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Can't save Trigger script...

Guest Messenjah

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Guest Messenjah

So, for some reason, my Trigger script won't save. Does anyone see anything I'm missing?


SCN FFTakeASeatTriggerScript

Short SitDown

Begin OnTriggerEnter

If (GetActionREF==Player)&&(SitDown!=1)
set SitDown to 1

Begin OnTriggerLeave
If (GetActionREF==Player)&&(Sitdown!=0)
set SitDown to 0


Error check with this: http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/utilities/validator.aspx


Shows it to be ok but when I save it into FO:NV, it refuses to save. :\

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Guest Messenjah

Thanks, I finally figured it out after taking a break and playing with it a bit more. It's funny how the GECK is always picky about things like this lol.


Fixed the final script too:


SCN FFTakeASeatTriggerScript

Short TakeSeat

Begin OnTriggerEnter Player

If TakeSeat!=1
Set TakeSeat to 1

Begin OnTriggerLeave Player

If TakeSeat!=0
Set TakeSeat to 0


Makes it a lot simpler. Essentially, I'm setting up a sequence for a lapdance. How I'm approaching this, is I'm sending a dancer to a marker via a travel AI Package. Then, through a quest, the player receives a quest update, telling them to have a seat via a trigger return. Then, when the player sits down, they will collide with another trigger, situated on the seat that will return a value of TakeSeat==1. When this is true, the another AI package for the NPC will start and the conditions for the first AI package will be invalidated due to the return value from the OnTrigger event. When the first AI package starts, the NPC will walk a few steps over to a dance marker and begin to dance, when the AI package starts, the AI packages should reverse. Hopefully....



Another way I suppose I could do it, would be to simply have the OnTrigger event toggle the dance marker on and off.... not sure what this would do though.

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