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Using cave as home


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Any draw back in using caves as home and stash your loots there? Unless the game resets and wipes out items in a certain place when you reenter, then I think it's a great way to save 5K of hard-earned gold coin.


Any comment is appreciated.



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This information might be useful to you.


Benefits of Home-Owning


Owning a house comes with several benefits. You must be approved by the local Jarl of each major city, then a home can be

purchased and decorated by the Steward.


1. Each house includes non-respawning containers where items can be safely stored.


2. Sleeping in a bed you own gives a temporary boost to your Health and Magicka.


3. If married, your spouse will wait for you in your house.


4. There is no limit to the amount of houses you can own.




I'm assuming that number 1 means that if you leave your junk lying around, it will eventually re-spawn to where it came from.


It's good to see that you can see my point. I can see it now. "Hey guys, I have 10 billion gazillion gold. But I live in a cave. It's nice and cozy. The ceiling drips a bit, but there's all these burial urns lying around to catch the water."

Edited by mgordon
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Why not join a college of Winterhold? It's a nice location with lots of loot, five containers, bed, and many other conveniences. Not to mention it's completely free - and a mage is going to spend a lot on those spelltomes, enchanted equipment and so on.
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I stashed a load of gear in an open cave at the very start of my game, i couldn't tell you if it was still there because i never went back for it, i assume not.


Well this is not quite a cave, but it might be the next best thing:



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You can try storing ur loot in various giant camps. The one near duskman cairn in whiterun(where u and farkas had to go adventure) doesnt respawn(i think). I left some loot there as a test and 1 month later i came back, they were still there.


offtopic: i like to store my items, stolen goods, skooma( i m a skooma addict :P), stolen people's clothes(pickpocket lv 100) etc etc in my house in whiterun. But i just go around sleeping in other people's beds and bedrolls etc etc.

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