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Hogwartz Castle Morrowind


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Hello everyone, I am looking to put together a team of people to create Hogwartz castle from Harry Potter in Morrowind! Here is a screenie of the castles floor plans I found online:



I myself am fairly knowledgeable with navigating around the CS. I am good at making interiors and exteriors. I have even dabbled in re-texturing a bit in Nifscope. One thing I am not very good with however, is scripting. I have the Morrowind Mod Maker’s Bible, but I still havent gotten around to really getting into the scripting elements. I would like there to be quests you can do in the castle. I have a lot of ideas for it, so I am hoping others will maybe want to help me. Anyone who is good in any field is welcome to join in on this mod, the more, the better. If you are intrested, please comment on the post and let me know what you can do, thanks Chthonian.

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A mod similar to what you want exists now. It's not a faithful reproduction, but it is inspired by Hogwarts.

Sadrith Mora Academy of Magecraft



Well thats quite the bummer.... Guess realistically I couldn't have called in Hogwartz anyway.... Well oh well, I have another good idea for a mod I need some people for, I'll make a thread about it. And this ideas completely lore friendly.

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