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Hi everyone in this great community.


Guess some of you watched the WEREDRAGON MOD already. The only mod afaik that can turn the player into a dragon.


I mean this one with epic potential:






Hayk94 (the modder of this nice mod) tries to find a solution to make the player/dragon fly. If any modder, coder or someone who has a really serious idea to keep it running... or better flying.... reads this he might contact Hayk94.


It would be great to see this mod finished and 100% working.

I know it is difficoult. But I saw some really nice mods already and I'm shure it IS possible.


Thank you very much for the attention.



Edited by Bloodmane1987
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The first thing I'd look into is what makes the vanilla dragons in the game fly. Check all their records and sub-records in Skyrim.esm and look into their scripts and maybe even their AI packages. Depending on what you found there it could be possible to write a script (that may or may not require SKSE or some other extender) which would allow the player to fly as a "WereDragon".


I'd probably also look into a better name for the state of being transformed into a dragon, but that's just me. :tongue:


Edit: Also, it may or may not be helpful to look into the "Dragons of Akatosh" mod for Oblivion as the guys behind that pulled off crude flight (felt more like levitation but whatever) using SKSE years ago, and their approach could be helpful in learning how to make the transformed player character flyable.

Edited by MShoap13
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Discussed numerous times. Anyways, we need the CK because all the scripts are in compiled format, and unless you care to decode them by hand with a hex editor, they'll stay that way until the CK comes out.


PEX Decompiler and PEX Compiler.

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