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Attempting to cosmetically add staffs on back


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Hello everyone,

I generally like to use the .ini edit " bDisableGearedUp=0" when playing skyrim to make my character feel more armed. At the moment, I am attempting to mod the meshes for various staffs such as the Staff of Magnus to act as a two handed sword so that I can favorite the item and have it on my back while I play.

I take the existing meshes, duplicate and rename them, and then attempt to modify the meshes in as a two handed sword. I put in the correct meshes as both a world object and 1st person model, but when I load the file in it won't work. The staff appears as if it is a staff and not a two handed sword when you first equip it, but when you swing it around it and put it away it will vanish and no longer be viewable. It will have the animations of a two handed sword though.

It doesn't seem to be a texture issue, because when you first equip it, it shows up in your hand as a staff like it normally would. Any recommendations?

Thanks for your time,

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