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Fire and Magic heat wave ?


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Ok guys here's my problem,

I see a wave of heat when i stend in front of fire, It seem's to be mostly the fire that are used in the building (the square stone with fire) mostly this one... outside it seems to be less frequent, but when magic is used, i see a wave of heat, just like fire !!! WTF ... it's really anoying !

I have no mod installed yet ! Thanks for further reply guys !




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This is a post processing effect built into the game's shaders. I believe you can turn them all off in the settings panel of the pause menu but, unfortunately, there is no way to turn off specific effects...


Alternatively you could look into ENBseries enhancement mods which have the capability of replacing Skyrim's post processing with it's own. It's highly customizable but it may or may not be capable for you to achieve exactly what you want with it.


Realistic Lighting Without Post Processing may or may not be worth looking into as well. I believe it alters Skyrim's default post processing through plugins, but I haven't really looked into it myself.


Edit: It may also be possible to edit the spells themselves assuming they have some sort of trigger value stored in their records.


Edit Edit: If you're going with the third route, post processing information could also potentially be stored in the animation itself (viewable in NifSkope and/or a 3d modelling program) so if the plugin records don't turn up anything thoroughly check them out in NifSkope too.

Edited by MShoap13
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