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Anything related to animations dosent work


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Whenever i try to do anything related to animations that dont involve transformations or walking (for example: riding a dragon, smithing, enchanting etc.) i become unable to move my character, but after a few seconds i can move my character again, i discovered this when i was trying to make an armor (i was able to "make" the armor, thanks alternative crafting system) also i cannot ride Sahrotaar, because of this i had to use the setstage command, was kinda glitchy at first but in the end it worked.

It affects mods aswell.

Yes i did try a clean save but sadly it didnt work


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It sounds like an FNIS problem. Make sure that when you are updating FNIS that there are no errors in the log as it scrolls down. It also could be a load order issue if your master files are out of order. If you want, feel free to post your load order. I use LOOT to post mine. The 3 dots in the upper right, just click them and copy your load order, then paste it here.

Edited by snelss0
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Here it is.

0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Falskaar.esm
6 6 daymoyl.esm
7 7 ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp
8 8 HearthfireMultiKid.esp
9 9 Severin Manor -6 Adoptable Children.esp
10 a TropicalSkyrimOptimised.esp
11 b Tropical Skyrim.esp
12 c LC_BecomeJarlofIvarstead.esp
13 d Undeath.esp
14 e Sam's Travelling Caravan.esp
15 f Tropical Skyrim -- Birds.esp
16 10 NorthernCardinal.esp
17 11 Tame Beast.esp
18 12 MiraakFollower.esp
19 13 daymoyl_DawnguardAddon.esp
20 14 vampiric grip no cost.esp
21 15 Ebon Mine.esp
22 16 Aethernautics.esp
23 17 AK- Alternate Actors.esp
24 18 AlternativeCraftingSystem.esp
25 19 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
26 1a Brawl Bugs CE.esp
27 1b Follower Limit Increased.esp
28 1c Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp
29 1d Brevi - Moonlight Tales Addon-Immersive.esp
30 1e Burning Skies.esp
31 1f Darksiders 2 Death Scythe.esp
32 21 LFox No Nightingale Power Cooldown.esp
33 22 LPBards.esp
34 23 LPSleep.esp
35 24 MoreTraining_50.esp
36 25 pick100.esp
37 26 RaceMenu.esp
38 27 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
39 28 SkyUI.esp
40 29 Vampire OverLord.esp
41 2a vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp
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1. Make sure you aren't using a controller to play your Skyrim.
2. Racemenu compatible with Alternate Actors, which may be your problem.
3. One or more of your mods may rely on you using Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition and the bugs it fixes to work properly. I suggest getting this patch and make sure you have all your mods updated for this.
4. Tame Beasts is likely not compatible with follower related mods. While it might be compatible with your AFT, it may not be with your extended follower mod, your Alternate actors or anything else that manipulates NPC scripts. Also it mentions being incompatible with part of Tropical Skyrim, so make sure that this isn't something ongoing in your game.

5. I don't know what it is about Undeath, but anyone who asks on the forums who has strange issues in their game that I can't readily explain, often have this mod installed. If it were me, it wouldn't be worth it. If you enjoy the mod, I suggest you start a new profile with just this mod installed and see if it causes issues in your game.

6. Make sure also that you don't tame werebeasts as they are bugged and could cause issues in your game with Tame beasts.
I would move Alternate Actors below race menu in your load order, then your SkyUI and your Racemenu up higher in the list. While not needed persay, they might work better in that position. Just be advised that anytime you move/alter/delete a mod, because skyrim bakes information into your saves, you should start a new game so that Skyrim isn't looking for those abandoned scripts anymore. These can cause all sorts of issues in your game. If you don't want to start a new game, there are some programs that clean scripts for your skyrim game, but they don't work 100% I hear.

As I said, I think it may be FNIS related or Skeleton related. I suggest installing both of these just incase one or more of your mods require them. For a skeleton, I suggest Xp32 maximum Skeleton extended, and as for load order, put XPMSE at the bottom of your load order with FNIS right above it. Make sure you update your FNIS as per the instructions on his page or as I'm sure someone on youtube can show you if you don't know how.


7. If all else fails, you can uninstall your mods, activate them 1 by 1 and on a new game, wait to see which one is the culprit.

Edited by snelss0
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1. I never ever used controllers on computer games.


2. I have uninstalled both then started a new game, unfortunately it didnt work


3. I have installed it today, i thought it was going to work but it didnt


4. I had other playthroughs in the past, all of them used tame beasts, AFT and extended follower and this never happened


5. I have uninstalled it, made a new game and then again, it was not working.


6. What are those programs called? didnt tame any werebeasts (usually i only tame frostbite spiders) and installed both FNIS and Xp32 maximum skeleton extended and their requirements, and it also didnt work.


7. I have not tried it yet, i hope this works, i will edit this if it works or not


Sorry if i sounded rude or something in this big text

EDIT it worked! i disabled all the mods and started a new game and it worked!

why was my game like that and why does it only occur on that save

Edited by mihtril
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I'm not sure what the programs are called, but if you googled script cleaner for Skyrim it may come up with something.

As for it working, like I said, Skyrim bakes scripts into your game, so starting a new game is essential when it comes to testing to see if any change has made a difference because none of those scripts are working anymore on the new game.

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