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The Women of Orsinium


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Generally speaking, I really like the women to be found in the Orc settlements.


First off, it's somewhat difficult to imbue them with Barbie level cuteness as they are


rather rough hewn by design. That's extremely satisfying.


Secondly, the one and only Orc female vanilla voice is the oral equivalent of


coarse grit sandpaper. I love it. Too bad the designer gods didn't see fit to


create more than one type. Seriously hope they rectify that in the next


iteration of TES. Wonder if there are any Orc mods with a unique voice


for the female Orcs?


Third, the Orc women have, possibly, the strongest personalities in the game,


though I freely admit that just about all the women in the game are definitely


not of the pushover type.


Okay, got that off my chest. More rant later...unless the Watcher in the Aether


slaps my hand.

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