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Need help solving a running animation glitch


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As you can see here: https://gfycat.com/ImpassionedAnyBasil, every time I run, my character sort of "teleports" backwards before running. I'm assuming it's due to mods, but I haven't been able to pinpoint the cause.

Here is my mod list:
Part 1 http://i.imgur.com/p9rhWFk.png
Part 2 http://i.imgur.com/sRMkHtp.png
Part 3 http://i.imgur.com/oPZ0pq6.png
Part 4 http://i.imgur.com/9vGLOwI.png

I've tried disabling Elegant Archery and the Bowlegged animation fix, but neither changed anything. Has anyone else run into this issue or have any ideas as to what's causing it?


I have no warnings or anything in LOOT, if that helps.

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