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NPC Reaction to Mods...Or Not.


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There are lots of great character mods available. Some of them are totally unique or bizarre.


Basic ideas for most of them are quite good and very sound in concept. One thing is lacking...no,


or almost no, NPC/societal reaction to them. Basic Skyrim program is, what, too difficult or impossible


to modify so that interaction and reaction can take place? Lots of new dialogue to add, physical reaction, so on.


Imagine being a Dremora character walking into Whiterun? I mean, talk about the fecal matter hitting


the fan!!! The gate guards wouldn't know whether to s...t or go blind. Then there're all the great


half this and half that charmods, complete with horns, scales, fur, etc. Absolutely no reaction to


them by shopkeepers, guards, priests, or whoever. One can even walk one of those characters into


racist Windhelm and no reaction, cause the programming ain't there. Tough to roleplay one of those.



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NPC Reactions mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65243

It doesn't have npcs reacting to monster players - except for Vampires.


But they do react to your appearance: e.g. Markath affiliated NPCs v player wearing Forsworn armour, Nords v player wearing Thalmor armour, etc.


I suppose that I could add reactions for players that are not of any of the default races (or their vampire versions).

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