ThisAintTheWay Posted December 12, 2016 Share Posted December 12, 2016 Hello. So, a few days ago, Skyrim was working all right. Yet now, it's suddenly crashing whenever I play it for one or two minutes and sometimes even at the loading screen. I've tried using LOOT and Tes5Edit to see if it was any mods I had, and while they did show some warnings, it was nothing serious, and I've already "fixed it". But it keeps crashing. Could someone help me? My load order, if it helps: Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmRSkyrimChildren.esmRaceCompatibility.esmDERDeepElfRace.esmApachiiHair.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmRSChildren - Complete.espRSChildren_V.espTribunal Maskes by Zairaam.espTribunal Robes by Zairaam.espeasysmith.espadoptAventusAretino.espAdoptAventusPatch - RSChildren - Complete.espCharacter Creation Overhaul.espRAS - Riverwood CharGen.espRSChildren_DB.espDaedric Mage Armor.espDwemer Beards.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espSkyUI.espPlayer Size Adjuster.esp3DNPC.espShadow Remover.espCookingSupplies_HF.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espInigo.espRandom Alternate Start.espEvil MasterMind Armor.espThalmorStandalone.espElvenHelmetFix.espMarriable Serana.espHothFollower.espbattleflute.espThom.espSBF All In One + DLC.espNonEssentialChildren.espRSChildren_PatchNEC.espHumanoidVampires.espTBMTrueSnowElf.espSuccubusRaceLite.espInigoMCM.espKrev The Skinner's Mantle by Hothtrooper44.espPatch - Interesting NPCs - RS kids.espChange Follower Outfits Redux.espDigitigradeKhajiit+ArgonianRaptor.espImperial Mage Armor by Natterforme.espDPArmor.espPrettyKhajiit.espMarriable Serana HF.espCute Serana.espSerana No Hood.espCute Adoptable.espCute Babette.espBasvanbeu MuscleTextureChanger with Navetsea set.espnavetsea female face preset.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted December 13, 2016 Share Posted December 13, 2016 1. I would suggest you use the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch. It fixes a lot of bugs and while some people like said bugs, it also plays nice with a lot of your mods. If you do get it, make sure you update each of your mods to reflect the usage of this. I know RS Children has a patch for USLEEP as a separate mod.2. I would suggest to move your Random Alternate Start to the bottom of your load order. While not necessarily required like Alternate Start - LAL, it does work better there.3. To fix your main problem, I would suggest trying first to simply defrag/restart your computer/steam client. See if that works. If not, try to delete your skyrim, update, dawnguard, hearthfires, dragonborn .esms from your skyrim/data folder, then revalidate your game cache through steam. Some people this has worked for. Make sure you reclean your master files after this with TES5Edit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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