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Drea Castle


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a long time ago a dream about a catsel.. a big castle ..a great Castle...a beautifulle Castle


a Castle with ingredens sorter..


with hidden areas


a great garden


Spellmake alltars etc


a lot of rooms


a smithy


a great pool


a big kitchen


with a cook who can bake bread or cook somthing for you


a wife or so


a magic area






dark secrets


a vampire area


a booksorter


a great an safe treasury


an assasine or an thiefe or so ^^


an guardarmor and weapons


an owne history/ quest ( not to long)


a lot of npc´s


gigant rooms guest quartes


alchemie lab .....


an a lot of other stuff...


but i can´t find nearly a castel..or only a house like this...



a I.sorter her


gurds there .usw.



but not all this great things in 1 MOD =(



i love oblivion and i wish me this great castle... :closedeyes:


now sombody of you where i can find somthing like this ?? :confused:


or can somone make this mode ?? the greatest castle ever !!! i can not do this.. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


but here are so many great modder who can do this.. :whistling:



Pleas help me and tell me what you think of my .."Dream Castle " :mellow:


Thanks a lot

:thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:



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Try Quartz's 'Glenvar Castle' http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8235

It has most of what you are asking for, plus much you didn't think of. In fact the only things on your list it doesn't have is a wife and an assassin.


Actually, for this castle you are dreaming far too small! If you want a dream castle, at least dream BIG!!


Add, waterfalls, great view, complete staff - trainers, cook, private secretary (She could be a wife I suppose) maid, guards (with castle livery) merchant, pets, stable. Not one but TWO fantastic quests. Not one bathing pool, but 2 one for the staff and one private, stables, sheep pen, gardener, fountains, detailed history, custom decor, Several display areas, lots of display cases, lots of storage and probably more that I don't remember. The vault will blow you away (if you can find it)


Its not free. you will have to work very hard to get the castle. But believe me, and several hundred other players, its worth the effort.


Once you have downloaded the castle, go to the forum thread for clues. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=29517

Whatever questions you have they are already answered there. But you have to look for them.


If you really want a wife, check out Jumonji's companion Rihanna http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8964 In my opinion the best looking companion mod in the game. And she insists on sleeping in your bed. Or pick up several companions and have a harem, their's lots of room for them.


Then for an assassin, check out the CM Companions. There is probably at least one in the 50 or so available companions.

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I know this castle



an hour befor i complett the quests ;)


but its not this what i whish.. its a very very great castle..but not so perfec :(


and the things you say had to be in "my castle " too.


Im not able to modd somthing ( i don´t understood)


and i hope ther is a castle like this.. thats more greater than Glenvar


thanks for your answer ;)

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