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Wooden Mask Mod


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1) As the Vanilla game has it, the wooden mask brings you to the "Bromjunaar Sanctuary" only when your inside the mounded room, located just outside Labyrinthian.


2) What if someone modded it to be able to bring you to the "Bromjunaar Sanctuary" not just when you are in the mounded room, but instead, where ever you are.


- The benefit of this would be: you would have 2 portable chests where ever you go, and I think it would just be cool feature.


Thanks guys,



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Well, I think that the idea of the mask is that it teleports just from the sanctuary.

So this would be kinda lore-breaking.

Maybe so that you'd need to do a short quest to power up the effect?

Like, collect some black soul gems and smash them onto the mask by using some magical anvil or something?

Nothing too hard, but something.


Or someone can just make it a cheat mod.

Tough I believe that the returning from sanctuary is not easy thing to make, without CK that is.

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1) As the Vanilla game has it, the wooden mask brings you to the "Bromjunaar Sanctuary" only when your inside the mounded room, located just outside Labyrinthian.


2) What if someone modded it to be able to bring you to the "Bromjunaar Sanctuary" not just when you are in the mounded room, but instead, where ever you are.


- The benefit of this would be: you would have 2 portable chests where ever you go, and I think it would just be cool feature.


Thanks guys,




Make it a lore quest. Perhaps, in order to power up the Wooden Mask, you would need destroy all of the nine dragon priest masks, powder them up, and use the forges and smithing to level up the mask.



1a) In order to destroy a mask, you need an artifact weapon or perhaps a legendary anvil/hammer?

1b) Perhaps, you need to be 100 Enchanting so that you have the power to break such enchantments? That, as well as multiple Fortify Enchantment gear/potions, and you have to be using a specific Ench Table at a certain time of day?


2) To powder them, you would need the help of a giant, perhaps there are quests you can do so that you come to be on friendly terms with the giants. Offers of mead, perhpas, or saving/rescuing mammoths from poachers. Maybe freeing a mammoth or giant from that has been trapped/caged somewhere. Then, they will grind the masks into powder.


3)Once this has been down, you need to take the powder and the wooden mask, and forge them in all of the special forges: Skyforge, Lunar Forge. Perhaps the Lunar Forge can only be used during the midnight hour, I dunno.

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