ghastlyrabbit Posted December 14, 2016 Share Posted December 14, 2016 Gif of problem: This flicker has survived enb reinstallation, archive invalidation, loot sorting, verify integrity of game cache, and many mod uninstallations or reinstallations. I don't know what else to do to fix it and I'm not new to modding. I don't want to uninstall the game as if I do I'll probably never reinstall it. Mod load order, if any of you can spot problems with it let me know: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 ArmorKeywords.esm 2 2 Snap'n Build.esm 3 3 DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp 4 4 RichMerchants.esp 5 5 BobbleGirl.esp 6 6 imm_nar.esp 7 7 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp 8 8 Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp 9 9 Adjustable UI Volume Sliders.esp 10 a RainofBrassPetals.esp 11 b LooksMirror.esp 12 c QuickEnterFromStand.esp 13 d QuickExitToStand.esp 14 e slootyVaultSuit.esp 15 f oilrig.esp 16 10 Fallons Restored.esp 17 11 Homeplate Renovation.esp 18 12 SuperDuperMart.esp 19 13 MegaExplosions_x1.5.esp 20 14 Armorsmith Extended.esp 21 15 WastelandFashionAccessories.esp 22 16 GAGalleria.esp 23 17 Rebuilt_SeriesPrewarHouses.esp 24 18 HubrisComics.esp 25 19 WelcometoGoodneighbor.esp 26 1a Cuts and Blunts 3.0.esp 27 1b KSHairdos.esp 28 1c BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp 29 1d SummonerOnlyBots.esp 30 1e Passive Camera Shake - Reduced.esp 31 1f RadioReverbFix.esp 32 20 spacefiddle_Follower-Stealth-Distance-Fixes.esp 33 21 CBBE.esp 34 22 Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp 35 23 RadiantBirdsv05.esp 36 24 LongRangeBulletHoles.esp 37 25 slootySynthUniform.esp 38 26 ApalLeotard.esp 39 27 JetPackDrain50.esp 40 28 PowerArmorDrain50.esp 41 29 EasyHacking.esp 42 2a EFF.esp 43 2b Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - AiO.esp 44 2c Mystic Pines.esp 45 2d Cannibal.esp 46 2e WBO.esp 47 2f BURN baby, BURN!.esp 48 30 WBO-BetterModDescriptions.esp 49 31 Lasers Have No Recoil.esp 50 32 MoBettaScrap.esp 51 33 NPCLimitedAmmo.esp 52 34 Weapons of Fate.esp 53 35 Weapons of Fate - Reduced Bullet Speed.esp 54 36 Third Rail Nightclub Update.esp 55 37 AllCamoUniforms.esp 56 38 AllCamoUniformsAddon01.esp 57 39 AllCamoUniformsAddon02.esp 58 3a AllCamoUniformsMods.esp 59 3b MODaquatic.esp 60 3c nvvault1080.esp 61 3d NAC.esp 62 3e True Shadows - Vanilla.esp 63 3f Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp 64 40 BoylstonClub.esp 65 41 AlootHomePlate.esp 66 42 Underground RailroadNODLC.esp 67 43 AA FusionCityRising.esp 68 44 Killable Children.esp 69 45 RemoveBlur.esp 70 46 Insignificant Object Remover.esp 71 47 Prismatic - Laser Colors by Diranar.esp 72 48 Prismatic - Laser Colors Institute by Diranar.esp 73 49 Glorious_Glowing_Plasma_Weapons_by_Diranar.esp 74 4a ImprovedNuke.esp 75 4b LooksMenu.esp 76 4c rfortaleza2.esp 77 4d rfortaleza2_AE.esp 78 4e ESK_NoTeleportingBoth.esp 79 4f Moon Size x2.esp 80 50 Hair for Children.esp 81 51 Children Extended.esp 82 52 K9TacticalHarness.esp 83 53 Crimsomrider's Military Pin-Up Outfit.esp 84 54 Crimsomrider's Cowboys & Cowgirls Outfit Pack.esp 85 55 BetterFlareLight.esp 86 56 BlurKillerBase.esp 87 57 MoreNoticeableHitEffect_Hardcore.esp 88 58 lowHP_greyscale.esp 89 59 Eli_ArmourCollection.esp 90 5a rpampas.esp 91 5b SaveManager.esp 92 5c PushAwayCompanions.esp 93 5d PushAwayCompanions_PushAnyoneOnSettlements.esp 94 5e slootyVaultSuit - AWKCR Compatibility.esp 95 5f AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp 96 60 Crafting Workbench.esp 97 61 Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp 98 62 Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Expanded.esp 99 63 Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp100 64 Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp101 65 Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp102 66 Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp103 67 NanoArmor.esp104 68 NanoArmor_AWKCR_AE.esp105 69 AllCamoUniformsWorkbench.esp106 6a SilentProtagonist.esp107 6b No Aggro Impact Landing.esp108 6c HN66Fo4_Nails.esp109 6d RedWave.esp110 6e Snap'n Build - craftable holo-tape.esp111 6f Snap'n Build - reinitialize fix.esp112 70 Crossbow.esp113 71 Eli_MarlboroughHouseNODLC.esp114 72 VALENTINE.esp115 73 AnotherLife.esp116 74 OverpassTrailer.esp117 75 Skyship Welder.esp118 76 walkers.esp119 77 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp120 78 EoW_PeopleoftheCommonwealth.esp121 79 CompRedo.esp122 7a Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp123 7b mafia.esp124 7c DWT_Cricket_and_Guards.esp125 7d DWT_DocWeathers_and_Guards.esp126 7e DWT_Lucas_and_Guards.esp127 7f WZWildWasteland.esp128 80 GlowingSeaApartment.esp129 81 MaxwellsWorl.esp130 82 PlaneWreck.esp131 83 rvsofthecommonwealth.esp132 84 Back Bay Penthouse.esp133 85 Goodneighbor Apartment.esp134 86 GasMaskSoundEffect.esp135 87 MPPA - More Powerful Power Armor.esp136 88 UnderwaterBaseV1.0.esp137 89 Eli_Rockin Red Rocket.esp138 8a BoBoTenPennyV3.esp139 8b Orphans.esp140 8c WastelandFashion.esp141 8d BetterSettlers.esp142 8e BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp143 8f DiverseChildren.esp144 90 Spartan-Calyps.esp145 91 WET.esp146 92 UniqueUniques.esp147 93 NukaRadBans.esp148 94 WraparoundNVG.esp149 95 Crimsomrider's Tomb Raider Accessories.esp150 96 DavesPoses.esp151 97 el_precursorsuit.esp152 98 CLS (Base).esp153 99 VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem.esp154 9a Animated Chems.esp155 9b Masks.esp156 9c Crimsomrider's Tomb Raider.esp157 9d GITS_suit_by_OniNigma.esp158 9e Immersive Waiting.esp159 9f DOOMGlock.esp160 a0 AtomCatGarage.esp161 a1 Waterworld.esp162 a2 Waterworld - Puddle Fix.esp163 a3 SuperNaturalEyes.esp164 a4 NewNeonEyes.esp165 a5 Glowing Eyes.esp166 a6 ArbiterEyes.esp167 a7 ChrisAnimeEyes.esp168 a8 Lacy Underwear.esp169 a9 FahrenheitComp.esp170 aa Immersive HUD Lite.esp171 ab Arbitration - Better Combat AI.esp172 ac Disable Enemy Killmove.esp173 ad Arbitration - Reduced Grenade Spam.esp174 ae Arbitration - Farther Grenade Detection.esp175 af Arbitration - Stealth Overhaul.esp176 b0 Arbitration - Sneak Detection Distance Increase (Half).esp177 b1 Arbitration - Fall Damage Overhaul.esp178 b2 Arbitration - Molotov.esp179 b3 GasMaskSFXRingPlus.esp180 b4 FO4Hotkeys.esp181 b5 HN66Fo4_EasyGirl_BS.esp182 b6 dcc-palock.esp183 b7 dcc-follower-ranger.esp184 b8 DiamondCityMoreSecurity.esp185 b9 Ephla's Outposts.esp186 ba UnderwaterBase.esp187 bb Sorano - Floating Islands.esp188 bc UFOCrashSite.esp189 bd Eli_Bunker.esp190 be DOOMMerged.esp191 bf Harambe Companion.esp192 c0 BunkerHillMinPatrol.esp193 c1 BunkerHillRaidPatrol.esp194 c2 Sorano - Helipad.esp195 c3 NeighborWatch.esp196 c4 DWT_TrashcanCarla_and_Guards.esp197 c5 AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp198 c6 UniqueUniques - WBO Patch.esp199 c7 Experimental Vertibirds.esp200 c8 SPECIAL40.esp201 c9 Enhanced Flickering Firelight.esp202 ca CompVex.esp203 cb CompVictoria.esp204 cc FO4 NPCs Travel.esp205 cd Skibs-IF54Redux.esp206 ce RemoveLocationsCompass.esp Thank you in advance. 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