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Ethereal Elven Overhaul face problems


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Hello again everybody. This is my second post in the troubleshooting forums in the last few days, and damn do I feel like an irresponsible modder!


Anyways, this time I'm having issues with Ethereal Elven Overhaul. When installed, the face textures on elves become ridiculously smooth and lacking much detail/definition. Basically, my elves look absolutely NOTHING like the screenshots on the EEO Nexus page.


That's all fine and well. I've decided I probably shouldn't be running EEO anyhow, considering I'm running a million and a half mods that make changes to NPCs, which is bound to cause problems. So... I completely removed EEO via MO. However, the face textures for elves didn't change back to what they were before I added EEO! They are still the low-def putty faces! I checked the textures/meshes folders for any traces left behind by EEO, but there's nothing!


Anyways, at this point I just want my old elven faces back, I'm not really interested in trying to make EEO work considering it's potential for conflict with other mods I'm running. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks again people of Nexus! I love your faces! :)


My load order: https://modwat.ch/u/Antisanta

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All EEO data is out of my load order, but even starting a new game doesn't work. I also tried reinstalling Better Females/No More Block Faces/CBBE, etc,etc, to try to get the elven faces back to what they were, but to no avail. Has anyone heard of, or had this problem before? Does anyone know how to roll the head textures/meshes back to their original state (by which I mean Better Females)?


Sorry if I'm being too persistent, it's just really bugging me. XD

Edited by zachslime
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Thanks for the reply! I'll try that out. Is that going to cause any issues with Better Females or No More Blocky Faces, by chance? Also, I was under the impression that MO dealt with BSA unpacking on its own. Am I incorrect on that?

MO creates a folder of its own and chooses conflict winners based on mod order. Plugin order is a different story. but to answer your question, I haven't had to deal with unpacking BSAs in MO.

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