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Trouble placing navmesh verts


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New to CK, and I've got to the point that I'm trying to navmesh my first cave. I've watched the tutorial by Bethesda and it seems simple enough, I was able to use auto generate to fill my cave nicely, deleted all the "islands" and now I just need to connect the different rooms since for some reason it didnt auto-generate in the halls. However, I was only able to place one new triangle before it went screwy. Every time I try to place a new vertex its being placed exactly where my camera is. Not where I'm looking or clicking, its being placed in the exact spot that the camera is currently in. However, its only in hallways. If I go to one of the larger rooms, I can place them just fine, but no matter how close/far or whatever angle I try, I cant place a vertex in any of the connecting hallways. In case this helps, the hall asset in question is the CaveGHall1Way01Falmer.

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So, no one can help me solve my navmesh problem? Im expanding my cave system and for the most part I'm using larger hallways that are easier to navmesh, but I'd still like to have some smaller ones here and there. It seems like none of the objects in the small hall section of cave pieces can be navmeshed, either generating it or doing it myself. Technically I can still navmesh these hallways, but I'd rather not have to constantly place and then move every single vertex.


Is this something thats just been around and everyone just deals with it? Or am I doing something wrong?

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I'm no authority on navmesh, but I have found it easier, for me, to navmesh by hand, than to auto generate, clean up, and connect. One of the things I realized, for example, was that the space between two beds didn't need every square inch covered in navmesh, artfully cut around chairs and buckets, etc. It needed a simple, rectangular path between the two, wide enough for an NPC to traverse and to be sure that the bed activator (paddles?), from each bed, rest on it. Beyond that, I've noticed no change in how the NPCs behave, between the pain-in-the-butt old way, this way.


To connect yours, and without seeing it, I'm not sure I'm on the right track here, you might try unselecting two of the three selection methods. (selecting whole triangles and selecting just the little dots) Leave active the one that lets you select one side of the triangle. Double click on one, hold shift and double click on the near side of the triangle y ou want to connect to. It should build a path, of however many triangles it takes, to connect the two for you.

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I'm trying to do these by hand since it wont auto generate, but like I said, if I try and place a new vert in any of the small cave hallways, it will place the vert at the camera's current position. Even shortcuts like you mentioned, if I manage to navmesh into the tunnel and I have a clear line of sight between two sets of navmesh (they're called islands?) and I try that shortcut, it wont work.

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I'm trying to do these by hand since it wont auto generate, but like I said, if I try and place a new vert in any of the small cave hallways, it will place the vert at the camera's current position. Even shortcuts like you mentioned, if I manage to navmesh into the tunnel and I have a clear line of sight between two sets of navmesh (they're called islands?) and I try that shortcut, it wont work.


Try zooming in very close to where you want to place your vert, and try to place it that way. I have had a similar issue in the past when you try to place a vert in the floor it winds up on the ceiling or in mid air. Reason being is that the vert is placed on the object where your cursor is. It could be, mist, fog, hanging vines that are part of the hall way ceilings etc...

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Ya, thats what I've been doing, but its real slow. And I thought that was the problem too, those small halls have a lot of stuff in the way. But even if I zoom way out and try to place a vert, it doesnt place it on top of the hall, it still places it at my camera's location. Thats the part that really confuses me, if it was just difficult to place a vert because its so small and things get in the way, that I'd understand. But no matter how far or what ever angle I choose, trying to place a vert anywhere in those small halls results in it being places at my camera.

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