induin(i think thats the name) claymore!


p.s. any fix in the works for the little black square on the front of the sotonhorian armor?

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Hi, I was just wondering what, if any, body replacers these work with. Love the Sonhorian, downloading now.

The only reason I ask is because it says in the read-me to not convert to other bodies, but doesn't say if it comes converted for any specifically.

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I cannot say with what body mods these works, because I do have any body mods installed. The reason why I don't have body mods is I don't run around naked nor in 3rd person view so it does not matter how the character looks naked.

This is how the cloths and armors work in standard Oblivion:

When you don't have gauntlets on, the game loads the bare hand mesh(nif). If you put on fingerless gauntlets or bracers, the game loads that bracers.nif. This means the bracers.nif must include the the fingers you want to see.

If you make a cuirass with no sleeves you must have the bare arms included in the cuirass.nif otherwise your arms dissapear ingame.

In other words, the game does not add armor parts on top of some naked base model, it completely replaces the target body part.

So you need to find out what your chosen body mod does because these are made for standard Oblivion. Of course the fingers are from original Oblivion.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm losing my nerves with TES CS and the way things work. I have tried several ways of adding my shop somewhere only to find out that it doesn't really work this way... ...WAAAAAARG!!

So if you know how to use TES CS, have free time and want to do me a shop, I would be slightly happier.

-the shop would be a ship at the docks of Anvil (it can be just a copy paste of an existing ship there)

-it must have a door which links to the interior place where Andragorn will be selling weapons and armors.

-I want a working merchant (Andragorn, a dunmer, I will tune the face)

-the plugin *must not* use anything from other mods nor contain anthing from the official expansions (like Shivering...)

-the interior should have a few shelves etc. where I can then put something


If interested reply here


no need to bother

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